Lexington shootings

Lexington to peaceful compared to Lill Chicago (Louisville) and it's liberal democrat leadership.

I live in Louisville and downtown is sketchy with all the homelessness and lack of police around. We travel to Chicago a few times a year and I fee safer there than downtown Louisville. Yes we dont go to the south Chicago but we do venture off a few blocks of what would be considered the tourist part. The police presence is 1000% better than Louisville.

I have no idea why anyone would want to be a cop these days but I am thankful there are.
That’s why addiction should be treated as a public health issue and not a criminal issue. Treatment is more effective than incarceration. If a violent crime is committed by a previous drug offender throw the book at them, but putting someone in jail for years on a first offense drug charge is overkill. (It used to be a mandatory 10 for possession of 5 grams of crack. Same sentence for powder cocaine is for 500 grams. Seems like the disparity was designed to target poor users.)

And, all drugs aren’t created equal. I have a relative who did 5 years in state prison in the 80s for possessing 400 grams (a little more than a pound) of marijuana that he grew on his property. Dude was just an old hippie, but was treated like a hardened criminal for the crime of …. Illegal horticulture.

I can agree with some of what you are saying but trying to remove any criminality doesn't appear to work. Oregon tried their whole experiment with drug decriminalization and had to roll it back because it was a disaster. Overdose deaths surged and very few people who were cited by police went through treatment. I'm not saying we need to throw someone in jail for 15 years for a few grams of crack but imprisoning some people for a short time while forcing them to undergo treatment via that route (probably coupled with some incentive of expunging the record for good behavior or something) seems to have better results.

Timely example. The identified problem is the drag racing and other dangerous nonsense by a handful of people. Will they arrest those people and stop it? Nope. Instead let's spend millions by making it two way traffic which also 1) interrupts downtown hospitality and 2) will make it a nightmare leaving any downtown event.

Just save millions and enforce the law. Take some to jail and impound a few of their precious cars and it all immediately stops.
Repeat drug offenders aren’t being jailed for absurdly long sentences anymore.

We’ve got a ton of treatment options for folks now. The issue is the easy access to drugs and the flood (supply) of drugs.
I would add easy access to guns as well, when everyone is packing and illegal drugs are involved shootings are inevitable
I'm sure more gun laws would work because drug dealers definitely follow the law.
I didn't say that, but knew some knee jerk comment would follow, yet another bumper sticker slogan. Just stating the obvious that more guns in hands of criminals will inevitably lead to more shootings.
I didn't say that, but knew some knee jerk comment would follow, yet another bumper sticker slogan. Just stating the obvious that more guns in hands of criminals will inevitably lead to more shootings.

Sorry if logic is considered bumper sticker material. Criminals commit crimes. Not inanimate objects.

Some politicians traded what worked for what feels good. Results were predictable despite the massive sell job promising criminals would somehow feel the love and stop their criminal behavior. Like some weird care bear nonsense. Guess that didn't work while criminals were literally burning and looting cities. Weird.

Speaking of, wonder how much the riots cost taxpayers? Probably billions in property damage not covered by insurance, scores of business ruined, and a massive stigma that left downtown Louisville still in financial shambles. The negative economic impact was in the billions. How many people went to jail? The one guy who killed a photographer AFTER he was arrested and released three other times for having a gun and threatening to kill people. But yes...bumper sticker or something.

Return personal accountability by actually sending people to jail and it would get back to reasonable levels practically overnight. Or keep the care bear approach and hope criminals feel the love and stop and keep watching skyrocketing costs of insurance, property crimes, and violence.
Violent crime bottomed out in the early 2000’s because of tougher sentencing and more intentional policing.

The bs argument that “locking people up doesn’t make us safer” from the last 10 years is why we saw an increase in violent crime.

Efforts to get tougher have helped lower the rate again.

We need to be tougher on violent crime and repeat property and drug criminals.

We need to be smarter with drug addicts.

Murder rate spiked in 2020... you know, when we had major societal upheaval, teenagers not in school, people not working. It's fallen by a huge amount since then.

Here's a very politically conservative source discussing it:

"But aren't murder rates still far above where they were in 2019? It would indeed seem silly to celebrate that homicides are down from super high to, say, very high. Thankfully, that's not the case. "A murder decline of even half the magnitude suggested by the early 2024 data," writes Jeff Asher, a data analyst and co-founder of AH Datalytics, "would place the US murder rate this year largely on par with or below where it was from 2015 to 2019 prior to the surge in murder in 2020.""

