K Tucker on the Wheeler Wagon

I keep moving around on the Wheeler bus (wagon). Is he as bad as many on here think? NO. Is he as good as some on here claim? NO.

Wheeler can get into the lane, which is something we've had trouble with for years. His finishing ability is sometimes good (when not blocked), sometimes bad (getting blocked often).
He's good at distributing to guys, although sometimes he tries to do too much, or gets caught in the air with no where to go.
His shooting while improved a little, is still subpar. If he can be selective (only when WIDE open) he can maximize that, given his ugly form.
He is a defensive menace/pest. Sure he can get posted up, and we SHOULD NOT want him switching, especially off a guard. But even if he doesn't get steals, the other team's PG don't want the ball w/ Wheeler (the "knat") on him.
This is my biggest concern with him. In our last 2 big games (NCAA & MSU), he faltered in crunch time at the line, and with a bad couple of decisions. "Big games" is something he didn't see at UGA, but he should be used to it by now at UK.
So I grade him out as a B on average, some games as low as a C or C+, some games as high as a A-.
Here’s all I’m gonna say. The way you laid it out is why wheeler is bad for UK and why we will not win in March with him. He is an inconsistent player. That’s why people are torn. You can not have an inconsistent player run your team and win in March. It’s that simple. Wheeler will play a role until he decides he feels it then he will break the team down. I’ve seen this show too many times. So many that now you hear the broadcast crews talking about wheeler being a great assist pg instead of great pg.
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You know, despite his extra year or two in college.. Wheeler can still improve and get better. No reason to think he can't improve some areas like decision making and shto selection.
Still though, only 5 turnovers on the season. His ratio is 6:1. We ain’t treating him right

He has the ghost of St. Peters on his back. Fans just attach him to that day and it’s probably not warranted. We need an exorcist
Not St. Peters. pre-St. Peters. It's been often documented that Wheeler played relatively well in that game.

But you're right. It's a fixed idea in his detractors minds that Wheeler is incompetent. Family's often have a lightning rod for blame. Wheeler is their lightning rod. And you're right. Nothing is going to shift that. It's a dismal fact about people -- everyone -- that once we've settled on something without evidence, contrary evidence digs the wrong notion in deeper.
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Saw a difference in his game last night. More under control and took less shots and he could have scored a ton.

UK obviously focused in getting the outlet pass out and guys ran better in their lanes.
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Saw a difference in his game last night. More under control and took less shots and he could have scored a ton.

UK obviously focused in getting the outlet pass out and guys ran better in their lanes.

Half of Wheeler's issues can be fixed with a little bit more coaching and time with the staff and players. Obviously his size is going to limit him in areas, and I never expect he'll be a 35% 3pt shooter.. maybe not even 30%.

But it's hard to look past that GIRTHY assist to TO ratio. 5:1 or 6:1? Can't ask for any better. If our guys stay relatively healthy, things should start to click.

One thing I want to see more of, I think he had two TOs last night on kind of lazy passes. Earlier in the game. That's something he can clean up on his own. And something else that the wings can do to help him: limit the amount of times they pass right back to him, or at least make a move and THEN pass back.
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Half of Wheeler's issues can be fixed with a little bit more coaching and time with the staff and players. Obviously his size is going to limit him in areas, and I never expect he'll be a 35% 3pt shooter.. maybe not even 30%.

But it's hard to look past that GIRTHY assist to TO ratio. 5:1 or 6:1? Can't ask for any better. If our guys stay relatively healthy, things should start to click.

One thing I want to see more of, I think he had two TOs last night on kind of lazy passes. Earlier in the game. That's something he can clean up on his own. And something else that the wings can do to help him: limit the amount of times they pass right back to him, or at least make a move and THEN pass back.
If you’re pg can’t shoot then you are a fraud. Wheeler has to have the ball in his hands that’s why we big down in halfcourt where as Wallace that ball is out of his hands fast and we have 5 people initiating offense instead of 1. The deal is this. Shai is the last guy we had that belonged as pg at UK. Since it’s been bogged down offensively inept players. Hagans twice, can’t remember the 9-16 guys name who transferred twice in 2 years, and now 2 years of wheeler. This from a coach who has built his rep on the pg spot. Wheeler was a random choice by cal and it was hasty to go after him. If cal was a good recruiter instead of a volume recruiter he would have ended up with Marcus care over wheeler at the worst. It’s painful to watch a team with enough title talent to be poorly utilized. We re all sick of losing. When we did win last year it’s because cal got out of the way but then our guys couldn’t stay fit down the stretch. I remember when mintz put up good stats but we won nine games. It’s about winning not stats. I mean yeah we can look at wheeler leading the sec in assists but then you gotta scratch your head and ask”why the hell hasn’t this guy won an ncaa tournament game if he’s so good.?” I think people hope wheeler is some sort of next reincarnation of Devon Downey. He isn’t. He cannot score at a level needed for a 5’9” guy. Yes I will pound this drum all year because I did it last year and i was more right than I wanted to be. I don’t want to see another season pissed away because of Cals favorites. I don’t think uk fans have patience with it given Cals garbage since 2015 coupled with out fbs team pulling a calipari. Either you’re sick of it and want to see things Run right and will speak out or your apathetic to the point of whatever. I mean apathy is going to kill this bb program. I’m sick of Kyle tucker too. He’s complete trash. He brown noses to cal in order to get news. It’s pathetic that cal needs a kiss ass to filter out his info. Yet shuns Matt Jones be he might question him. It’s some sick who maniacal stuff going on. Cal doesn’t own uk basketball we do
Half of Wheeler's issues can be fixed with a little bit more coaching and time with the staff and players. Obviously his size is going to limit him in areas, and I never expect he'll be a 35% 3pt shooter.. maybe not even 30%.

