Let's talk about handicapped parking

Blind Karl Hess

Mar 12, 2006
Doug's Do's and Don'ts

DO: Park in parking spaces.

DON'T: Do this. I took this picture when I arrived at work today.


If this was Reddit, that driver would have already been outed and would be contemplatin suicide. Step it up, Paddock.
I never take handicap spots or the "No-park spot" above.

That said, If I get the first spot after a line of handys, I will park a small bit into that "no-park" zone. They won't miss the foot of space, and I don't trust any drivers to not slam their door into mine or leave me with a foot to get through. I call it a "no harm buffer zone".

I also will go out of my way to take a "Customer with Child" spot, even if it means parking in the back of the lot. No tolerance for that BS.

Judge me.
Where is this, BKH? If it ain't too far from Louisville, I can get a couple of my cousins to get there with a tow truck and handle that little issue.
contemplating suicide? please, they'd already have a SWAT team taking down their info.
I've said this many times. I think Handicap stickers/plates should be designated as the persons individual handicap/need.

My brother was initially paralyzed from neck down when his spine fused apart, he now has movement in his arms, one more than the other, his vehicle is all hand controlled. If you realized how long it takes someone like this (20 min) minimum to park, exit, get to his scooter to front door, YOU or anyone would never think twice about taking a spot. I get so upset when I'm with him to see seemingly (normal...and I'm not saying they don't deserve a tag/sticker) just saying that it should be designated with your handicap.

I've got nothing put pure disgust for anyone who park in those spots with no handicap whatsoever. Shame on them.
Discuss? Ok, I think they need to segment handicapped spots across the parking lot by actual handicap.

- In a wheelchair: up front
- Elderly and using a cane: front 1/3
- Too fat: last spots in the lot
Just moved to a pretty upscale apartment (oxy moron?) And there is a convertible BMW that is parked in the only handicap spot available.. no tag/sticker.. in the two weeks I've lived here it had only moved once to use the car wash in the complex and was immediately parked in same spot..

..sister in law can't walk so therefore can't visit (ramp is blocked)

What's the best way to go about justice?
Being able to park close to a building isn't important to me.

Having that extra space on the passenger side to let my ramp down and knowing that it will take a colossal dick to block me in is what's important to me.
BKH: I know what you're saying. BUT. What do you do? I mean besides waiting, we've had that issue as well, had to go into store and have them paged on speaker in store? He could not get his ramp down without doing major damage to their car, or his van?

Phatty: I would call your leasing office ( not to get BMW in trouble) but just explain your situation, and tell them that you do not see a visible HC tag/plate and see what they can offer to accommodate your family. I'm sure that they will do what they can. I'd hope they would anyway.

One more thing then I will STFU.

Being handicapped is awful, and there are so many obstacles for people who are. Taking a space is so miniscule in comparison to their daily challenges. I feel so lucky that my brother is happy, and very functional (as much as he can be considering his situation) and decided to see the good, and not dwell on his condition. If any of you know anyone like know what I'm talking about. If you spent a day at Cardinal Hill Rehab and see the struggles that some go thru, it truly is awful. Suicide is very high as well.

Just leave their spaces alone.



This post was edited on 2/25 11:02 PM by HeshimuBlu
Originally posted by PhattyJ4UK:
Just moved to a pretty upscale apartment (oxy moron?) And there is a convertible BMW that is parked in the only handicap spot available.. no tag/sticker.. in the two weeks I've lived here it had only moved once to use the car wash in the complex and was immediately parked in same spot..

..sister in law can't walk so therefore can't visit (ramp is blocked)

What's the best way to go about justice?
This reminds me of when I was in college. Some A-hole parked a BMW about halfway over into the space on the end. I drove a small car that wasn't the nicest, and it had no mirror on the passenger side. I sized up what was left of the parking spot and carefully pulled into the spot. Left about a 2 inch gap between our cars.

As for the picture, both of those idiots should get a ticket. One is not parked between the lines, the other is not even in a parking spot.

