Apologize for what, you Mt. Everest of a moron? 190 wins in 6 years, 22 of them in the NCAA Tournament, 4 banners hung (because your idiot ass may not care about FF's, but most people do- which is why they hang banners for them), and A NATIONAL TITLE, all of 3 years ago?
Yeah, anybody who wants to cut Cal some slack needs to apologize for that.
Or maybe, just maybe, you either A: need to apologize for being a fake-ass fan, or B: need to apologize for being an ingrate jackass with absolutely 0 perspective.
If, IF, you really are a UK fan, then I think it's one of the all-time great burns that Cal poked you right in the eye with what he's been saying. Maybe, if he pokes hard enough, you'll vanish the same way you did while UK was winning 38 freaking games in a row last season.