Poy isn't better than Lyles.
That isn't going to be the lineup. Well, there's a 95% chance that it won't, anyway.
Probably would have beat Wisconsin with Poythress though. Both have their knacks.
Imaginez une équipe de basket de Trey, Sheray, Côte, Magloire, Labissiere, et Pepe LeMaster.
Les chats quinze avec seize pareil.
Poy > Lyles
Andrew < Ullis
Aaron < Briscoe
N'est pas?
Thon Maker parlez la francais avec Labissiere a universite de ky. annee seize.tres bien!!
I was in France once. Do you realize those dumb asses pronounce Versailles Ver-SIGH.
avec Skal et Thon le surnom naitre.La chats etre doux francais.allez grand bleu.LE. Section arreter por Ky.....Magnifique.. Allez grand bleu.
I was in France with a tour and we went to Vrersailles. It was nice but way to expensive. They told me that a coke was six dollars and fifty cents. I told them that I ain't paying no six dollars and fifty cents for no coke
Pardon my french, but...Thon Maker parlez la francais avec Labissiere a universite de ky. annee seize.tres bien!!
Please learn that Tyler's name only has ONE L. It's ULIS.Les chats quinze avec seize pareil.
Poy > Lyles
Andrew < Ullis
Aaron < Briscoe
N'est pas?
Les chats quinze avec seize pareil.
Poy > Lyles
Andrew < Ullis
Aaron < Briscoe
N'est pas?
It's ULIS with only one L. I guess Briscoe was a typo.Poy is not better than Lyles
Ullis is not better than Andrew IMO, at least has not proven it yet
Bricscoe is not better than Aaron IMO, at least has not proven it yet
People really undervalue what the twins gave us over the past 2 years, you can't say that any of our current guards are better right now.
I was in France once. Do you realize those dumb asses pronounce Versailles Ver-SIGH?
Of course when you try to correct them they get all Frenchy and know-it-all.
Please learn that Tyler's name only has ONE L. It's ULIS.
I think he said me love you long time?La connexion Francais vis a vis Ky est etablie et tres bon mes ami.