Kara Lawson

I like her more than any female announcers on sports TV. Her voice is strong and not whiny. I can understand her, she doesn't yell into the mike and she sure beats anything Dick Vitale brings to the table. I hope she calls more and more of ou games.

Maybe CBS can bring her on to replace Greg Anthony.
Doris and her and better than most of the dudes...a lot of them... because the dudes seem silly and more focused on their "brand" sometimes. Even Jay Bilas is a bit much for me at times. Kara and Doris just call it like they see it, and I really appreciate that.
Originally posted by Bkocats:

See guys? A chick CAN call the games
Absolutely no offense to you, Bko, but honestly am I to believe she is the BEST ESPN has to offer? It's either Lawson or Dickie V?

Come on.
She knows the game well but I just don't want to listen to a woman comment on the game. Yes, its sexist, but it's the truth. I just don't. I'll own it. She's certainly much better than many guys that ESPN has trotted out there.
she doesn't hurt my ears as much as the other female announcers but women just shouldn't be calling men's games. first time i've actually listened to mark jones and i thought he was very good.
She I did WELL. ( channeling my English teacher/professor Mom....who would cringe at. " she did good" ). Although I generally Have the. game on very low volume, or mute, as most announcers are just annoying, in their knowledge or homerism and when I go to a game no one "announces" it for me, I tuned in a bit today.

It appears she knows her Bball, and did her homework on the teams and players...refreshing even.
However I probbly will revert to mute format for future games.

This post was edited on 1/17 6:53 PM by
She's very good, one of the few female basketball announcers I really like - still can't get used to female football announcers, I guess since they've never played football.
Although I really didn't expect it, she is actually really good.

This post was edited on 1/17 6:20 PM by TrolliNC
I don't listen much to the announcers, but she seemed fine when I did tune her in. I did chuckle at the in the game comment when it was 13 points, but AL did go on to cut it to 9 after she said that so whatever, fair enough point.
Originally posted by Ripcord65:
SoCalBlueFan ...

IMHO, the overt misogyny in a couple of posts keeps the streak alive !
Yes, I think I we have managed to pull it off. Thank God for the misogynists!

For a good hour or so it looked like we may all have been in agreement on something.
I like that unlike some males, she didn't keep talking about how Bama could keep coming back. When we made that run in the second half she was very complimentary about the way we were playing.
I like her too. Very knowledgeable. Gives good insight into what's going on in the game.
Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:
Women broadcast play-by or color announcers:

1. Kara

2. Doris
3. Pam Ward
4. Beth Mowins
5. Wonder Woman
6. Maryann
7. The hot chick from Castle
8. Mrs. Kiffin
9. Progressive's Flo
10. Rosanne Barr
She made several funny comments throughout the game. My favorite being when Mark Jones brought up the time when Ulis & Cousins got tangled up in a pick up game last fall...that Ulis didn't back down, but got in Cousin's face. After another comment from Mark, Kara said she wasn't for sure...she was still trying to figure out how Tyler Ulis could have gotten in DeMarcus Cousin's face.

She does a terrific job calling color. In fact, her and Mark Jones are two of the best, IMO.

This post was edited on 1/19 2:08 PM by UKhoopCat
This thread gets made every year.

Prior to the game, there's a thread bashing her calling our game.

And then after the game, we get a thread like this.

She's quite good at what she does. While she wouldn't be my first choice, I certainly don't mind her calling our games.
I take back my post about her yesterday. I was at work listening to the game and when I got home I watched it.


I would take her in ANY of our games, over Vitale or even Bilas.

I apologize for my prejudicial views beforehand - I never thought a female commentator would be acceptable to listen to. I was wrong. Kara is.

Doris Burke still sucks.
I watched the game again and she did a great job. Very knowledgeable and in-depth. Seems to do quite a lot of homework before the game. Big bonus points for staying out of the pregame brothels.
Way to go Law Dog you about blew the interview with her today on the show. ha ha. Good thing she is so good she saved it. She does know how hard it is being the hunted. The UT womens team was up against it every night too.
Originally posted by 5iveStarRecruit:
She does her homework. Was impressed with her knowledge about our certain players.
Agreed very knowledgeable. Knew strengths and weaknesses of all players. Really impressed.
I was very impressed by her knowledge and insight of the game. She made very astute comments which were the equal of and in some cases much better that some men analysts I've heard. She has a very bright future. She is the best among sll women I've heard.
Paid a little closer attention to her as I re-watched the game yesterday. She is the best among all female bball anouncers by far and actually better than most of her male counterparts. I would take her over Vitale any day of the week. I would put her up there with Bilas based on just this game. Very knowledgeable and adds good insight. Surprised at how well she did actually.