As the article discusses, the only category of crime that IS high/rising is car theft. And that's largely driven by the stupid ease with which someone can steal a Kia or Hyundai after those companies neglected simple safety features. I'd love to catch, and throw the book at, the Kia Bois out stealing cars left and right. And Louisville in particular is a stand out in terms of our murder rate being a LOT higher than where it was a decade ago. But to act like we're in some apocalyptic crime spiral as a country is 100% inaccurate. Nationally, we had a transient spike in murders that has already passed and we have a car theft problem largely caused by how easy certain cars are to steal.
Murder rate spiked in 2020... you know, when we had major societal upheaval, teenagers not in school, people not working. It's fallen by a huge amount since then.

Here's a very politically conservative source discussing it:

"But aren't murder rates still far above where they were in 2019? It would indeed seem silly to celebrate that homicides are down from super high to, say, very high. Thankfully, that's not the case. "A murder decline of even half the magnitude suggested by the early 2024 data," writes Jeff Asher, a data analyst and co-founder of AH Datalytics, "would place the US murder rate this year largely on par with or below where it was from 2015 to 2019 prior to the surge in murder in 2020.""

As the article discusses, the only category of crime that IS high/rising is car theft. And that's largely driven by the stupid ease with which someone can steal a Kia or Hyundai after those companies neglected simple safety features. I'd love to catch, and throw the book at, the Kia Bois out stealing cars left and right. And Louisville in particular is a stand out in terms of our murder rate being a LOT higher than where it was a decade ago. But to act like we're in some apocalyptic crime spiral as a country is 100% inaccurate. Nationally, we had a transient spike in murders that has already passed and we have a car theft problem largely caused by how easy certain cars are to steal.
Yeah, I agree. Anthony Fauci and his ilk should be tarred and feathered for seeking nationwide lockdowns.
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Murder rate spiked in 2020... you know, when we had major societal upheaval, teenagers not in school, people not working. It's fallen by a huge amount since then

You mean when politicians let mobs of people burn, destroy, loot major cities with barely anyone going to jail?

That started a crime rampage we're still stuck in because of the same reluctance to hold criminals accountable.

Also the fact car theft is the only crime still rising, if that's the case, isn't cause to celebrate. We're still way above where we were before people let riots go and defunded the police.

Finally car theft is easy because no one goes to jail. Enough jail time gets handed out and the numbers will plummet
Also the fact car theft is the only crime still rising, if that's the case, isn't cause to celebrate. We're still way above where we were before people let riots go and defunded the police.

Finally car theft is easy because no one goes to jail. Enough jail time gets handed out and the numbers will plummet

We're not still way above 2019, that was the point of the article I posted. Murders were really the only thing that spiked in 2020-21, they fell a lot last year, and they're continuing to fall with this year being on pace to be back to 2019 levels. Other crime didn't spike.

The one exception, as I pointed out, is car theft which came later and for different reasons. And I agreed with you that I'd like to see the car thieves taken care of and prosecuted.
Reason magazine is typical libertarian drivel. “Yeah crime seems high, but that’s only because car thieves have figured out how to steal cars more easily.”
The point was that "crime" isn't high. ONE very specific crime is high. The entire conversation in this thread has been based on a false premise of "crime" and murder being high. It isn't.
The point was that "crime" isn't high. ONE very specific crime is high. The entire conversation in this thread has been based on a false premise of "crime" and murder being high. It isn't.
The murder rate in Louisville has gone from 80-90 per year before the Taylor protests/riots to close to 150-200 in the years since. That is just one city but crime (murder, theft, carjackings, etc.) is at the highest level I have ever seen. A big part of it is the police force is short by over 200 officers. When they do arrest people, woke prosecutors are handing out slaps on the wrist to all but the worst crimes. Armed thieves are breaking into cars on a nightly basis even in the best neighborhoods. It's crazy.

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The murder rate in Louisville has gone from 80-90 per year before the Taylor protests/riots to close to 150-200 in the years since. That is just one city but crime (murder, theft, carjackings, etc.) is at the highest level I have ever seen. A big part of it is the police force is short by over 200 officers. When they do arrest people, woke prosecutors are handing out slaps on the wrist to all but the worst crimes. Armed thieves are breaking into cars on a nightly basis even in the best neighborhoods. It's crazy.

