Lamont Butler's song from BBM

Video just dropped on YouTube. I know this may not be some of your all's cup of tea but it may be for some.

If that is what he likes to do awesome and he did a whole song without cursing and talking about drugs, prostitutes, and the only money reference was NIL. Kinda impressive, and maybe it shows future recruits who are interested in rapping they can show their stuff off here.
The song was OK I guess if you are into that kind of thing, but the lip syncing just made me cringe. Obviously, that's not his day job so he shouldn't be polished, but I can't imagine he's too proud of the actual performance.
Song is very meh vs other songs but pretty great as something done by a college athlete.

Also pretty cool to see they let him work with ky engineerin who is a massive name in hiphop and a huge uk fan.

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I think it's cool as hell and will get future recruits fired up. Kid is living his dream.
a) impressed he had the guts to walk out to something he'd written and performed
b) less impressed that he didn't seem to know the words