Looking forward to this IU/Duke game

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It's hard to believe that St Johns game was that long ago. I remember that game it was recent.

Damn I'm getting old.
Allen just made A totally crazy shot.

IU's defense is embarrassingly bad.
Can anyone tell me what happened right at half? Caught the end if it and just heard the announcers mention something about it
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clappy will use this to help his team moving forward. their defense is great. they just need to work on offense a tad more. give it time.
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Indiana is just playground basketball.

Absolutely terrible.
I'm not watching the game, so if any of you could post score updates from time to time, i would love it! It sounds like Duke is doing what i thought they would do to IU. IU's backcourt has to be one of the most hyped/overrated backcourts in college basketball this year. So many were talking about Blackmon jr and Yogi being at the top of the list and yet, they play like Crap! I guess that's what happens when you have Crean leading your team!
Allen playing PG vs. UK, throttled.
Allen playing PG vs. IU, making circus shots.

The present 18-point spread should not be a surprise to anyone given the recent IU history defensively.
I'm not watching the game, so if any of you could post score updates from time to time, i would love it! It sounds like Duke is doing what i thought they would do to IU. IU's backcourt has to be one of the most hyped/overrated backcourts in college basketball this year. So many were talking about Blackmon jr and Yogi being at the top of the list and yet, they play like Crap! I guess that's what happens when you have Crean leading your team!
60-44 Duke 15 min left
Vitale going on a rant about not playing IU (UK) again. He needs to be bitch slapped. Can't stand him. If you don't know what you're talking about, talk about something else.
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No Dick UK fans don't want to play IU they don't deserve the privilege of playing us.