Matt Jones Slams Most Posters On Rupps Rafters As "Old Idiots"

This guy sums up Jones pretty well.
Matt sucks...and he has no sources....and he is a Dukie...and he steals from Maggard...and I hate his voice...and he is a dirty liberal...and he is mean to Ryan...and he isn't very smart...and he thinks he can beat Mitch McConnell....and he was wrong that one time about something or other...and he doesn't know anything about football....and he gets on my nerves...and he needs to grow up....and he failed as a lawyer...and he gives our fan base a bad name....
Yeah. He even states at times he looks to see what's going on etc. This site is not the end all nor does it represent all the fan base. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. I believe that applies to this board as well.

Thank you Forrest Gump...
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Now it's time to state something about his momma...

As you become older, like me, you realize that one of the saddest, most pathetic things you can do is cling to the illusion that you are younger (and cooler) than you really are.

If the shoe fits Matt...
Matt Jones, on his radio show this morning called out the posters on this message board as being, for the most part, "old idiots". Ouch! Please say it ain't so. I was having a good day...Oh, well...

EDIT: Matt, just saw my post and seemed to me to backtrack from what he said earlier about "old idiots" on this message board. He now says he was only talking about 20 posters on this board being "old idiots". He said these 20 people hated him.. I don't recall him limiting his initial remarks when he made reference to "old idiots" on this message board but I will review his podcast and make a correction if I am wrong. However, to those "20 old idiot" posters on this board who Matt Jones believes "hate him", there appears to be no remorse from Matt.
I'm 27
And I remember Matt here as a poster. I don't like the guy honestly. Didn't like him then. But I think he does a good
Job for the most part as the mouth piece for our sports teams. I don't tune in a lot to his show but when I have it isn't bad at all. But the ppl who hate him Here are greater than 20 and probably of all ages. Did he poach info from HOB when he was getting started? I'm pretty sure he did lol
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For a man that CONSTANTLY raids our board for topics to discuss on his show, you would think he would be more appreciative to all of us "OLD" codgers.[jumpingsmile]

I'm tired of Matt acting as if our board is no longer relevant, when he himself is STILL dependent on us for a lot of his material.

Rupp's Rafters sets the agenda for UK fandom, not KSR!!!!:D
Most creatures do not get old by being idiotic therefore this hypothesis is wrong or it is a lie and we all know DUKIES do not lie .
Oh to be young and hip and know it all like Matt and the young folks today. Like old folks just skipped the first half of their life and started their life experience as old and out of touch out of nowhere.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you...on slow news days you can clearly see where KSR writers come here look at the topics and copy the stories for blog posts. It doesn't bother me there are only a finite amount of UK stories but to then insult the forum that generates content for you is disengenous.
So who is this Matt Jones guy, and what is his claim to fame? I am 66, so I am old. Can't hate someone I don't know.
Matt is using you all, like he said he would rather have you hate him than to not care about him at all, but keep giving him what he wants. He gets everyone over here riled up by putting down the posters here just to get a reaction. You really want to stick it to him? Ignore him. He's playing the haters.
Soon enough his minions will flood this board after they register, and tell us how we all suck. While Matt keeps cashing those fat checks.
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Matt must not be reading the articles his minions post on his site. Quality has went way down over the years. Rarely do I go over there anymore.
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I'm 27
And I remember Matt here as a poster. I don't like the guy honestly. Didn't like him then. But I think he does a good
Job for the most part as the mouth piece for our sports teams. I don't tune in a lot to his show but when I have it isn't bad at all. But the ppl who hate him Here are greater than 20 and probably of all ages. Did he poach info from HOB when he was getting started? I'm pretty sure he did lol

I never had any use for him either but I didn't hate him. He kind of reminded me of John Edwards...yes, that John Edwards..the breck girl...

He bashes this board on the regular. I think what really chaps his ass is the volume this board does. I've heard him allude to it in the past.
My favorite part of this thread is that everyone is hung up on whether the demographics here are young or old.