But it's hard to look past that GIRTHY assist to TO ratio. 5:1 or 6:1? Can't ask for any better. If our guys stay relatively healthy, things should start to click.

One thing I want to see more of, I think he had two TOs last night on kind of lazy passes. Earlier in the game. That's something he can clean up on his own. And something else that the wings can do to help him: limit the amount of times they pass right back to him, or at least make a move and THEN pass back.
Honestly, Cals “lack of an offense “ makes Wheeler look a lot worse than he is . SO many times he has the ball in hands and HAS to do something because everyone else is standing around , the spacing is terrible,and there aren’t enough shooters on the floor. He is trying to make something happen because the offense Calipari runs doesn't .
And will forever be known as the point guard who led us to the worst loss in our storied history.

You want to see another early exit? Then stick with this guy as your lead guard and keep playing him 30mpg.
And Oscar will be the center, and TYTY the SG, and Grady the SF and Toppin the PF. Interesting you only pick Wheeler.
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Honestly, Cals “lack of an offense “ makes Wheeler look a lot worse than he is . SO many times he has the ball in hands and HAS to do something because everyone else is standing around , the spacing is terrible,and there aren’t enough shooters on the floor. He is trying to make something happen because the offense Calipari runs doesn't .
The lack of offense the last 5 years is because we’ve had terrible scorers running it. It was very telling last night when they asked after oscar who is the next most important. They rattled off a few names before settling on Wallace. Not once was wheeler mentioned. This is our lead guard folks. A senior. The national media has finally come around on his limitations. I’m not saying he doesn’t have a role. Against the press he’s very effective but any halfcourt game which is most he needs to watch the brunt of time. Asking wheeler to become a half court player well it just can’t happen bc he doesn’t have the scoring ability a guy like Devon Downey or ulis did.

Some are asking whether wheeler can become a different player. Here is my experience with that. By the time someone reaches wheelers level they have built habits. Players who change their game at some point revert back to their dna because it’s engrained. The ncaa tournament has no margin for bad habits to creep back. Cal doesn’t think quick enough to catch on to what’s going on but realizes it after the game when it’s too late.
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Not St. Peters. pre-St. Peters. It's been often documented that Wheeler played relatively well in that game.

But you're right. It's a fixed idea in his detractors minds that Wheeler is incompetent. Family's often have a lightning rod for blame. Wheeler is their lightning rod. And you're right. Nothing is going to shift that. It's a dismal fact about people -- everyone -- that once we've settled on something without evidence, contrary evidence digs the wrong notion in deeper.
Very well put. Case in point, D’s versus R’s. I despise politics so I choose to spend my time reading about sports. Lo and behold, sports fans are no better. It’s tribalism.
The lack of offense the last 5 years is because we’ve had terrible scorers running it. It was very telling last night when they asked after oscar who is the next most important. They rattled off a few names before settling on Wallace. Not once was wheeler mentioned. This is our lead guard folks. A senior. The national media has finally come around on his limitations. I’m not saying he doesn’t have a role. Against the press he’s very effective but any halfcourt game which is most he needs to watch the brunt of time. Asking wheeler to become a half court player well it just can’t happen bc he doesn’t have the scoring ability a guy like Devon Downey or ulis did.

