Kanter stands up to LeBron alone...

I’m racist towards duke u6 Kansas uncheats and IU fans program and everything those garbage programs stand for.

as for Lebron speaking out, he’s allowed to speak his mind. I don’t think he’s racist nor do I think the kid from Missouri who was shot was not in the wrong. In all honesty blacks have far more people who hate them for the color of their skin than white people do. I don’t want to get political so I won’t but we can all agree to respect anyone regardless of their skin or religious affiliation.
My wife is black, child is mixed...its made me view the race thing differently because of what ive personally now seen take place in this world

Secat called LeBron a racist because he supports black issues in our country but won't speak out about human rights violations in China. That doesn't make him racist

So actually everyone saying kari brought up the race card is wrong. Secat did and no one is attacking him, honestly pretty sad

Oh and the real issue. Anyone who is silent about the human rights atrocity in Hong Kong is a coward. I have no respect for LeBron anymore ever, e iant racist but is a chicken shit who values money obwr everything
Hopefully this board doesn't become so political. Can we just block this thread.
not even close bud. I have traveled all over the world and have been allowed to share in other country’s cultures and have befriended so many people from different races and ethnicities. It’s truly been a blessing and has given me perspective that so many Americans clearly lack. Good try though.

Care to give examples of white yelling racist when someone speaks out ? Also, YOU are the one starting the internet tough guy shit, just like you are the one yelling racist the loudest. Wonder why ? If something you do not agree with or have a different opinion of, does not make the other person wrong / or a racist. I do no think you know the true meaning of racist, it is just your little way of combating a situation you do not like / agree with. The term is so over used almost like the story of crying wolf. Be careful going thru life using that card, everybody you do not agree with is not. Not saying it does not exist today, only a fool would think so, but not near as much as you are screaming it does. If a person is yelling racism about everything that they do not agree with, chances are, you are actually the one who is. And before you counter with your rebuttal, you have no clue who I am or what my background is.
Like is said, I know it exist, and several on this very board i most certainly know they are ( a couple in this thread), but it is not everyone or everything that has to be lumped into that group of blinded by hate beliefs. If people spent as much time trying to over come the issue (every ethnic group), not just one, we would all be better off and would live in a more positive society.
PHUCK #LeConShames!!!

He got his education from a 16-year old mother and criminal father and got coddled through SVSM! Educated my ass, the next book LBJ reads will be his first!!!!

The term 'racist' has been weaponized and no longer has the same meaning. When it's thrown around like you are doing it says more about you than the target you aimed it at.
Please bring back your old Avatar! TIA
Kudos to Enes. However, I’m going to assume that Lebron just doesn’t know any better. There are a whole generation of folks that don’t realize how bad China is when it comes to human rights. I’m going to assume that Lebron is in that camp. It is ironic that he calls an MIT grad uneducated, but that’s beside the point.
I’m more bothered by Kerr than Lebron. When Kerr was asked about it, he started talking about America’s social injustices as some sort of moral equivalence. Kerr should know better. We all know that no nation is perfect, and yes that includes us, but Kerr knows that there is a VAST difference between the USA and China when it comes to freedom and human rights.
Kudos to Enes. However, I’m going to assume that Lebron just doesn’t know any better. There are a whole generation of folks that don’t realize how bad China is when it comes to human rights. I’m going to assume that Lebron is in that camp. It is ironic that he calls an MIT grad uneducated, but that’s beside the point.
I’m more bothered by Kerr than Lebron. When Kerr was asked about it, he started talking about America’s social injustices as some sort of moral equivalence. Kerr should know better. We all know that no nation is perfect, and yes that includes us, but Kerr knows that there is a VAST difference between the USA and China when it comes to freedom and human rights.
Make no mistake, LeBron knows better. He pressured the NBA to punish Morey. He's trash.
I'm the same way. I'm all about rising $ wise for my family. That said, I cannot say political things at work and not get reprimanded like the above can. That's the big difference so when they talk trash about Trump and the illegal aliens in the bad awful camps here but won't talk about the Chinese having slave labor camps and murdering their civilians because they want freedom...well that is an issue to me.
Yeah on top that they harvest their prisoners organs and sell them to the top buyer so yeah America is so much worse than Red China!!
Make no mistake-money makes some people forget their values. California seems to do the same to people. We as a country should put people in their place-quit going to movie theaters, ballgames, etc. Wouldn’t take long to humble them and show them where the real power comes from.
Who’s allowed to express political commentary? Anybody but pro athletes?
Of course he has the right to express his ignorance. The flag flying over the courthouse guarantees that.

But when a man who has a billion dollar lifetime contract with NIKE and make hundreds of millions for playing ball constantly speaks out against America and blasts capitalism the rest of us have the right to laugh at him. So I look at him as a very rich clown who opposes the very political system that allowed him to be one of the world's richest men. But like they say a fool is born every day and he is a very rich anti-American fool. So be it.

