Lindsay and Shows get title game.

They get these games because they’re doing what they’re told. If the SEC wanted UK to get a fair whistle, they would make sure it happened. For some reason, the conference hates its most profitable basketball team.
I think it's 2-fold. One, the conference wants to elevate all the SEC teams, and thinks the way to help with that is to "help them" sometimes beat the flagship program. And two, I think the top officials in the SEC are all friends of Higgins, and hold a grudge against BBN.
The SEC continually demonstrates that it isn't the quality of games that motivates them. Nobody with an objective mind can say that the SEC has high quality officiating. Or that the SEC is even trying to prioritze that. Just the same mid, primadona officials. Simply no accountability. ...or pride in craft among the officials themselves.

I just have this feeling that SEC team are gonna struggle in the tournament. May be a completely different game than what they are used to.
Agree sec struggles. I can’t hope they do so that things change.