Kicking the FG instead of going for the TD

What is this eat clock argument in going for it?

The extra 22 yards they would have to get to get to the same starting position? Is that the eat clock argument? Even though they'd have to go many fewer yards to get to FG range as opposed to TD? The yardage cancels out bc FG vs TD...probably needed 65-68 to get into FG range from the 2...would've needed a full 75 after a FG and touchback...
What is this eat clock argument in going for it?

Obviously much harder on offense backed into EZ - but also much harder on offense to score a td vs get into FG range.

Let class begin:
  • "The extra 22 yards they would have to get to get to the same starting position? Is that the eat clock argument? Even though they'd have to go many fewer yards to get to FG range as opposed to TD?" Kind of a muddle, but I'll attempt to decipher your point. Many facets to this, so I'll go s l o w l y. First off, if you go for it from the 2, you can score and WIN! That alone is enough for the argument. BUT, in the case that you went and missed, you used up one plays worth of clock. Maybe 4, maybe 6 seconds, who knows, but you use clock AND leave them with 98 yards to score to beat you......or 78 yards from a 37 yard attempt (NOT MANY FEWER YARDS!) for the much dreaded tie! Are you with me??? Let's just throw in their for kicks that playing out of your own end zone is a little bit tougher than other parts of the field. Big consideration for a "thinking" man. You CAN'T take a sack = Game over. So it changes the play calling, most likely forcing some runs or short passes to start...using even more clock......Wouldn't it be something if you doubters were as certain of our touchdown as you are of their field goal, LMAO.....and they were 1 for 3 on FG's going into that final series!!
  • "The yardage cancels out bc FG vs TD...probably needed 65-68 to get into FG range from the 2...would've needed a full 75 after a FG and touchback". Where do you come up with this stuff? 65 yards puts them in range for a 50 YARD FIELD GOAL. REALLY???? So he's 1 for 3, one blocked, and you are confident he's going to knock it down from 50?? Did they sub in Jan Stenerud?? LMAO!!!! It doesn't cancel out jack. ...and you also just opened up the possibility of them running the ball back for a TD, or running it back past the 25, which we know now they ended up with, BUT prior to the decision, we had no idea, thus adding in more ways to LOSE the game!!!!......So, even from the 25, they now have more clock, as no time ran off on the touchback. What you have done now is put them into position to WIN THE GAME, albeit 23 yards CLOSER to your goal line! Dumb idea isn't it. No telling how much clock it would have taken from the 2 to get to the 25, let alone to the 20, for that 37 yard field goal, which he still was unlikely to make based on this night's results, versus the path you chose, which had 3 LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG plays for TD's.

I get your point completely ; )

The guy is incapable of understanding that Missouri could kick a FG and win in overtime, let alone that that was their best chance of winning.

I think another thing being overlooked about kicking the FG is it gave us a chance to still win with a FG if Missouri happened to score a TD with some time left on the clock. If we had tried and failed to score a TD, we would have been looking at a hail mary scenario for ourselves if Missouri took a 4 point lead.

I was leaning towards wanting to go for it during the game myself, but kicking the field goal obviously left Missouri in a much more difficult situation than had we gone for the TD and failed.

This guy is giving their field goal unit at 1 for 3, beginning at the 25 a better shot, than our offense scoring a TD from their 2 yard line..............Is that you Coach Stoops?

Not even going to waste my time.

.................poof. Off to the HDB you go.
Alright clown, it would help if you could learn to quote.

First of all, eat more clock going for it is a stupid ass argument. A play from the 2 is going to be quick- about the same amount of time a FG takes.

Next - touchback was guaranteed kicking in the direction we were. Proven all game.

Mizzous kicker had an absolute boot - I watched pregame and he was good for 10-12 yards more than MacGinnis. He had the leg for a 50 yarder going against the wind. Their snapper was horrible - he absolutely could’ve blown a snap, or they could’ve put together a good snap, hold and kick and locked a tie.

And yes, I give them a greater chance of kicking a FG starting from the 2, than scoring a TD from the 25. And with our play calling, would’ve given the TD about a 20% chance.

I can see it being a 50-50 or 60-40 call, and I see you as being 100% dick.
For the game we ran five plays inside the three. We converted zero of them......

Their kicker was 3-5 not 1-3. (Could say 3-6 as he got the rekick on the flop running into the kicker). But he also made four xps. So for the night they were 7-11 total on kicks. So wasn't like they missed everything.

But those stats don't matter.
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You're not very good at connecting the dots, lol. The "thinking alike" was between you and the HDB ; )

No worries, mistakes are the norm in the HBD. You'll fit in wonderfully. They are currently in Lemming Training (LT), then on to the "We the Sheeple" seminar. Their pseudo-leadership likes to break down all vestiges of independent thought prior to commencing the next phase of training - Latrine Sanitization. An integral component of HBD life, as they are full of it.
So, KatFootballFan, as I take it, you think Stoops should have tried for a TD late in the game, instead of the field goal . . . .