Yeah, Louisville is an outlier. Vast majority of cities nationwide have trended back toward 2019 crime levels. Louisville has serious problems, and our 2 straight mayors basically appointed by the downtown business community and focused on not much else other than hotels and bourbon tourism haven't done much of anything for the city.
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Louisville's main problem is shitty cops. Some in life and on the Paddock defended police running in guns blazing, firing at will in a dark home which killed one person who was asleep in her bed. I mean, how do you actually defend that? But some did. Just like they defended Chauvin, posting little anger emojis and the like after he was found guilty. George Floyd "murdered himself" I read by a few on this lovely site. We just saw another shitty cop and his story about a pair of "damaged" $80 pants. Real heros some of these guys are.

People need a solid foundation and that begins at home. We need responsible politicians to do well at their jobs. It's mentally unhealthy to actually despise various politicians. If "all politicians suck", then maybe we suck for electing them. Making excuses for rioting of any kind is inexcusable, that includes in our cities and yes, at the US Capitol. Backing the Blue to the point of making excuses for any dumbass cop or spinning a murder seen on video as "he murdered himself" is inexcusable. And just blaming "the libs" is lazy. Let's stop pretending when Republicans get a bit of control, the world is suddenly butterfly kisses and little puppy burps. It doesn't help to prop up your side while pushing all blame of everything wrong in society on the side you dislike. That's childish imo.
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Louisville's main problem is shitty cops. Some in life and on the Paddock defended police running in guns blazing, firing at will in a dark home which killed one person who was asleep in her bed. I mean, how do you actually defend that? But some did. Just like they defended Chauvin, posting little anger emojis and the like after he was found guilty. George Floyd "murdered himself" I read by a few on this lovely site. We just saw another shitty cop and his story about a pair of "damaged" $80 pants. Real heros some of these guys are.

People need a solid foundation and that begins at home. We need responsible politicians to do well at their jobs. It's mentally unhealthy to actually despise various politicians. If "all politicians suck", then maybe we suck for electing them. Making excuses for rioting of any kind is inexcusable, that includes in our cities and yes, at the US Capitol. Backing the Blue to the point of making excuses for any dumbass cop or spinning a murder seen on video as "he murdered himself" is inexcusable. And just blaming "the libs" is lazy. Let's stop pretending when Republicans get a bit of control, the world is suddenly butterfly kisses and little puppy burps. It doesn't help to prop up your side while pushing all blame of everything wrong in society on the side you dislike. That's childish imo.
Crime is a symptom of a societal disease. You can't fix crime unless you cure the disease. That isn't some kind of bumper sticker. It is the truth.

The real criminals in this country live in Washington. Get tough on them and watch the rest of the country fall in line.
Here is truth. There is no fixing any of it without taking an honest look at who commits crime, and why.

They should build as many jails as necessary to get repeat violent offenders off the street.
Here is truth. There is no fixing any of it without taking an honest look at who commits crime, and why.

They should build as many jails as necessary to get repeat violent offenders off the street.
Okay. Who commits crime and why? Last I checked, individuals of every race and creed commit crime and do drugs. Does every race and creed narrow it down?

Also, if your reaction to crime is "build as many prisons as necessary", I'll ask 1) where do all these new prisons go, and 2) how are we properly funding these countless new facilities for the next several decades, including making sure competent people are in charge at these places.

If building new prisons to fill was the answer, this would've happened decades ago. Also, if America needs to build as many prisons as possible for violent offenders, as an American, I'd like to know why there are so many violent offenders in general. And that's what no one wants an answer to. It's why we're still unsure what exactly causes someone to take guns into a school and shoot children point blank in the face and body.
Louisville's main problem is shitty cops. Some in life and on the Paddock defended police running in guns blazing, firing at will in a dark home which killed one person who was asleep in her bed. I mean, how do you actually defend that? But some did. Just like they defended Chauvin, posting little anger emojis and the like after he was found guilty. George Floyd "murdered himself" I read by a few on this lovely site. We just saw another shitty cop and his story about a pair of "damaged" $80 pants. Real heros some of these guys are.

People need a solid foundation and that begins at home. We need responsible politicians to do well at their jobs. It's mentally unhealthy to actually despise various politicians. If "all politicians suck", then maybe we suck for electing them. Making excuses for rioting of any kind is inexcusable, that includes in our cities and yes, at the US Capitol. Backing the Blue to the point of making excuses for any dumbass cop or spinning a murder seen on video as "he murdered himself" is inexcusable. And just blaming "the libs" is lazy. Let's stop pretending when Republicans get a bit of control, the world is suddenly butterfly kisses and little puppy burps. It doesn't help to prop up your side while pushing all blame of everything wrong in society on the side you dislike. That's childish imo.
Blaming Libs is lazy as also blaming the 5% "shitty cops." It all starts at the top and Fischer and Greenburg are not the answer. Look at JTown...their previous mayor did a phenomenal job in bringing small businesses to the area and they were taking all the good cops from LMPD much like St Matthews. No one wants to work for LMPD when they have no support and make arrests and nothing happens.