There should be spaces for people that need assistive devices; wheelchairs, scooters, & walkers. The next tier should be for those that have other ailments. My MIL has a handicapped tag. Whenever we visit her, she wants me to use it if we go out, but I refuse. I can pull up and drop her off at the door, then go park the car and walk inside. I prefer to park far away.
I have a sister-in-law with a severely handicapped husband. She is not. They have a handicapped tag. She parks in handicapped parking spaces whether he is with her or not. Even if there is an open parking spot right next to it. Says she takes care of him, so she should get to park in a handicapped spot. I hope she gets caught someday.
One time I was in Boulder Colorado at a bar. After several drinks, I went to take a piss. When I walked into the restroom, there was a urinal and a stall. Someone was pissing at the urinal so I went in the stall - the one and only stall.

Well, as I'm finishing up, someone/thing starts banging into the stall door, repeatedly and loudly. Just BAM . . . BAM . . . BAM!

So I go and open the door, and it's this redneck in a wheelchair. He is hammered, and screams at me, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE HANDICAP SHITTER?? WHAT'S YOUR HANDICAP? A SMALL DICK?!!"

Point being, handicap people can be dicks too.
The car on the line must have parked first, otherwise the idiot driver couldn't open the door. The Rav4, in what may not even be a legal space, parked next.

If the Rav4 space is legal, he did nothing wrong. If not, as already mentioned, they both deserve tickets. That's all I see here.
Originally posted by Dennis Reynolds:
One time I was in Boulder Colorado at a bar. After several drinks, I went to take a piss. When I walked into the restroom, there was a urinal and a stall. Someone was pissing at the urinal so I went in the stall - the one and only stall.

Well, as I'm finishing up, someone/thing starts banging into the stall door, repeatedly and loudly. Just BAM . . . BAM . . . BAM!

So I go and open the door, and it's this redneck in a wheelchair. He is hammered, and screams at me, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE HANDICAP SHITTER?? WHAT'S YOUR HANDICAP? A SMALL DICK?!!"

Point being, handicap people can be dicks too.
Pretty sure you made this up, and stole it directly from Larry David.

Curb: Handicap Toilet
Nothing is more aggravating to me than people who abuse parking spots. Especially those with the tags who jump out and tear across the lot to the store perfectly fine.

I have no problem with the "stork spots" for the expecting mother as long as the lady is pretty far along, not just a month or so.
Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:
Being able to park close to a building isn't important to me.

Having that extra space on the passenger side to let my ramp down and knowing that it will take a colossal dick to block me in is what's important to me.
I feel for you. My father is a DAV and had the same problem with his van. He has a huge sign, about 3'x3' on the side, it would be very hard to not see it when you get out of your car if you parked next to it. He no longer drives and I think the main reason is the number of times he's had to wait for someone to come to their car before he could leave.
Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:
Doug's Do's and Don'ts

DO: Park in parking spaces.

DON'T: Do this. I took this picture when I arrived at work today.


I want more info about the pic.... Are both vehicles liscensed appropriately? I can't tell which one is isn't...
And the photo makes it look as if the sedan driver did a poor job staying within the lines and the Rav4 driver was a big enough prick to screw over someone??? I see lots of potential for bad stuff to happen is what I see.......
Originally posted by HeshimuBlu:
I've said this many times. I think Handicap stickers/plates should be designated as the persons individual handicap/need.

My brother was initially paralyzed from neck down when his spine fused apart, he now has movement in his arms, one more than the other, his vehicle is all hand controlled. If you realized how long it takes someone like this (20 min) minimum to park, exit, get to his scooter to front door, YOU or anyone would never think twice about taking a spot. I get so upset when I'm with him to see seemingly (normal...and I'm not saying they don't deserve a tag/sticker) just saying that it should be designated with your handicap.

I've got nothing put pure disgust for anyone who park in those spots with no handicap whatsoever. Shame on them.
You can't always see disability. You can't see nerve damage that makes walking distance painful, for instance. You can't see advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis that makes movement of all kinds painful.
Originally posted by starchief5:
I have a sister-in-law with a severely handicapped husband. She is not. They have a handicapped tag. She parks in handicapped parking spaces whether he is with her or not. Even if there is an open parking spot right next to it. Says she takes care of him, so she should get to park in a handicapped spot. I hope she gets caught someday.
That's awful. Hell, because I'm perfectly able bodied and I'm not a lazy fatass, I usually park toward the rear of lots anyway. It isn't worth driving around looking for spots, dodging pedestrians near the store. In the lot, straight in a spot, and in the store as quickly as if I'd drove around trying to make sure I could take as few steps as possible.
Originally posted by ganner918:

Originally posted by HeshimuBlu:
I've said this many times. I think Handicap stickers/plates should be designated as the persons individual handicap/need.