Most everyone has generally conceded that he was correct that we are all idiots.
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I'm 26 blonde and look great in a bathing suit. I love young men who love other young men that love them. I love everyone except Matt Jones. Matt doesn't understand us at all. He is a want a be Jerry Springer who likes men and boys. Well actually I'm 60 years old and love to fart in church when everyone else is singing. I know the lyrics to Kentucky Rain but I have not sang that song since Elvis passed away. Did Matt Jones ever mention that Elvis died? I would like to play Mattt one on one in a game of horse during the Kentucky Derby, bet I could beat the dummy. Is it supposed to rain Saturday, I'm torn about going to the derby without a hair net. I'm betting on the favorite. She is a longshot called MonkeyLoveJungle she is going off at 200 to 1. I bet the odds go down to around 2 to 1 after Matt Jones reads my post. Can someone tell me where the zoo is in Lexington? I think Matt may have lived at the zoo at one time. Who does your hair missy Matt Jones and are you any kin to George Jones. Did l ever tell you about the time farted in church and blew my pacemaker to pieces. I have a lot of stories cause I'm old Is Robert E Lee still president?? Love me some Matt Bones.
I bet this old fart can tie a knot or two in Matt Jones liberal butt.
There is no question, "we eat our own" on here. If every thread was something everyone agreed on, chances are good it would not be worth reading for too long.

One thing I give posters on here; you bring BS here and you will get called out, real fast.
Take the Diallo situation; I would say we are about evenly split on our feelings with this. Just because we do not agree doesn't mean those with whom we disagree is wrong or a peckerhead.
But for this liberal Frosty Tips wanna be, he is kissing or pissing away, which ever you prefer, his chances of a political career.
Matt Jones, on his radio show this morning called out the posters on this message board as being, for the most part, "old idiots". Ouch! Please say it ain't so. I was having a good day...Oh, well...

EDIT: Matt, just saw my post and seemed to me to backtrack from what he said earlier about "old idiots" on this message board. He now says he was only talking about 20 posters on this board being "old idiots". He said these 20 people hated him.. I don't recall him limiting his initial remarks when he made reference to "old idiots" on this message board but I will review his podcast and make a correction if I am wrong. However, to those "20 old idiot" posters on this board who Matt Jones believes "hate him", there appears to be no remorse from Matt.

UPDATE: I just relistened to the KSR podcast this morning and obviously you can check it our yourself for confirmation but, in pertinent part, relative to my post, this is what Matt Jones stated:

..."Most of the people (on Rupp Rafters/Wildcat Lair) seeminglly hate me...Some of the times they are idiots. Most of the time they are idiots...It entertains me because of how old and angry people are on there."

Contrary to Matt's subsequent backtracking that there were only "like 20 of them" (old idiots), his first comments clearly stated that "MOST of the people on this message board seemingly hate him..(and) MOST of the time they are idiots...It entertains me because of how OLD and angry people are on there. This is what he said.

Now, it is hypocritical for Matt Jones to cast a slur towards "older" UK fans given his constant Democratic liberal pronouncements of how compassionate he is towards his fellow citizens. Likewise, to call most posters on this message board, "idiots" for saying many of the same thinigs he says is also hypocritical.

I enjoy listening to Matt Jones show most of the time. He is very entertaining. However, at times.his arrogance can become repugnant. Today, was such an occasion.

If I was bashed as much as Matt is around here, I wouldn't feel so friendly towards to the board either.

It's hilarious, you guys bash MJ like CRAZY and then you act shocked when he doesn't say good things about the board. Really?
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I do not listen to his show, however, I used to hear some of his comments, in person, when he was broadcasting from the Lexington Center, before games. At that time, I determined that there was absolutely no reason to listen to KSR. Every now and then, he will come up with some news, but most of the time, he is regurgitating what someone else said. His only saving grace, that I can see, is that he loathes UL. Other than that, he serves no purpose.
This. He thinks he is better than the folks on here or about anywhere else in this state. I don't listen to him but have heard his comments like you on pre-game shows, etc. He's arrogant and condescending toward folks from the mountains especially. He caught lightening in a bottle and got lucky. He knows much less than a lot of posters on here about basketball.
He puts down the people on here and yet some will still run to hear what he has to say. I don't and won't. everyone can do as they please, but I ain't giving him my time or attention.
If I was bashed as much as Matt is around here, I wouldn't feel so friendly towards to the board either.

It's hilarious, you guys bash MJ like CRAZY and then you act shocked when he doesn't say good things about the board. Really?
Apparently they're not offended enough to stop coming here and raiding the board.
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That is NOT what he said. He was referring to the fans the hate on him all the time on this board. Not all posters on this board.

The single most overused and misapplied word on this board is the word "hate." That word is pejorative by nature and is usually used by those who are unable to grasp reality.
If I was bashed as much as Matt is around here, I wouldn't feel so friendly towards to the board either.

It's hilarious, you guys bash MJ like CRAZY and then you act shocked when he doesn't say good things about the board. Really?

What's hilarious is Matt will always say that this board is irrelevant and will use every chance he gets to say he never comes here. But once people start talking some truth about Matt he always pops out of his hole.
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