We get you are the type of person that hates cops until you need one but carry on.
Louisville's main problem is shitty cops. Some in life and on the Paddock defended police running in guns blazing, firing at will in a dark home which killed one person who was asleep in her bed. I mean, how do you actually defend that? But some did. Just like they defended Chauvin, posting little anger emojis and the like after he was found guilty. George Floyd "murdered himself" I read by a few on this lovely site. We just saw another shitty cop and his story about a pair of "damaged" $80 pants. Real heros some of these guys are.

People need a solid foundation and that begins at home. We need responsible politicians to do well at their jobs. It's mentally unhealthy to actually despise various politicians. If "all politicians suck", then maybe we suck for electing them. Making excuses for rioting of any kind is inexcusable, that includes in our cities and yes, at the US Capitol. Backing the Blue to the point of making excuses for any dumbass cop or spinning a murder seen on video as "he murdered himself" is inexcusable. And just blaming "the libs" is lazy. Let's stop pretending when Republicans get a bit of control, the world is suddenly butterfly kisses and little puppy burps. It doesn't help to prop up your side while pushing all blame of everything wrong in society on the side you dislike. That's childish imo.
You are a complete idiot. Louisville's problem isn't the police; it's woke fools like you who have ruined the city.
Blaming Libs is lazy as also blaming the 5% "shitty cops." It all starts at the top and Fischer and Greenburg are not the answer. Look at JTown...their previous mayor did a phenomenal job in bringing small businesses to the area and they were taking all the good cops from LMPD much like St Matthews. No one wants to work for LMPD when they have no support and make arrests and nothing happens.

We get you are the type of person that hates cops until you need one but carry on.
Lol it's certainly a decision to claim a stranger online hates all cops because that stranger decides to say some cops are indeed shitty at their jobs and/or make shitty decisions.

We need to call out the shitty ones and Louisville has had a problem with shitty cops and their shitty policies over the last several years and everyone here knows it. Are 5% of cops shitty? I dunno, but if so, that's a pretty big problem and should be addressed. It's why I knew Cameron wasn't going to advance his young career in the near future. His response to the Taylor shooting was the tired "bad apples" line. And then he tried to run for Governor after siding with the cops on that killing that never should've happened. Like I said, rioting is inexcusable but how did it all begin? Some shitty cops made some shitty decisions. And that should be talked about as well.

I don't think our past couple mayors have been great but politicians on both sides do not gain anything from carjackings and gun violence being in their communities. As far as downtown Louisville goes, it's not the danger hotspot some think now (I recall some on Rafters actually posting if it was safe to go to the Louisville game at the Yum Center as if the area around the arena was a warzone lol).
The murder rate in Louisville has gone from 80-90 per year before the Taylor protests/riots to close to 150-200 in the years since. That is just one city but crime (murder, theft, carjackings, etc.) is at the highest level I have ever seen. A big part of it is the police force is short by over 200 officers. When they do arrest people, woke prosecutors are handing out slaps on the wrist to all but the worst crimes. Armed thieves are breaking into cars on a nightly basis even in the best neighborhoods. It's crazy.

Yeah, Louisville is an outlier. Vast majority of cities nationwide have trended back toward 2019 crime levels. Louisville has serious problems, and our 2 straight mayors basically appointed by the downtown business community and focused on not much else other than hotels and bourbon tourism haven't done much of anything for the city.

Thanks for those stats. We were discussing crime in ky so Louisville isn't an outlier. Its a giant chunk of this states population and it's economic center.

Crime is out of control. Louisville let rioters and looters off the hook and took the defund the police route. It went exactly like any non political pundit would expect.

I don't know enough about out of state cities to discuss, but I'd wager a guess every defund the police city saw crime go way up, even if they don't report those stats to the FBI database. The only defund the police city I do have some contact with is Asheville and people I know there say crime is through the roof.
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You are a complete idiot. Louisville's problem isn't the police; it's woke fools like you.
Remember when I mentioned how you seem to use "woke" in a bunch of your posts and then you called me a woke idiot or something, thus actually proving my point? Knew there was a specific reason why I had you on ignore. I'm 40, hoss. You're likely older than me and the above is how you interact with a stranger online? I'm sure your family wouldn't be at all embarrassed if you told them you were having a discussion on a forum and decided to quote a stranger and call them names out of nowhere.

