Kentucky medical marijuana

skip medical and go straight to recreational. It’s ok worse on your body than eating a cheeseburger from McDonald’s and no worse on your mind than a sixer from the gas station

You bring up a good point. If recreational marijuana does go federal, it'd be a good idea to buy stock in Papa Johns, Doritos, etc.
I've always wondered if legalizing marijuana would be a good way to fight the opioid abuse problems we have in eastern Ky. I feel like it would really help in that regard.
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Grandpa [roll] I must be old, because I want facts!! You're so funny!

Define 'safer,' and give me data on safety versus 'dose' of medical mj. Perhaps also give me data on short-term usage versus long-term usage.

Let’s be real, everyone has to bring up some way shape or form marijuana helps with some health issues but why does it even matter? If someone wants to smoke pot, let them. The people against it are the same ones thinking it will send you to hell. That’s the Stone Age mentality.

There is absolutely NO POSSIBLE WAY pot is more dangerous than alcohol. I’d 100% rather someone smoking than drinking. And I drink alcohol. But people die every day from alcohol poisoning yet no one ever dies from pot. Go back and research why it became illegal in the first place. All the “drugs kill your brain” crap was bs. You don’t have to smoke it if you don’t want to. But whether I do it or not shouldn’t be any of your concern.

I am a conservative Christian as well, yet still have no qualms about it. People should be able to think for themselves rather than live life based on fear they were taught as a child and should think about what truly is wrong or right rather than let someone else tell them what’s wrong or right.

So, I don’t care if it has benefits at all. Bottom line, alcohol has no health benefits yet is legal. I work in health care and I’ve never seen anyone in a hospital because of pot. I’ve never heard of someone in detox because of pot. Yes, people can become addicted to it, but at a lesser rate than people get addicted to soft drinks. I don’t care if someone uses it for fun. That’s their business. Like bill Murray said “the worse thing that can happen with marijuana is getting caught with it”. Let that sink in.
I’ll go a little further as well. The amount of people locked up for having a plant on them is insane. Absolutely sickening. And the money spent on housing inmates for something so ridiculous is insane. The people that push the narrative of how bad pot is are some of the ones getting kickbacks from private owned prisons that are full partly because of POT. So why don’t you list reasons pot is bad enough to be illegal rather than having to have proof that it has benefits for it to be legal.

Since when did something HAVE to have beneficial uses to be legal for our use in AMERICA?!?! Cokes don’t have a benefit. Fast food is insanely unhealthy. Obesity is at an all time high, yet no one questions the health benefits or legality of those things, but a recreational drug suddenly needs to become the fountain of youth before people will accept that another human has the right to use it if they want.
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Yeah, seriously.

I notice you didn't provide any links, but you did manage to butcher the spelling of Crohn's disease. That doesn't exactly give me confidence that you know what you're talking about.

Your second paragraph shows you don't understand how controlled trials work. Yes, pain has to be measured by asking a patient. But if the patient knows in advance what they are given/taking, then there is the HUGE possibility of placebo effect coming into play. Placebo effect is real, especially in pain control. The only way to test properly a treatment for pain is to do placebo-controlled double-blind studies.

And, unfortunately, there are very few of those when it comes to medical marijuana.

Hopefully that will change in the coming years so we can see what the real benefits and risks are. Cannabis The Evidence V1.pdf

There's a jump off point.

I don't see what "risks" there could be when talking about terminal patients, they're going to die, so let them at least be comfortable; or using cannabis as an alternative to opioids and benzos. Marijuana has no attainable lethal dose. It doesn't have to be smoked. It can be eaten, vaped, consumed raw via juicing, made into CBD and THC oils and topical creams.

It's a no-brainer and the only hold outs are puritanical hyper-conservatives who believed the highly inaccurate propaganda we were all taught in school and still have notions of Reefer Madness and the devil's lettuce.

Personally, I favor full federal medical and recreational use. Because if we can glorify and promote alcohol consumption as socially acceptable, why not cannabis. It's safer. It's more natural. Again, there's no lethal dose. You could take your whole Oxy script and die. Smoke you whole sack, you're going to sleep. There's no physical addiction with only moderate to mild psychological addiction.

If you're still on the fence, I'd hope you're just older or old fashioned and I mean that with no disrespect. Even my 75-year-old parents have finally come around on it after being staunchly against it because they believed what they were taught in school. All it took was my mom realizing her best friend was able to find relief from after effects of chemo during her terminal battle with cervical cancer. The pills made her sicker. The weed helped her eat, cut down on nausea and allowed her to relax and sleep.
Let’s be real, everyone has to bring up some way shape or form marijuana helps with some health issues but why does it even matter? If someone wants to smoke pot, let them. The people against it are the same ones thinking it will send you to hell. That’s the Stone Age mentality.

