Matt Jones Slams Most Posters On Rupps Rafters As "Old Idiots"

Kampus Korner

Mar 23, 2007
Saratoga, New York
Matt Jones, on his radio show this morning called out the posters on this message board as being, for the most part, "old idiots". Ouch! Please say it ain't so. I was having a good day...Oh, well...

EDIT: Matt, just saw my post and appeared to try and backtrack from what he said earlier about "old idiots" on this message board. He now says he was only talking about 20 posters on this board being "old idiots". He said these 20 people hated him.. I don't recall him limiting his initial remarks when he made reference to "old idiots" on this message board but I will review his podcast and make a correction if I am wrong. However, to those "20 old idiot" posters on this board who Matt Jones believes "hate him", there appears to be no remorse from Matt.

UPDATE: I just relistened to the KSR podcast this morning and obviously you can check it out yourself for confirmation but, in pertinent part, relative to my post, this is what Matt Jones stated:

..."Most of the people (on Rupp Rafters/Wildcat Lair) seeminglly hate me...Some of the times they are idiots. Most of the time they are idiots...It entertains me because of how old and angry people are on there."

Contrary to Matt's subsequent, belated and feeble attempt at backtracking from his earlier statements by contending, "there were only like 20 of them" (old idiots); his first comments clearly stated that "MOST of the people on this message board seemingly hate him..(and) MOST of the time they are idiots...It entertains me because of how OLD and angry people are on there." This is what he said. Go listen for yourself.

It is hypocritical for Matt Jones to cast an ageist slur towards "older" UK fans given his constant Democratic liberal pronouncements of how compassionate he and his party are towards their fellow citizens. Likewise, to call most posters on this message board, "idiots" for saying many of the same things he says is also disingenuous and hypocritical.

Now, most of the time, I enjoy listening to Matt Jones. He can be very entertaining. However, at times,.his arrogant and petulant personality can become repugnant. Today, was such an occasion.
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Most creatures do not get old by being idiotic therefore this hypothesis is wrong or it is a lie and we all know DUKIES do not lie .
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I do not listen to his show, however, I used to hear some of his comments, in person, when he was broadcasting from the Lexington Center, before games. At that time, I determined that there was absolutely no reason to listen to KSR. Every now and then, he will come up with some news, but most of the time, he is regurgitating what someone else said. His only saving grace, that I can see, is that he loathes UL. Other than that, he serves no purpose.
I knew I could literally click on this board right after he said that and there would be a post about it. Almost like in 1st Grade when you said something mean about another kid out by the teeter-totters, you just knew that kid would go running to your teacher before recess was over. Good grief.

Seriously, who cares? Who think with all of the accomplished name callers here, they'd be a little less fragile.
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I knew I could literally click on this board right after he said that and there would be a post about it. Almost like in 1st Grade when you said something mean about another kid out by the teeter-totters, you just knew that kid would go running to your teacher before recess was over. Good grief.

And yet, you, too, had to post. Go figure.
id bet a majority on this board fall between 20-55. So most on this board aren't really 'old'. I know lots of people my parents age who struggle with technology, so I doubt MOST people on this board are over 55. Matts just mad that most people here realize hes a loud, liberal douche.
I really like Matt's show. I listen about every day via podcast. But to continually take shots at a forum that he has in the past been quite active on, gotten much information off of and to think it's an antiquated median for UK fans is shortsightedness on his part imo.

He commented a few weeks ago messages boards where out of date, (I'm paraphrasing there). Well this site is the largest and most active UK fan site. I'd venture to say most of his readers and listeners are here as well. Is it the angriest place that he likes to call it, at times. Is it over reactive at times, you bet it is. It's a fan site. A fanatical site.

But I guess when he continually references this site, it means it's still very relevant and active and going strong.

I really like Matt's show. I listen about every day via podcast. But to continually take shots at a forum that he has in the past been quite active on, gotten much information off of and to think it's an antiquated median for UK fans is shortsightedness on his part imo.

He commented a few weeks ago messages boards where out of date, (I'm paraphrasing there). Well this site is the largest and most active UK fan sight. I'd venture to say most of his readers and listeners are here as well. Is it the angriest place that he likes to call it, at times. Is it overreactive at times, you bet it is. It's a fan site. A fanatical site.

But I guess when he continually references this site, it means it's still very relevant and active and going strong.

I guarantee you Jones reads this board on a daily basis
I knew I could literally click on this board right after he said that and there would be a post about it. Almost like in 1st Grade when you said something mean about another kid out by the teeter-totters, you just knew that kid would go running to your teacher before recess was over. Good grief.
Have you ever message boarded before? If not, welcome
He should read his own comment section. Or the folks that follow his every word and do things like harass recruits on twitter or go after John Higgins.

And what he really seems to forget is that a lot of the same people here that he rightfully criticizes are the ones piling into Sleep Outfitters in their KSR t-shirts for live remotes. The state isn't that big.

But yes, he's right. There are a lot of those folks here.
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I really like Matt's show. I listen about every day via podcast. But to continually take shots at a forum that he has in the past been quite active on, gotten much information off of and to think it's an antiquated median for UK fans is shortsightedness on his part imo.

He commented a few weeks ago messages boards where out of date, (I'm paraphrasing there). Well this site is the largest and most active UK fan sight. I'd venture to say most of his readers and listeners are here as well. Is it the angriest place that he likes to call it, at times. Is it overreactive at times, you bet it is. It's a fan site. A fanatical site.

But I guess when he continually references this site, it means it's still very relevant and active and going strong.

Matt Jones is very similar to Trump in someways
Both have this childish and petty nature where neither can walk away from meaningless insults from people that like to take shots at them
With Trump it is the media
With MJ it is the people on this board taking shots at him
Without message boards i am not sure MJ would have gotten as big as he is now
I can promise you without them it would have taken much longer

BTW i am a Trump supporter and would vote for him again
But like with MJ, at times both need to learn there is a time to talk and a time to be silent
That is NOT what he said. He was referring to the fans the hate on him all the time on this board. Not all posters on this board.
Matt Jones, on his radio show this morning called out the posters on this message board as being, for the most part, "old idiots". Ouch! Please say it ain't so. I was having a good day...Oh, well...

You're such an idiot...I'm listening to KSR this morning and he never said what you've suggested. People like you are poisonous to start such a bullshit thread. And I don't even follow Matt that often.
Well, I'm old (67), but I didn't take offense at the age slur, (What goes around comes around if one lives long enough. I surely remember doing it.). However, to call us "idiots" for saying no more or less than what he says everyday on his radio show is hypcritical at best and unbridled arrogance at worse.

Matt has proven to be a successful "entertainer" when it comes to UK sports. However, part of his schtick

I just heard him and I think he is backtracking from his earlier comments. I will review the replay on the podcast and if I am wrong, I will correct my post. However, I didn't get the impression he was only talking about "20 posters" on this board as he just commented.
I usually defend MJ but I thought he said what the op said. And I disagree with it because I think there are a lot of younger people on this board.