Whatever your age is, start acting it because "complete idiot" and "woke fools" ain't it. Shew.
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Thanks for those stats. We were discussing crime in ky so Louisville isn't an outlier. Its a giant chunk of this states population and it's economic center.

Crime is out of control. Louisville let rioters and looters off the hook and took the defund the police route. It went exactly like any non political pundit would expect.

I don't know enough about out of state cities to discuss, but I'd wager a guess every defund the police city saw crime go way up, even if they don't report those stats to the FBI database. The only defund the police city I do have some contact with is Asheville and people I know there say crime is through the roof.

Louisville never defunded police. Nor did almost any other city. And I was quite obviously referring to Louisville in relation to other cities across the country. Since, you know, I explicitly said so.
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Louisville never defunded police. Nor did almost any other city. And I was quite obviously referring to Louisville in relation to other cities across the country. Since, you know, I explicitly said so.

Yes. That was all make believe.
Remember when I mentioned how you seem to use "woke" in a bunch of your posts and then you called me a woke idiot or something, thus actually proving my point? Knew there was a specific reason why I had you on ignore. I'm 40, hoss. You're likely older than me and the above is how you interact with a stranger online? I'm sure your family wouldn't be at all embarrassed if you told them you were having a discussion on a forum and decided to quote a stranger and call them names out of nowhere.

Whatever your age is, start acting it because "complete idiot" and "woke fools" ain't it. Shew.
You are a clown for pretending that you don't understand the meaning of the word woke. Look it up.
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Are you under the impression that people out protesting chanting something means it happens?

I am under the correct impression that phrase didn't result in cities completely axing their police. It was more of a rallying cry which changed many things to avoid jailing.

A great example is the murder in Louisville of that young photographer. At least twice the murderer was arrested and immediately released despite having a gun and threatening violence to people in their version of an autonomous zone. Of course he finally followed through with a threat and killed a 25 year old.

Totally avoidable. Completely predictable.
Just saw that Louisville had 28 murders in 18 days. Don't worry - the city is going to pay for neighborhood celebrations in hopes of deescalating violence.

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I am under the correct impression that phrase didn't result in cities completely axing their police. It was more of a rallying cry which changed many things to avoid jailing.

A great example is the murder in Louisville of that young photographer. At least twice the murderer was arrested and immediately released despite having a gun and threatening violence to people in their version of an autonomous zone. Of course he finally followed through with a threat and killed a 25 year old.

Totally avoidable. Completely predictable.
So in other words... police weren't defunded. Their budget wasn't reduced by a cent.
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So in other words... police weren't defunded. Their budget wasn't reduced by a cent.

I clearly said above it was a rallying cry rather than literal elimination.

Even so, the department in Louisville was absolutely cut. The mayor proudly talked and rerouting s bunch of those funds to the civilian intervention program. You know, the one where random people were paid 55k a year to supposedly try to intervene and deescalate any crime; whatever that means. Of course predictably it turned out these people were committing crimes themselves.

Also in these cities they all proudly announced social workers would now respond to many situations rather than police.

Here is another headline this morning. I forgot they instituted the no chase policy. So unless the police easily apprehend a criminal, they can't pursue. It's working like you'd think.
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I clearly said above it was a rallying cry rather than literal elimination.

Even so, the department in Louisville was absolutely cut. The mayor proudly talked and rerouting s bunch of those funds to the civilian intervention program. You know, the one where random people were paid 55k a year to supposedly try to intervene and deescalate any crime; whatever that means. Of course predictably it turned out these people were committing crimes themselves.

Also in these cities they all proudly announced social workers would now respond to many situations rather than police.

Here is another headline this morning. I forgot they instituted the no chase policy. So unless the police easily apprehend a criminal, they can't pursue. It's working like you'd think.
The only thing related to this in Louisville I can find was a Group Violence Intervention program involving police, along with people like ministers or community leaders, the articles are kind of vague, being in regular contact with gang members convicted of crimes and on parole to try to encourage them to reform and reinforce the threat of further jail/prison. Put in in response to the rising violence we've seen, not anything to do with "defunding police." It's a program that dates back to the 90s in other cities that had been successful (but from what I'm reading was halfassedly implemented in Louisville and may or may not have had any impact).

"No chase" policies you can agree or disagree with but again have nothing to do with defunding the police. They're put in because of the risk to the public from car chases, not from any liberal protesting of policing. Louisville has a no chase policy for misdemeanors. If it's not working, it should be reevaluated - weigh the risk/reward of chasing vs not chasing.

You're an ideologue who sees everything through the filter of your ideology. You're the proverbial person with nothing but a hammer who sees everything as a nail.