Kentucky medical marijuana

I could use some real relief from my fibromyalgia without pain pills

420 my friend..........I got off morphine, fentanyl, oxycoton, and numerous other narcotics.....I went to the "pain management clinic" for almost nine years.......I asked about THC F'ing way.......yet they gave me 50 mg morphine, 5-10mg morphine (that I could take when ever) along with a faulty fentanyl patch. I took a total of 23 different medications every two days......mostly pain and muscle relaxers. I decided one day that I was done with them......I weaned myself from the narcotics in 18 days.......I started drinking again and resumed my flight of fancy with 420........some days I have a lot of is better than laying on the ground having dry heaves because of a faulty fentanyl patch over dosing me.......I don't care if they legalize or not.......being a petty criminal is better than over dosing and dying because of prescribed drugs at 55..........LEGALIZE!
Can you share links to the documentation showing the benefits of medical marijuana? I'm looking for controlled studies, not an aggregation of anecdotes.
You ain't looking to damn hard.......Goggle..........I don't need any evidence....I have first hand experience........
I think a large part of fybro is withdrawal from the opiate pain meds people with it are taking. They try to stop and start hurting.
I have experience quitting prescribed narcotics.........unless you have experienced chronic pain you should hold your tongue.......they never stop hurting.......they might endure other symptoms but they don't just "start" experiencing pain............
Yeah, seriously.

I notice you didn't provide any links, but you did manage to butcher the spelling of Crohn's disease. That doesn't exactly give me confidence that you know what you're talking about.

Your second paragraph shows you don't understand how controlled trials work. Yes, pain has to be measured by asking a patient. But if the patient knows in advance what they are given/taking, then there is the HUGE possibility of placebo effect coming into play. Placebo effect is real, especially in pain control. The only way to test properly a treatment for pain is to do placebo-controlled double-blind studies.

And, unfortunately, there are very few of those when it comes to medical marijuana.

Hopefully that will change in the coming years so we can see what the real benefits and risks are.

Keep supporting big pharma.......the trouble in this country is the government involvement in medicine. I am 64......I don't have 25-35 yrs while the government slow walks cannabis studies.......I don't need a study......I have my own trial going on and it helps....... I have a grandson (18yrs old) that is alive today only because he was able to get cancer treatment in England when he was nine that he couldn't get in the USA because...........not enough trials......screw trials......
Why would people with fibro start taking opioids in the first place if they didn't already have pain?

(By the way, opioids are generally not an appropriate treatment for fibro, but no doubt they are sometimes prescribed for it.)
Nuroton and Lyrica were the chemicals that they tried to poison me on......
Good point about federal laws being different from state laws - it's the opposite of alcohol in that case. Alcohol is legal federally but restricted locally. Marijuana is legal locally but illegal federally. Totally inconsistent.

But just as America has been using alcohol for anxiety, America has also been self-medicating with marijuana. Why would we expect doctors to recommend (prescribe) one for an anxiety treatment but not recommend the other?

The risks/dangers of marijuana have clearly been overstated by the powers-that-be.

But now I see the benefits being overstated by the other side - or at least, the benefits being stated without proper supporting evidence. Are we really supposed to believe it's a magical plant that treats every ailment under the sun?

I'm all in favor of having medical med, or any active chemicals within, being properly tested to see what risk/benefit profiles we're really dealing with. It may very well have one or more legitimate medical uses; and if it does, it should be available as a treatment option.

Right now we have two sides debating this while relying on misinformation and partial information.

The misinformation is coming from the nay sayers
Does smoking marijuana increase one's chances of getting lung cancer?

I'm not a conservative Christian. And if you drink and support legalizing marijuana, I bet you're not considered one either by many who are.

There are plenty of studies showing health benefits of alcohol in moderate use. Those benefits have to be balanced with the risks.
I'm shocked to learn that you're not a scientist!

(Can you tell me which plants *don't* come from the ground? And what difference does that make? Heroin comes from a plant that, well, comes from the ground. So does cocaine. So does ricin. And poisonous mushrooms come from the ground too.)

There are many plants that don't "come from the ground" genius........let's see if I can give you a couple of examples.......orchids...... Spanish moss..... which is a variety of air plant...there are many that good enough or do I need to look up scientific identities for them.........I know how anal you are about proof......that is why I am surprised you used such a flimsy statement.
When I was a teenager pot was cool....