There is absolutely NO POSSIBLE WAY pot is more dangerous than alcohol. I’d 100% rather someone smoking than drinking. And I drink alcohol. But people die every day from alcohol poisoning yet no one ever dies from pot. Go back and research why it became illegal in the first place. All the “drugs kill your brain” crap was bs. You don’t have to smoke it if you don’t want to. But whether I do it or not shouldn’t be any of your concern.

I am a conservative Christian as well, yet still have no qualms about it. People should be able to think for themselves rather than live life based on fear they were taught as a child and should think about what truly is wrong or right rather than let someone else tell them what’s wrong or right.

So, I don’t care if it has benefits at all. Bottom line, alcohol has no health benefits yet is legal. I work in health care and I’ve never seen anyone in a hospital because of pot. I’ve never heard of someone in detox because of pot. Yes, people can become addicted to it, but at a lesser rate than people get addicted to soft drinks. I don’t care if someone uses it for fun. That’s their business. Like bill Murray said “the worse thing that can happen with marijuana is getting caught with it”. Let that sink in.

I hope you had fun writing your rant, because I had fun reading it.

You just argued against a bunch of stuff I never said, so congrats on beating that straw man.

It's fun watching you guys make assumptions about my beliefs.
Let’s be real, everyone has to bring up some way shape or form marijuana helps with some health issues but why does it even matter? If someone wants to smoke pot, let them. The people against it are the same ones thinking it will send you to hell. That’s the Stone Age mentality.

There is absolutely NO POSSIBLE WAY pot is more dangerous than alcohol. I’d 100% rather someone smoking than drinking. And I drink alcohol. But people die every day from alcohol poisoning yet no one ever dies from pot. Go back and research why it became illegal in the first place. All the “drugs kill your brain” crap was bs. You don’t have to smoke it if you don’t want to. But whether I do it or not shouldn’t be any of your concern.

Does smoking marijuana increase one's chances of getting lung cancer?

I am a conservative Christian as well, yet still have no qualms about it. People should be able to think for themselves rather than live life based on fear they were taught as a child and should think about what truly is wrong or right rather than let someone else tell them what’s wrong or right.

I'm not a conservative Christian. And if you drink and support legalizing marijuana, I bet you're not considered one either by many who are.

So, I don’t care if it has benefits at all. Bottom line, alcohol has no health benefits yet is legal. I work in health care and I’ve never seen anyone in a hospital because of pot. I’ve never heard of someone in detox because of pot. Yes, people can become addicted to it, but at a lesser rate than people get addicted to soft drinks. I don’t care if someone uses it for fun. That’s their business. Like bill Murray said “the worse thing that can happen with marijuana is getting caught with it”. Let that sink in.

There are plenty of studies showing health benefits of alcohol in moderate use. Those benefits have to be balanced with the risks.
I’ll go a little further as well. The amount of people locked up for having a plant on them is insane. Absolutely sickening. And the money spent on housing inmates for something so ridiculous is insane. The people that push the narrative of how bad pot is are some of the ones getting kickbacks from private owned prisons that are full partly because of POT. So why don’t you list reasons pot is bad enough to be illegal rather than having to have proof that it has benefits for it to be legal.

Since when did something HAVE to have beneficial uses to be legal for our use in AMERICA?!?! Cokes don’t have a benefit. Fast food is insanely unhealthy. Obesity is at an all time high, yet no one questions the health benefits or legality of those things, but a recreational drug suddenly needs to become the fountain of youth before people will accept that another human has the right to use it if they want.

Funny enough, I agree with practically all of this.

But congrats for making a compelling argument against what you assumed my position to be. Cannabis The Evidence V1.pdf

There's a jump off point.

I don't see what "risks" there could be when talking about terminal patients, they're going to die, so let them at least be comfortable; or using cannabis as an alternative to opioids and benzos. Marijuana has no attainable lethal dose. It doesn't have to be smoked. It can be eaten, vaped, consumed raw via juicing, made into CBD and THC oils and topical creams.

It's a no-brainer and the only hold outs are puritanical hyper-conservatives who believed the highly inaccurate propaganda we were all taught in school and still have notions of Reefer Madness and the devil's lettuce.

Personally, I favor full federal medical and recreational use. Because if we can glorify and promote alcohol consumption as socially acceptable, why not cannabis. It's safer. It's more natural. Again, there's no lethal dose. You could take your whole Oxy script and die. Smoke you whole sack, you're going to sleep. There's no physical addiction with only moderate to mild psychological addiction.