Some are asking whether wheeler can become a different player. Here is my experience with that. By the time someone reaches wheelers level they have built habits. Players who change their game at some point revert back to their dna because it’s engrained. The ncaa tournament has no margin for bad habits to creep back. Cal doesn’t think quick enough to catch on to what’s going on but realizes it after the game when it’s too late.
Right and like Matt Jones was saying you are really not gonna know if Cal and Wheeler are ever gonna change until you see it happen in a tight game. If you see CJ and Reeves run an actual play where they come off some screens against Gonzaga then maybe they have changed, but I just don't see it happening, I mean going all the way back to the Memphis days it was just let your PG create and if you had a great player, Rose, Wall, etc. then you look really great and like many have said the last 5 years have been less than stellar at PG.
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Right and like Matt Jones was saying you are really not gonna know if Cal and Wheeler are ever gonna change until you see it happen in a tight game. If you see CJ and Reeves run an actual play where they come off some screens against Gonzaga then maybe they have changed, but I just don't see it happening, I mean going all the way back to the Memphis days it was just let your PG create and if you had a great player, Rose, Wall, etc. then you look really great and like many have said the last 5 years have been less than stellar at PG.
He has a really great player to run it not named wheeler but whatever floats Cals boat. I’m not getting lulled into thinking we have the game in hand ever again with cal as the coach. He has lost too many we should have won by 10-15 bc he can’t read the game. I know he’s seen alot of basketball in his time but man you can not count in that guy to make the right decision even when it’s flashing sings at him
Wheeler sometimes drives to the basket and makes a turnover but at least he trys better than passing the ball around an throwing up a prayer with someone in your face.
Tucker is Cal’s mouthpiece. He says what Cal tells him he can say.

Wheeler is what he is. If you are happy with what we did last year, then you should be happy with this year’s team, because the end result should be very similar.

If you want more than last year, if you want improvement, then you need to be hoping Wallace is handed the reins now, so he can make mistakes and learn. Wallace is not a championship level PG yet. He has the potential to be, though. I don’t see that potential in Wheeler.

So Cal can play Wheeler at the PG now and pay for it later or let Wallace have the ball and struggle a bit, and have a shot at a title later. I think it is that simple.
He has a really great player to run it not named wheeler but whatever floats Cals boat. I’m not getting lulled into thinking we have the game in hand ever again with cal as the coach. He has lost too many we should have won by 10-15 bc he can’t read the game. I know he’s seen alot of basketball in his time but man you can not count in that guy to make the right decision even when it’s flashing sings at him
What is crazy is Cal literally stuck with Hagans for two years when Quickly and Maxey were on the team so I highly doubt we see Wallace take over, he is literally doing the exact same thing he did back then, Maxey one of the best players in the league playing SG or SF or whatever the hell he played here lol!
Li'l Tucker slides onto whatever wagon wheel spoke Cal assigns him to...his spineless yes-man...

Pathetic and everyone knows it...just like Cal's in-game adjustments...impotent.

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Well at this point a lot of you guys have already dug in hard. Some of you would rather see him fail so ya can say I told you so on the internet. His defenders will do the same but at least their joy equates to the teams success
Hell if Wheeler can get us #9 I’ll eat crow and let him d-slap me. Only once though so he’s gotta make it count.
What is crazy is Cal literally stuck with Hagans for two years when Quickly and Maxey were on the team so I highly doubt we see Wallace take over, he is literally doing the exact same thing he did back then, Maxey one of the best players in the league playing SG or SF or whatever the hell he played here lol!
Was just having the same conversation with my son. He had quickley and maxey opted for a guy who willl struggle to put together a career. Wheeler has no shot at an nba career yeah it’s maddening. Tells me cal doesn’t care about titles he cares about making individuals happy. All of this will come at the expense of Fred and reeves which makes my stomach turn
Was just having the same conversation with my son. He had quickley and maxey opted for a guy who willl struggle to put together a career. Wheeler has no shot at an nba career yeah it’s maddening. Tells me cal doesn’t care about titles he cares about making individuals happy. All of this will come at the expense of Fred and reeves which makes my stomach turn
I’m sorry but what does an NBA career have to do with it?

Most people don’t think Oscar is an “NBA type player” so maybe we should play Collins over him?

It’s maddening how Wheeler has become the whipping boy for disgruntled Cal fans. People love tyty, mintz, grady from last year. Doesn’t matter they were 6-27 from the field against St. Peter’s! It was all Wheeler’s fault I tell ya!
What is crazy is Cal literally stuck with Hagans for two years when Quickly and Maxey were on the team so I highly doubt we see Wallace take over, he is literally doing the exact same thing he did back then, Maxey one of the best players in the league playing SG or SF or whatever the hell he played here lol!
Right, he totally misused Quickley. The guy who was SEC player of the year!
I’m sorry but what does an NBA career have to do with it?

Most people don’t think Oscar is an “NBA type player” so maybe we should play Collins over him?