Smoking anything for any supposed health benefits seems stupid...

Pretty sure IF cannibis oil was the miracle cure then some greedy ass at Big Pharm would be selling it already at a jacked up price...

And yet even I think pot should be legal...
I’ll go a little further as well. The amount of people locked up for having a plant on them is insane. Absolutely sickening. And the money spent on housing inmates for something so ridiculous is insane. The people that push the narrative of how bad pot is are some of the ones getting kickbacks from private owned prisons that are full partly because of POT. So why don’t you list reasons pot is bad enough to be illegal rather than having to have proof that it has benefits for it to be legal.

Since when did something HAVE to have beneficial uses to be legal for our use in AMERICA?!?! Cokes don’t have a benefit. Fast food is insanely unhealthy. Obesity is at an all time high, yet no one questions the health benefits or legality of those things, but a recreational drug suddenly needs to become the fountain of youth before people will accept that another human has the right to use it if they want.
This alone is the strongest case for legalizing pot.
How did Prohibition work out? What were the results?
People who wanted to drink found places to drink. A criminal underground was created to meet the demand for alcohol. Same thing with the "illegal" drug industry.
SOMEBODY is going to meet the demand. The only variable is if those somebodies will be cartels/gangs or legitimate businesses. Will we spend our money continuously fighting the laws of nature that will never be won or using those same laws to generate revenue that can be used to treat those who abuse the product?
When I was a teenager pot was cool....

Smoking anything for any supposed health benefits seems stupid...

Pretty sure IF cannibis oil was the miracle cure then some greedy ass at Big Pharm would be selling it already at a jacked up price...

And yet even I think pot should be legal...
Totally antidotal but my daughter had a dog that was pathetic. Besides being diabetic and nearly deaf, he also was severely arthritic and stiff. A vet suggested trying cannabis oil which was legal in Indiana at that time. Within a few days that same dog was active and running...muscles relaxed so that he could walk normally. Several months later the state changed their laws and she could no longer get the elixir that had worked so well. Once her supply was exhausted the dog returned to his pre-treated state. Soon thereafter the decision was made to put him down.
When I was a teenager pot was cool....

Smoking anything for any supposed health benefits seems stupid...

Pretty sure IF cannibis oil was the miracle cure then some greedy ass at Big Pharm would be selling it already at a jacked up price...

And yet even I think pot should be legal...
Selling cures doesnt make big money. Selling treatments do.
I’m not going to scour the internet for something that I know I’ve read to prove something to you who had questioned every point made in favor

I’m not going to scour the internet for something that I know I’ve read to prove something to you who had questioned every point made in favor

Nope, I'm not questioning every point made in favor of it.

I'm questioning the unfounded claims of its magical curative properties. And you keep making more of them.
If it weren't for pot heads MJ would have been legalized years ago. Most advocates for it have zero interest in the benefits of it past getting their high on and the ridiculous arguments they make for it are still the top reasons for controlling it.

What are the top reasons for controlling it you allude to?
I had a friend tell me CBD oil helps tremendously with his anxiety attacks and pain in a bad knee. He does a couple of drops on his tongue twice per day. Does sound a little pricey though. He said it was around $100-140 per bottle that last a little over a month.
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Another one making assumptions about my views just because I had the audacity to question the actual evidence (or lack thereof) of medicinal uses of marijuana.

I'm familiar with some of the studies given in your link. They're a start, but the totality of evidence is still significantly lacking & based on weak studies (studies of too few patients, not placebo-controlled or randomized or multi-center & double-blinded and reproduced in subsequent studies). There are lots of supplements with small studies showing benefit, but larger studies (or more rigorous, stronger studies) couldn't replicate the findings. Drugs/medications need pretty strong data to get approval as prescribable treatments.

It’s hard to study something that’s federally illegal. Therein lies the rub.
If it weren't for pot heads MJ would have been legalized years ago. Most advocates for it have zero interest in the benefits of it past getting their high on and the ridiculous arguments they make for it are still the top reasons for controlling it.

If it wasn’t for those damn drunks always trying to get their buzz on. I support dry counties eventhough a majority of people don’t. <——— your bad argument in reverse.