Got any analysis, thoughts to back this up?
Those that can "think" have got it at this point. Others, more challenged, are having trouble on the issue. I suggest you go back and read over and over the postings in this thread, and perhaps, just perhaps, you'll have an epiphany. Doubtful, but nonetheless you should try, as the alternative, is.....well, you know...hup, two, three, four.
Here is what I know, what stoops decided to do, and what 95 percent of coaches would have done, worked. We won the game.

We don't know if other would have, hard to argue a decision that worked, when you don't know the other outcome. We very easily could of lost if we went for it.

So that alone should be a good decision.

Now the fourth down plays last night in Troy game all were horrible!
Once again Stoops makes the right call and most of this board is falling all over themselves to see who can look dumber.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh., Caveman, I'm trying to get KatFootballFan to exceed the Barnhardt "rant count" of Jauk11 . . . . another 20 pages, or so, and we will have another first since Bear Bryant!
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Shhhhhhhhhhhh., Caveman, I'm trying to get KatFootballFan to exceed the Barnhardt "rant count" of Jauk11 . . . . another 20 pages, or so, and we will have another first since Bear Bryant!

I've heard of guys building their post numbers. Is there some free tupperware after achieving a certain level?.............go hack go! Hup, two, three, four.....I think you are officer material!!
You mean that U of L had a shooting & FB players were involved? Why wasn't this incident reported by UL or by the CJ?
Reported...investigated?????? Never happening under the emperor's watch. He is gone NIW wonder if that will change?
One more time:

If we go for it on 4th and miss, we leave them with 98+or- to go for a touchdown to win. NOT concerned about a tie, as we are playing to you go for the win, NOT to "Eliminate the Tie, while still allowing them a final shot at beating us!!!!....albeit 23 yards closer to the endzone....Stopping them from beating us is GREATER THAN (>) the threat of tying us, thus you put them as far away from said "win" or "beating us" as possible, and in this case it was the 2. The tie is NOT as important as the possibility of LOSING the game IN REGULATION, lol. The, as in THE worst case scenario here was going into overtime, versus the loss. I'll take a second chance in OT versus a loss all day long. Giving them the ball on the 25 INCREASED their chances of beating 23 yards and few extra seconds. Why would anybody do this??????...................You can still switch camps. Seeing the light is much better than being blind to the facts.
Funny thing is is if that happened and UK lost in OT you would probably be the first one on here screaming 'WHY DIDN'T THEY KICK THE FIELD GOAL?' You know it, I know it, we all know it.

Stoops decision to go for it on 4th and 1 on our side of the field was a pretty gutsy call too.

We won, who cares. He obviously made the right call because it was much harder for them to score a TD than it was to make a field goal as they were already in field goal range. Maybe he looked at his team and thought they were too gassed to make it through OT. You'll never know because you're just an armchair coach.
Funny thing is is if that happened and UK lost in OT you would probably be the first one on here screaming 'WHY DIDN'T THEY KICK THE FIELD GOAL?' You know it, I know it, we all know it.

Stoops decision to go for it on 4th and 1 on our side of the field was a pretty gutsy call too.

We won, who cares. He obviously made the right call because it was much harder for them to score a TD than it was to make a field goal as they were already in field goal range. Maybe he looked at his team and thought they were too gassed to make it through OT. You'll never know because you're just an armchair coach.

Let's go over the BS before you ship out to the Homer Defense Battalion:
  • "Funny thing is is if that happened and UK lost in OT you would probably be the first one on here screaming 'WHY DIDN'T THEY KICK THE FIELD GOAL?' You know it, I know it, we all know it." Irrelevant....and ignorant, all in one fell swoop. Going for the TD was the call, and still is, LMAO. Only thing that hasn't changed is your ability to reason, or lack thereof.
  • " Stoops decision to go for it on 4th and 1 on our side of the field was a pretty gutsy call too." That "homerism" is a piss poor attempt at deflection....and I wouldn't get too giddy about one ballsy call over a 6 game span, lol. Especially after completely missing on this call, which put Mizzou in Better Position to Win the Game. Funny as hell.
  • "We won, who cares. He obviously made the right call because it was much harder for them to score a TD than it was to make a field goal as they were already in field goal range. Maybe he looked at his team and thought they were too gassed to make it through OT. You'll never know because you're just an armchair coach.".......or maybe, he's a little bit challenged in the realm of football strategy? Should we list examples? Tell you what, it is certainly better to question from the arm chair, as opposed to the high chair.......and watch yourself, you know how that sliding tray can pinch your fingers!
KFF, are you implying that military members are incapable of thinking?

: ) No, I'm a veteran, so I wouldn't do that, lol.

No, the HOMER DEFENSE BATTALION is a loose, unorganized, and just down right sloppy pseudo-military outfit that mindlessly protects any and all propoganda, decision making, or coaching decisions made in relation to UK Football - both past and present.....without logic or reasoning, as they possess neither.

HDB - The Mission Statement:

"We homers will do ar best to defent the coachs here at Kentuckey. they canot be wrong, and well let them winers knowd that on that innerweb site. well fight to get dem kats to a bowel. we luv bowels!"

It's a surprisingly tight knit group.