It’s maddening how Wheeler has become the whipping boy for disgruntled Cal fans. People love tyty, mintz, grady from last year. Doesn’t matter they were 6-27 from the field against St. Peter’s! It was all Wheeler’s fault I tell ya!
Wheeler isn’t a whipping boy for any other reason than cal has put him there. He hasn’t won an ncaa tournament game. And what does nba have to do with it? It’s called talent and squandering it which cal has become the king of. And go tell Oscar to his face he isnt nba material. I’ll bet you 1000$ he has a nice 10-12 year career in the league. You want titles or are you just happy to watch some games?
Wheeler isn’t a whipping boy for any other reason than cal has put him there. He hasn’t won an ncaa tournament game. And what does nba have to do with it? It’s called talent and squandering it which cal has become the king of. And go tell Oscar to his face he isnt nba material. I’ll bet you 1000$ he has a nice 10-12 year career in the league. You want titles or are you just happy to watch some games?
Lol dude, you literally brought up the NBA to say why wheeler shouldn’t play. That was my point. It’s irrelevant.

Well, again, let’s use your sound logic. Oscar has not won an NCAA tourney game either…
Went 1-6 in the NCAAT game we lost against Auburn!
Wouldn’t have played that game if he didn’t bail us out vs Houston so get it straight! And btw go an entire season riding pine the asked to step it up at the last minute bc your coach underutilized you
Lol dude, you literally brought up the NBA to say why wheeler shouldn’t play. That was my point. It’s irrelevant.

Well, again, let’s use your sound logic. Oscar has not won an NCAA tourney game either…
Has cal ever won anything without an nba high level pg? Yes or no simple question.
How did you grade him on two big games we had last year against Kansas and UNC? Or did you not consider them big games.
You keep saying that but those were blowouts. Of course Wheeler is a front runner. There's no debating that.

One of the highest compliments Rupp ever gave a guy was, "if we win by 30, he gets us 3. If we win by 3, he gets us 30".

Wheeler is the exact opposite of that. Of course he shines against the sisters of the poor and in blowouts. But you can't name even one game that was close and Wheeler came to the rescue. Let him go to the free throw line when we're up 15 and he makes it every time. Let him go to the line in a 1 point game with under a minute to go and see what he does. If he doesn't throw it off the side of the backboard first.

He cannot make an entry pass to save his life unless he throws it over the top. Frederick has already made more entry passes in 4 games than Wheeler has in his career. Yes, he's led the SEC in assists. He's also led the SEC in turnovers.

We are not winning tight games against upper level competition with Wheeler leading the show. We haven't yet anyway. You may trust that's going to change? I don't.
Shit we should just hang a banner and crown ourselves National Champio

You keep saying that but those were blowouts. Of course Wheeler is a front runner. There's no debating that.

One of the highest compliments Rupp ever gave a guy was, "if we win by 30, he gets us 3. If we win by 3, he gets us 30".

Wheeler is the exact opposite of that. Of course he shines against the sisters of the poor and in blowouts. But you can't name even one game that was close and Wheeler came to the rescue. Let him go to the free throw line when we're up 15 and he makes it every time. Let him go to the line in a 1 point game with under a minute to go and see what he does. If he doesn't throw it off the side of the backboard first.

He cannot make an entry pass to save his life unless he throws it over the top. Frederick has already made more entry passes in 4 games than Wheeler has in his career. Yes, he's led the SEC in assists. He's also led the SEC in turnovers.

We are not winning tight games against upper level competition with Wheeler leading the show. We haven't yet anyway. You may trust that's going to change? I don't.
Oh ye of little faith.
What? Just happens to be one of the most winningest coaches in college basketball the last 11 years.
When’s the last time he won a tournament game? 4 years by the time he gets another shot? BBN has gone 3 seasons without an ncaa tournament win. It’s an embarrassment
When’s the last time he won a tournament game? 4 years by the time he gets another shot? BBN has gone 3 seasons without an ncaa tournament win. It’s an embarrassment
So. Don't consider two years of the pandemic. We will see what happens this year. Would you like to put a wager on us not getting a NCAA win this year. I will be glad to take that wager. Name the price.
So. Don't consider two years of the pandemic. We will see what happens this year. Would you like to put a wager on us not getting a NCAA win this year. I will be glad to take that wager. Name the price.
What 2 years? It was one. It still doesn’t change the fact it will be 4 years between tournament wins provided we get one in March. No I expect us to win our first round game. Who would wager against that? Is that how low your standards are. If you wanna put up let’s talk final four or a title
What 2 years? It was one. It still doesn’t change the fact it will be 4 years between tournament wins provided we get one in March. No I expect us to win our first round game. Who would wager against that? Is that how low your standards are. If you wanna put up let’s talk final four or a title
Let's talk.
It’s so weird how many folks don’t see the bigger picture here.

Wheeler is fine. He maximizes his ability. But you can’t depend on him to be your lead guard. Against decent teams watch now he’s taken advantage of defensively. Watch how the half court offense bogs down. He just simply isn’t dynamic enough to be a lead guard for a title contender.