Man, I so wish you would have gotten that memo.
I just love how you "non uk" fans like to start shit on here and twist ones words. I think you should go back to whatever board you came from and learn some manners. My Mama always taught me to be courteous and polite when visiting another's home.
Some of you "non UK fans" are a real piece of work. Just where did I say RR was off limits to anyone? I love when rival tools come over and visit. I'm always needing a good laugh throughout the day. My workday can be rather boring sometimes. Anyway, I just asked him a simply question. Are you his big brother or something? Trying to protect lil brother? I didnt realize I was even talking to you. Can he not handle his own posts and replies? I see he did "like" your comment.
I guess I will have to spell it out for you. It was just a simple question...Why are you here? Are you here to really talk basketball? To have an insightful, respectful, and intelligent discussion about our teams? Cause I can handle those "non UK fans" all day and everyday. I dont mind the fact that you arent UK fans, i mind the fact that your posts are just plain ignorant and disrespectful to our program and fan base. Thats what bothers me. I'll talk college bball with the best of them and we will have a good ole time. That is what i was asking him Mr. Mark. Are you here to have good discussion or are you simply here to run your trap and spill out ignorant propaganda about your school and fan base, and act surprise that everyone thinks you're an idiot?
There it is, spelled out for ya But if you took it as an off limits memo, then by all means.........
You know what they say....Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!