If you're still on the fence, I'd hope you're just older or old fashioned and I mean that with no disrespect. Even my 75-year-old parents have finally come around on it after being staunchly against it because they believed what they were taught in school. All it took was my mom realizing her best friend was able to find relief from after effects of chemo during her terminal battle with cervical cancer. The pills made her sicker. The weed helped her eat, cut down on nausea and allowed her to relax and sleep.

Another one making assumptions about my views just because I had the audacity to question the actual evidence (or lack thereof) of medicinal uses of marijuana.

I'm familiar with some of the studies given in your link. They're a start, but the totality of evidence is still significantly lacking & based on weak studies (studies of too few patients, not placebo-controlled or randomized or multi-center & double-blinded and reproduced in subsequent studies). There are lots of supplements with small studies showing benefit, but larger studies (or more rigorous, stronger studies) couldn't replicate the findings. Drugs/medications need pretty strong data to get approval as prescribable treatments.
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Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but you can grow up to 4 plants and possess up to 8oz in KY and still be in the misdemeanor range. It's legal here if you play your cards right.
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Since you guys have had so much fun making assumptions about my views, let me spell them out for you:

1. I've supported decriminalization of mj for a long time now.

2. I have slightly mixed feelings about full legalization, but mostly support it. My biggest concern is that there currently is no simple test for drivers, as there is with BAC for alcohol, to determine when one is driving under the influence. My second biggest concern is that, just as with tobacco, I find the smoke irritating to be around.

3. I agree that it's probably less dangerous than alcohol (less addictive, less chance of 'overdose,' less harmful to liver and upper GI tract (throat, esophagus, stomach)). But it presents other health risks (possible increased risk of lung cancer, possible long-term changes to brain functioning that aren't fully understood). So it's an apples to oranges comparison when comparing its risks to those of alcohol.

4. I agree its risks have been dramatically overstated by the powers-that-be.

5. I've watched documentaries on its history and the history of our govt regulation of it.

6. It's absurd that it's classified Schedule 1, in the same category as cocaine and heroin.

7. I support testing of mj for medicinal use in treating a number of issues.

8. The reason for my posts in this thread is simply to show that there is a serious lack of scientific evidence supporting the claims made by advocates of medical marijuana. It may well turn out to be helpful for a number of things. But so far, evidence is small & weak. No drug would get FDA approval based on the limited evidence there is for mj. Now, whose fault is that? I'm with you, it's the govt's fault for not allowing research for all these years. But I see just as much BS when I see mj proponents claiming it treats every ailment known to humanity.

9. I have no problem with people trying it for medical purposes despite the lack of evidence. But I do have a problem with doctors "prescribing" it when such a lack of evidence exists. What strain do they "prescribe?" What dose do they "prescribe?"

10. I also have a problem with those who claim it's virtually free of downside. I recently attended a talk by a leading researcher on Crohn's disease, who runs one of the larger patient clinics in the U.S. He said he has hundreds of patients, and many have told him they self-medicate with marijuana. Many of them have reported significant decreases in symptoms (nausea, pain, improved appetite, etc) [Worth noting that symptom improvent doesn't necessarily mean improvement in underlying inflammation in the GI tract, but it's still better than nothing]. BUT - he has also seen patients develop hyperemesis from it (see links here

So can/should this doctor "prescribe" marijuana to patients? He thinks there may be benefit to some, but he doesn't have strong data to support that. And he sees there is a risk, but he can't quantify that risk either, because of the lack of data. Doctors practice evidence-based medicine (well, in theory).
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Allow me to start this post by stating that different strains of pot absolutely do effect you differently. Some statins will make you want to munch more, some statins will give you worse red eye, some strains will make your energetic while others will lay your ass on the couch for a couple hours.

anorexia. a strain that makes you want to munch

Sleep problems. A likely purple strain that knocks your ass out



Pretty much anything that is being treated with a pill

Let’s stop pumping people full of man made pills and let them smoke vape or eat from a plant that comes from the ground

But what do I know I’m not a scientist
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Marijuana helps me sleep, reduces my anxiety, which in turn helps with my PTSD...however, I am unable to partake. The multiple meds that the VA gives me doesn't do shit.

When I did smoke, I excelled. Dean's List 6 out of 8 terms...Yet, once I entered the professional world I couldn't do so. Therefore, my alcohol uptake increased. But I didn't suffer from the same nightmares when I smoked - it helped me in that part.

I understand this is anecdotal evidence, but that is my experience.
If it weren't for pot heads MJ would have been legalized years ago. Most advocates for it have zero interest in the benefits of it past getting their high on and the ridiculous arguments they make for it are still the top reasons for controlling it.
Who cares? It’s sad people can’t take the message because of the messenger
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Allow me to start this post by stating that different strains of pot absolutely do effect you differently. Some statins will make you want to munch more, some statins will give you worse red eye, some strains will make your energetic while others will lay your ass on the couch for a couple hours.

anorexia. a strain that makes you want to munch

Sleep problems. A likely purple strain that knocks your ass out



Pretty much anything that is being treated with a pill

Let’s stop pumping people full of man made pills and let them smoke vape or eat from a plant that comes from the ground

But what do I know I’m not a scientist

I'm shocked to learn that you're not a scientist!

