Kentucky up to a 6 seed latest bracket ology

I'd like to think that if Pope can take a much worse team at BYU to a 6-seed playing in the Big12.. He should be able to surpass that with a top25 talented roster in the SEC. The only thing working against him is that this is still a brand new team for him and they will inevitably be starting further behind than the roster BYU had last year.. but still. If Pope is legit, he will be able to do like Pitino did, and pull results out of 2 and 3-star guys.
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Love it! Just have to keep improving day by day. I'm expecting we'll reach a 5 seed soon enough if we can execute well in upcoming practices.
It is the dumbest thing I ever heard of a whole new BB team and coach and they know what seed they going to be they must have a crystal ball.
I don't see us outside the top 25 when the tournament starts. If I had to bet, I think a #4 is more likely than a #6. We'll see though.
Why not a 1 seed? We have a much better coach and better team than last year when we were a 3 seed, shouldn’t that equal a 1 seed?
Why not a 1 seed? We have a much better coach and better team than last year when we were a 3 seed, shouldn’t that equal a 1 seed?
Because I think we take some early lumps getting things rolling. Early losses in some potential great resume wins probably keep us from an elite seed. But I think we'll be a team that most won't want to play in the tournament. I think by then, we'll be punching above our weight.
I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the '60s, I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain, and it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.
LOL, I was only playing on words, honestly I never gave any more thought than that. Did a man slip into the mix, or into you? :)
At this point a 6 seems fair if I’m a neutral observer. I think we’ll be better than that but new coach, all new roster, new system, and no clear cut all American type to carry us makes it tough to project much higher than that.
This team will be a 2 or 3 seed with 1 seed potential. Pope took BYU to a 6 seed in the tournament. Playing in the big 12 conference. BYU Think about that.

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