Let's talk about handicapped parking

Originally posted by BlueRaider22:
How dare that Camry not park between the lines. Driver must be drunk.
I know the lady with the Camry - nice lady. She doesn't get around great, but her biggest problem is she isn't good at driving. I have no beef with her. I hate parking where that Camry is because I have to back into that spot, and I suck at backing into parking spaces.

In that particular parking lot, the two spaces to the left of the ramp are also handicapped spots. I usually try to park in the space to the left of the ramp.
I think that people that are confined to a wheelchair, paralyzed, MS, Lupus...... should get a different handicapped sticker then the rest, like an orange one. I am paralyzed and drive a modded van. If people like myself had a different sticker and spot then life would be tons easier. I think the whole handicapped parking system needs to be revamped. I think the reg blue stickers should be for all NON wheelchair handicapped people.

Vans and other people in chairs can park in the orange spots, all the others, including the young idiots who think its cool to use grandmas "pass". I know you say people will do this or that, it won't work. However I think its way better then what we have, and from my perspective it works.

PS - Losing my ability to walk was my low point, however if I ever get that ability back then I am parking in the BACK of the lot and getting my walk on, people don't know how good they have it until its gone.
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
I never take handicap spots or the "No-park spot" above.

That said, If I get the first spot after a line of handys, I will park a small bit into that "no-park" zone. They won't miss the foot of space, and I don't trust any drivers to not slam their door into mine or leave me with a foot to get through. I call it a "no harm buffer zone".

I also will go out of my way to take a "Customer with Child" spot, even if it means parking in the back of the lot. No tolerance for that BS.

Judge me.
We do miss that foot of space, my ramp comes down 3 feet, learn physics.
Originally posted by catfan in loserville:

Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
I never take handicap spots or the "No-park spot" above.

That said, If I get the first spot after a line of handys, I will park a small bit into that "no-park" zone. They won't miss the foot of space, and I don't trust any drivers to not slam their door into mine or leave me with a foot to get through. I call it a "no harm buffer zone".

I also will go out of my way to take a "Customer with Child" spot, even if it means parking in the back of the lot. No tolerance for that BS.

Judge me.
We do miss that foot of space, my ramp comes down 3 feet, learn physics.
It's a good idea...
Originally posted by UK_Norm:
You should see how many "handicapped" people there are in EKY. Sickening.
That's for damned sure. I was at Walmart last week and it was raining. As I was jogging to the parking lot, an SUV pulled into a handicapped spot and a woman got out and took off running toward the door. I looked and she had a handicapped tag hanging from her mirror. The way she ran to keep from getting wet made me wonder what kind of handicap she could have to warrant parking in that spot. Pissed me off.
This is why I like to design 60" aisles with 132" spaces rather than a 96" (standard parking space width) van accessible aisle.
Originally posted by IdaCat:
The car on the line must have parked first, otherwise the idiot driver couldn't open the door. The Rav4, in what may not even be a legal space, parked next.

If the Rav4 space is legal, he did nothing wrong. If not, as already mentioned, they both deserve tickets. That's all I see here.
The aisle is part of the accessible parking space. It is meant to serve the vehicle parked there. Technically, 30" should be left clear out of courtesy to anyone else requiring an accessible path who may want to use the curb cut. The only person doing anything that could be cited is the Rav.

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