(Can you tell me which plants *don't* come from the ground? And what difference does that make? Heroin comes from a plant that, well, comes from the ground. So does cocaine. So does ricin. And poisonous mushrooms come from the ground too.)
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Marijuana helps me sleep, reduces my anxiety, which in turn helps with my PTSD...however, I am unable to partake. The multiple meds that the VA gives me doesn't do shit.

When I did smoke, I excelled. Dean's List 6 out of 8 terms...Yet, once I entered the professional world I couldn't do so. Therefore, my alcohol uptake increased. But I didn't suffer from the same nightmares when I smoked - it helped me in that part.

I understand this is anecdotal evidence, but that is my experience.

You've probably seen it already, but are you familiar with the stories of them using MDMA along with a therapist to help with PTSD? There are trials ongoing now:
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but you can grow up to 4 plants and possess up to 8oz in KY and still be in the misdemeanor range. It's legal here if you play your cards right.

THIS. 30 years in State and Federal law enforcement and I have NEVER seen an inmate doing time for a single marijuana plant. Sentencing guidelines for marijuana is only a Google away and the laws are actually pretty lenient for the personal users.
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I hope you had fun writing your rant, because I had fun reading it.

You just argued against a bunch of stuff I never said, so congrats on beating that straw man.

It's fun watching you guys make assumptions about my beliefs.

I wasn’t implying you had those views I explained. I was saying that the people against it make some of those silly points that aren’t true. I wasn’t saying you had those views.

I also wasn’t saying you were a Christian. I was saying it as in, I myself on top of what I bleieve, am a conservative Christian as well (not meaning, as well as you.) I have no idea what religious belief you have or if you even have one.

So, again, I was replying to your post, but I was speaking in general, when I said “you all” I meant, people who suppose it. I didn’t mean for it to come across directly towards you so for that, I apologize.
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No apology needed, but thanks for offering up one anyway! :) We're all good here. I was having fun with the whole discussion/argument.
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I'm shocked to learn that you're not a scientist!

(Can you tell me which plants *don't* come from the ground? And what difference does that make? Heroin comes from a plant that, well, comes from the ground. So does cocaine. So does ricin. And poisonous mushrooms come from the ground too.)
I don’t think there is anything wrong with growing a poppy or Coca plant. That should be my business not yours or anyone else’s
I don't really care if it's legalized recreationally, although it would be nice. But it really angers me that it can legitimately help people with medical issues and most of those folks don't have access to it.

Fortunately, times are changing and people that need the medicine aspect of cannabis can buy online. CBD flower is starting to emerge now for people that want to smoke without the psychoactive high. I've heard great things about Tweedle Farms out of Oregon. They ship anywhere in the U.S. in vacuum-sealed bags along with a letter and test results proving the legality (below the THC threshold) in case a dog were to somehow sniff it out or a cop gets ahold of it.

They're selling the shit out of it. So much that they run out frequently but they restock quickly. I've read a lot of reviews and no one in any state has had any problems whatsoever with shipping.
I can’t wait to make up some fake symptoms so I can legally get high AF
Mitch will never approve. Let’s say your 299 lbs overweight. You should go pay your doctor for a knee or hip replacement, and a script for Oxy 3 times a day. Pad the pockets of big phram and medical. Don’t you know pot is the root of all evil because it’s a weed? Just ask Jeff or Rush.
My wife was totally against it. We went to California last year and bought some gummies. She spent the day anxiety free for the first time in a long time. We brought some home and she has 1/4 or a 1/2 after a stressful day and sleeps well at night. There is no reason for this drug to be outlawed, my guess is those opposed would find that they thoroughly enjoy it if they tried it.
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Yea and people should be allowed to kill themselves too, right?
You can 100% kill yourself anytime you want. Can they prosecute you afterwards? Are they taking your corpse and locking it up?

No one has ever said, “Boy, I’d of killed myself years ago if it wasn’t for all the trouble I’d get in with Johnny Law.”
Some people just want the United States of Jesus Christ and those people would never do drugs.

Except caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or whatever the Dr writes on his prescription pad
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You can 100% kill yourself anytime you want. Can they prosecute you afterwards? Are they taking your corpse and locking it up?

No one has ever said, “Boy, I’d of killed myself years ago if it wasn’t for all the trouble I’d get in with Johnny Law.”

You're not wrong if everyone that attempts it is successful.