Kentucky-Wofford 2019

Is "we allowed the refs to screw us" akin to "we asked for sexual assault the way we were dressed"?
Lost this final 4 game by a point. This wasn't the only bad call either. Extra points awarded if you can name that ref.
That flop would even be called in the NBA now. And he's right on top of it. Corrupt as hell.
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That one call should have that ref banned forever.
Not only did it not, he was awarded official of the year in 2017 for getting us out of the tourney and protecting UNC, not once but twice (he was in the Arky game that they got screwed out of that year I believe as well).

Awarded Official of the Year. In a season where multiple sportscasters comment of the piss poor officiating we got in that first half. That was the final straw with me for officials.
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The main thing I remember about that Auburn game, other than Hagans being putrid and Washington and Reid missing crucial FTs, was Herro bricking a couple absolutely WIDE ASS OPEN (like no one within 5 feet of him) 3s. Just awful 2nd half in every way.
The fouls were even, but it was only because they went silent for AU that last portion of the game. It wasn't insanely obvious at the time (like the 2017 UNC hosing) , but you could tell how different the game was being called.

I would say I'd like to go back and look, but I'd rather

I will take you word for it brother.
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The official's job is to enforce the rules of the game...not make fans happy. You may have been happy the officials forgot the rules against using hands and holding a drive. There have been many coaches who want to make a basketball game a slog pit...and Pearl is one of them. The most egregious errors were calling hand checks on one end and not on the other.
I can’t believe anyone would have wanted more fouls called in that Auburn game. We shot 57% from the line. Missed FTs kept Auburn in the game.
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Nope. I clearly remember Auburn just flatout playing great ball at that point, while Cal and the team pissed down their leg. Classic Cal ball. He's all swagger until the second half starts.
We didn't play real well, but giving a team that hacks and slaps as much as Auburn fouling immunity to close out a game for 9+ minutes is bad officiating. We may not have played / coached well. But call 1-2 of the fouls they ignored and we win anyway.

They needed that last 10 minutes without fouls getting called to even get it to OT
It’s not just about free throws. Key players would have been in foul trouble
I think people for get that a lot. How many times did we see Oscar pick up two cheap ones back to back to slow us down a bit? Or fouls at critical points like the one on Willis in the 2017 UNC game. A bad call can sway a game pretty quickly
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Watching that clip makes me, beating someone's azz mad...namely the flopper and rooferee
UConn used to be the king of flopping. We give duke a hard time about it, but UConn was worse.

Can't blame them though, if idiot refs are going to fall for it, why not at least try?
There are so many examples of Rooferee against us. If I knew how to cut and make gifs I would. Go back and watch the Cornell game. He did everything in his power to get Cornell back in that game. Bilas even said something in the second half.

Watch the 103-100 game against UNC in Vegas, same year as the Elite.Eight fiasco. Tell me how many 50-50 calls went out way down the stretch of that one. Monk saved us.
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UConn used to be the king of flopping. We give duke a hard time about it, but UConn was worse.

Can't blame them though, if idiot refs are going to fall for it, why not at least try?
Ya know, 1 or 2 here and there I don't mind, even when we do it.

But some teams do it all the dang time. And try to fake contact when there was none. Selling some contact? Eh, I'm torn. But I'm ok with it here and there.
Ya know, 1 or 2 here and there I don't mind, even when we do it.

But some teams do it all the dang time. And try to fake contact when there was none. Selling some contact? Eh, I'm torn. But I'm ok with it here and there.
It was the only way for most teams to guard Shaq