Louisville Signees Mouthing Off

On Instagram about who would guard DJ Wagner some nobody Trenton Flowers
replied “nobody worried about him bro”
Talk is cheap for a team coming off a 4-28
On Instagram about who would guard DJ Wagner some nobody Trenton Flowers
replied “nobody worried about him bro”
Talk is cheap for a team coming off a 4-28
Joined May 13. All 9 post about Louisville. Troll
DJ's Camden team DESTROYED Flower's highly ranked high school team in Frankfort this year. Camden was up by 30 in the third quarter. Nobody even recognized Flowers on the court until the game was out of hand and Camden emptied their bench.
He's already exhausted. Will he even be going to class by the time we play them? lol
U6 Jaybird mouths. Hummingbird brains.

Imagine a team that won 4 games last season talking smack. I can’t with this generation. Just so everyone knows, this generation is the same one that was eating tide pods a decade ago. They either partook in the laundry detergent eating movement or knew someone older who did (sibling, cousin, etc).

It doesn’t make any logical or rational sense. Why give the favored team extra motivation/drive to beat you? I’d save for the talking for if we managed to get the upset but I guess I’m too old fashioned now.
Imagine a team that won 4 games last season talking smack. I can’t with this generation. Just so everyone knows, this generation is the same one that was eating tide pods a decade ago. They either partook in the laundry detergent eating movement or knew someone older who did (sibling, cousin, etc).

It doesn’t make any logical or rational sense. Why give the favored team extra motivation/drive to beat you? I’d save for the talking for if we managed to get the upset but I guess I’m too old fashioned now.
My grandkids play football, baseball and wrestle. I attend over 50% of their games and I can tell you the current generation is as soft as Charmin, they also cannot handle disappointment. The parents are just as bad and are always quick to blame anyone else other than their children. Thank God my grandkids and their parents do not act like some of their teammates, but, honestly it goes back to the parents.
I'm sure he isn't worried about him. Just like nobody's worried about them lol They just reload with more idiots year after year over there. Outside of baseball if it's red to me, it's dead to me
That means he is worried about Wagner and Kentucky. Then his answer was real intelligent, y’all funny. They need to check his grades, starting college and using incorrect English.