And thank you Enes Kanter for standing up for your adopted country, America. You know what oppression is so I respect your opinion.
NBA is getting black eye after black eye with their handling of the China situation. It's nice to see Kanter throw caution to the wind and drop truth, even if he has to do it on "King James".

This guy continues to make me more and more proud. I wish he could've worn the jersey.

Lebron sounded like an idiot in that interview, he should have just kept his mouth shut. Made him look like a money hungry bastard.
But when a man who has a billion dollar lifetime contract with NIKE and make hundreds of millions for playing ball constantly speaks out against America and blasts capitalism the rest of us have the right to laugh at him.

When has Lebron ever "blasted capitalism"? Never that I've noticed. Hell, capitalism is the whole reason he bashed Morey and refuses to criticize China. He's making bank off the Chinese and doesn't want it to stop.
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When has Lebron ever "blasted capitalism"? Never that I've noticed. Hell, capitalism is the whole reason he bashed Morey and refuses to criticize China. He's making bank off the Chinese and doesn't want it to stop.

He got the league to stop calling team owners "owners" and used a standard mid-19th century Marxist rationale to go about it. I think that qualifies.
When has Lebron ever "blasted capitalism"? Never that I've noticed. Hell, capitalism is the whole reason he bashed Morey and refuses to criticize China. He's making bank off the Chinese and doesn't want it to stop.
He didn't but Lebron is absolutely a fraud just like most of the people calling him out. The irony is hilarious.
Chairman Lebron really stepped in it this time. Nike has to be thrilled. It's easy to bash and take for granted the USA but now he's getting a taste of what millions of Chinese do from their Communist government every day. He needs to stay in his lane which is an athlete playing basketball.
He got the league to stop calling team owners "owners" and used a standard mid-19th century Marxist rationale to go about it. I think that qualifies.
This is made up too. He didnt get the league to change the name, Draymond Green is the one who was outspoken about it. He just appeared on the shop and talked about it. Also, even if he did that's not speaking against capitalism. It's like the truth doesn't even matter anymore, people have to lie and make up BS to feed their agenda.
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This thread probably has the highest concentration of stupid and triggered of any I've ever seen on RR, which is saying a lot. Here's an example (and I'm not calling out this user in particular, it's just a good example of what this thread contains):

The minute Lebron thought that he may lose his marketing power in China, thus costing him money, well then freedom of speech is not that important. If China cuts the NBA marketing and broadcasting out of their country, well ole Billionaire Bron can't be siding with no FREEdom of speech.

"Freedom of speech is a great thing, unless it cost me money." "Freedom and democracy is a right for every human on earth, but if the country decides to take away democracy, I will change my opinion and side with Dictatorship if it benefits me." Those are the true feelings of Lebron James, he truly has forgot what a struggle he went thru growing up and how things that was normal to a lot of Americans was not possible for him. He grew up in a very bad place, poverty, violence, murder and drugs. You would think he would have sympathy for people in third world countries or countries that do not let citizens have a say in how they live or make a living.

Freeze Peaches: Freedom of speech is about whether the government can prosecute you for speech, and it does not mean that speech is free from other consequences. We're a capitalistic society, and that means that monetary considerations will absolutely affect how people (and businesses) choose to exercise their speech. This is as unsurprising as the sunrise.

Irony: I feel confident that the Venn diagrams of (i) the people in here bitching about Lebron, (ii) the people that always bitch about "we have homeless vets in America, why are you spending time on the problems of other countries?", and (iii) the people complaining that we focus too much on celebrities and "social justice warriors" and not enough on real issues overlap considerably. So it's quite ironic that the same people who love to spout "who cares what a celebrity basketball player thinks about X" care about what Lebron says (or does not say) about the political goings on in another country (one whose products they happily purchase, btw). As for focusing on domestic issues...

WTF: Is it fair to claim that Lebron "truly has forgot (sic) what a struggle he went thru (sic) growing up?" No, not it is not: "There's things that happen in my own community -- trying to help my kids graduate high school and go off to college -- what's been my main concern over the last couple years -- and my school. Trying to make sure the inner city kids that grew up in my hometown can have a brighter future and look at me as inspiration to get out of the hellhole of the inner city. And we don't talk about those stories enough." And just because Lebron grew up in a tough situation does not mean he's going to choose to, what, go social media SJW on China and lose potentially tens of millions for him (personally) and others (his actions re: China affect the entire NBA, which includes 30 teams and their employees, not to mention the tertiary effects; this was his point re: the Morey tweet in the first place)? Maybe, just maybe, he saw that the juice (whatever minimal impact he can have on the situation in Hong Kong) is not worth the squeeze (loss of millions in revenue for himself and others, not all of whom are nearly as fortunate at Lebron).

Summary: Basically, I see a bunch of adult babies crying about Lebron (and Kerr and Pop - way to follow those marching orders, lemmings), but it all really boils down to this: you don't have the market power to punish the speech you don't like (i.e. anti-Trump), but China has the market power to punish the speech it does not like (i.e. anything supportive of the Hong Kong protesters). Welcome to capitalism, snowflakes.