Back to this nonsense. Just so you know, I do t have a f'in clue what the hell you're jiving about. Lashing out over a loss? Dude save those talking points for some 10 year old who doesnt have a real life and who actually cares that much. You want a real big boy lesson? I'll meet you in Orange mound tuesday. I'm mentoring 3 brothers this year with no father and one is hiding from his local gang in the Memphis travelers. Don't talk to me about lessons unless you want to learn one yourself. Silents, if that's me being full of myself, so be it. I guess if I were talking about saving a million dollar arm or a 8 foot center, you'd be down huh?
You're right though, that I get what I get because its the market value. I'm cool with makin little and helping actual kids who don't have a million dollar price tag on their foreheads. I get lots of gratification out of it.
I think cal does good work for what he does. But some of you need to stop with the over the top "holy angel calipari" stuff that is just a bit ridiculous. The second someone doesn't like "some" of what cal says or disagrees with a recruiting pitch, here come the mouth pieces to remind everyone he's doing it for "the children" and helping helpless boys reach their ddrreeaamss!!!!!! It's not a big deal, I'm just saying damn. He's an elitest basketball coach coaching up elitist young adults who don't have it that hard at all IF we want to be somewhat honest about it. I get the act. I like winning, love cal as uk's coach, and haven't had much of a problem with the coach speak in 6 years now. I just think with so many coaches recruiting one and done types and landing them, we could alter our position a little as to not piss off thousands of people. He could say it another way now. News flash: coach K, Bill Self, Roy Williams, even creepy crean lands top OAD type athletes without that coach speak. It should tell you it's not necessary anymore. There's nothing to really bash here, but I'm sure someone will find a way. I'm pretty much done on the topic.