My brother was initially paralyzed from neck down when his spine fused apart, he now has movement in his arms, one more than the other, his vehicle is all hand controlled. If you realized how long it takes someone like this (20 min) minimum to park, exit, get to his scooter to front door, YOU or anyone would never think twice about taking a spot. I get so upset when I'm with him to see seemingly (normal...and I'm not saying they don't deserve a tag/sticker) just saying that it should be designated with your handicap.

I've got nothing put pure disgust for anyone who park in those spots with no handicap whatsoever. Shame on them.
You can't always see disability. You can't see nerve damage that makes walking distance painful, for instance. You can't see advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis that makes movement of all kinds painful.
Maybe. Still, I've seen a lot of people, who don't appear to have any issue at all, park in those spots.

Often, I will drop off the shoppers-in-the-family, while I stay in the car and listen to the radio. I usually try to get a space within view of the handicap area... it helps pass the time, as I watch the coming-and-going. My unscientific opinion of everyone under 50-ish that uses the handicap parking... is that half of them are full of crap.
well WTFever...that is why I put in parenthesis that I'm not saying those do NOT deserve to have stickers/tags. I agree.

Seriously though, do you really think those are more deserving for up front spots? Really?


This post was edited on 2/26 3:04 PM by HeshimuBlu

This post was edited on 2/26 3:05 PM by HeshimuBlu
I think the cheap / poor business needs to catch a little flack. I mean, spend the gd $200 and have your lot cleared. If they did, I bet these fine citizens would have returned to their normal designated parking slots. Nah, but the cheap ass business owner should still clean the parking.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Originally posted by Dennis Reynolds:
One time I was in Boulder Colorado at a bar. After several drinks, I went to take a piss. When I walked into the restroom, there was a urinal and a stall. Someone was pissing at the urinal so I went in the stall - the one and only stall.

Well, as I'm finishing up, someone/thing starts banging into the stall door, repeatedly and loudly. Just BAM . . . BAM . . . BAM!

So I go and open the door, and it's this redneck in a wheelchair. He is hammered, and screams at me, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE HANDICAP SHITTER?? WHAT'S YOUR HANDICAP? A SMALL DICK?!!"

Point being, handicap people can be dicks too.
Pretty sure you made this up, and stole it directly from Larry David.
Obviously I've seen that episode. And obviously, I know that many many people on the paddock have seen that episode. So false.

Larry David's scenario ended with him and the guy arguing. I just looked at the dude with surprise/disdain/pity and walked out of the bathroom.
That's no fun.

Need to work on the ending of that story a little bit, make it a little more dramatic/exciting ----> and over time, it will become a staple in your repertoire for drinking nights with new friends.
Originally posted by WayneDougan:
Discuss? Ok, I think they need to segment handicapped spots across the parking lot by actual handicap.

- In a wheelchair: up front
- Elderly and using a cane: front 1/3
- Too fat: last spots in the lot
Originally posted by Blind Karl Hess:
Being able to park close to a building isn't important to me.
I hear you, but I think it's probably difficult for drivers, when they are backing up, to see people in a wheelchair. Hell, a lot of them suck at seeing 6' tall adults who are walking when they're doing that.

This post was edited on 2/26 10:26 PM by WayneDougan
My mom doesn't drive and has a handicap parking pass. I take her shopping, I usually drop her off and go find something to do for an hour. Then come back in an hour and park in a handicap space. She can't walk without walker or holding onto cart. I usually get out of car and do some jumping jacks, push-ups and sprint into store to help her with groceries. Actually when I have to use her parking spot it is most awkward and self concsious feeling. I always park in back of lots when driving my car.
You should see how many "handicapped" people there are in EKY. Sickening.
1- It looks as if the Rav 4 is actually in a non parking spot? If so it should be towed.

2- If the Camry need space on the passenger side I get why they parked like that, which is why most parking lot designers usually have the handicapped spots in the middle with walkways between them.

3- All that said, I blame the parking lot designer more than the driver. Why anyone puts a handicapped spot next to a curb has never assisted anyone that is handicapped and not prepared to do their job correctly.
Accessible parking spaces have to be put in the closest accessible route to an entry. Would a have to see the rest of the lot before assuming it was a poor design. And the rav4 in the loading zone should most definitely be towed. That's absurd.

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