Look, I lived a wild life as a young man. You name it, I’ve tried it with the exception of heroin. I haven’t done a “hard” drug in 15 years. I never was addicted to anything but nicotine and was teetering on the brink of alcoholism (gateway drugs).

I know what most legal and illegal drugs do. Of all of them, including booze, pot is the safest without the possibility of killing you after one night.

Heroin? Potentially lethal
Cocaine? Potentially lethal
MDMA aka ecstasy? Potentially lethal
Meth? Potentially lethal
Prescription or OTC drugs? Potentially lethal
Alcohol? Potentially lethal?
Marijuana? Potentially hungry

Simply put, I drink maybe 4 times a year. I would smoke a doob tomorrow if it was legal. You couldn’t pay me enough money to ever touch the crazy stuff again.
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What are the top reasons for controlling it you allude to?

I don't feel safe around people working/driving/trusting folks under the influence of drugs period.

Smoking pot is just as bad if not worse than smoking cigarettes, no sane person can look you straight in the eye and justify spending billions trying to eradicate one only to replace with another equal to it and say that make sense.

People under the influence of pot cannot hold most jobs thus making them dependent on the rest of the tax payers.
I don't feel safe around people working/driving/trusting folks under the influence of drugs period.

Smoking pot is just as bad if not worse than smoking cigarettes, no sane person can look you straight in the eye and justify spending billions trying to eradicate one only to replace with another equal to it and say that make sense.

People under the influence of pot cannot hold most jobs thus making them dependent on the rest of the tax payers.
You don’t have to smoke it
If it wasn’t for those damn drunks always trying to get their buzz on. I support dry counties eventhough a majority of people don’t. <——— your bad argument in reverse.

First, thanks for sharing your experiences, I always like to read and learn.

I nor anyone else in thread (that I saw) has promoted alcohol. My personal advice is to stay away from all drugs if possible.

You're statement concerning the obvious flaws with other drugs is the same logic, or lack of that the pro pot crowd has always used. Seriously it's like saying "hey, we are doing one bad thing so let's do two" No one can make a case for pot so that leaves trying to divert and create arguments about other stuff while ignoring the topic.

I have zero problems with it being used for medical purposes, we all know there are a lot worse things being used daily. That said if you can't separate the two then it's going to be hard to support either.
I would continue to smoke it but I’m just saying if someone was dead set against smoking anything there are other ways to get the effects.m

My point is that we spent all that money supposedly because we couldn't afford the health risk/cost and this would re-enter the same exact risk to everyone all over again. People are going to smoke it because it's the easiest and cheapest.
People under the influence of pot cannot hold most jobs thus making them dependent on the rest of the tax payers.

This is just a really idiotic thing to say.

There are thousands of hard working people that smoke pot. Professionals, teachers, lawyers, etc. You'd be surprised.

Now these aren't the type of folks that would get high while or before working, but to imply that no one that smokes weed is a productive member of society is short-sighted at best and downright ignorant at worst.
It’s hard to study something that’s federally illegal. Therein lies the rub.
I talked to a guy that has a license to grow in Paris, KY........if they was serious about doing studies then they would use the stuff that helps me......not some ditch weed that has .03%THC or less.....use something that has 25-28%THC......
I don't feel safe around people working/driving/trusting folks under the influence of drugs period.

Smoking pot is just as bad if not worse than smoking cigarettes, no sane person can look you straight in the eye and justify spending billions trying to eradicate one only to replace with another equal to it and say that make sense.

People under the influence of pot cannot hold most jobs thus making them dependent on the rest of the tax payers.
I know a nurse practitioner that smokes/deals, doctors, a airline pilot, a FAA district supervisor and a couple respiratory isn't just construction workers like the anti canabis crowd would like you to workers don't make enough to turn cannabis in the multi billion dollar cash crop in KY.
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This is just a really idiotic thing to say.

There are thousands of hard working people that smoke pot. Professionals, teachers, lawyers, etc. You'd be surprised.

Now these aren't the type of folks that would get high while or before working, but to imply that no one that smokes weed is a productive member of society is short-sighted at best and downright ignorant at worst.

Two of the best extrusion line operators I worked with over the years smoked. I never saw them even remotely close to high while on the job.They were great operators, knew their processes inside out, were always one of the first to jump in and help someone who was having trouble with their line, they didn't lay out of work, and they got along with everyone. I can't say nearly the same for several guys with alcohol problems that I worked with.