K Tucker on the Wheeler Wagon

Wheeler plays great when he plays his role. He’s just gotta learn when to pump the brakes. This atrocity of an offense doesn’t help though.
Still though, only 5 turnovers on the season. His ratio is 6:1. We ain’t treating him right

He has the ghost of St. Peters on his back. Fans just attach him to that day and it’s probably not warranted. We need an exorcist
Wheeler plays great when he plays his role. He’s just gotta learn when to pump the brakes. This atrocity of an offense doesn’t help though.
I feel I have seen Wheeler doing just that, pumping the breaks and looking for his shooters much more than in the past. I admit, I'm not on the Wheeler hatred bandwagon. The guy is a warrior, despite his size, he gets after it on defense and doesn't back down to bigger guys. Yes, he makes mistakes, but he is a leader and will be our PG this season whether you like him or not. He has led the SEC in assists two years in a row (even with a hirid Georgia team with a hirid coach) and probably will make it 3 years in a row. He finished like number three in the Bob Cousy Award for best PG in the nation last year so others recognize his value. I'll back the kid and hope he leads us to #9. Now I'm prepared for the haters to unload on me.
Can we get this straight. Wheeler is a passer. Okay. He can’t shoot and he has trouble guarding bigger guards. He’s fine in moments and he’s fine in matchups. He is NOT fine however if we’re going up against much better teams with tall guards and coaches who back off of him. Which they will begin to do.

Wheeler is also not a great decision maker, which he’s shown many times in close games of heavy magnitude.

Wheeler is an okay player and he has moments. But if you take it further than that he will send you home. Wallace is the better option for long term success. And if you don’t think this is true he’ll prove it to you again this year just wait.

Stop with all of the inflated passing stats nobody is debating wheeler is a good distributor but that’s because that’s his only real game.
Bob Cousy nominee for the second straight year and pre-season 1st-Team All SEC.

Last year, he was a Bob Cousy finalist and 2nd-team All SEC.
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Bob Cousy nominee for the second straight year and pre-season 1st-Team All SEC.

Last year, he was a Bob Cousy finalist and 2nd-team All SEC.
And will forever be known as the point guard who led us to the worst loss in our storied history.

You want to see another early exit? Then stick with this guy as your lead guard and keep playing him 30mpg.
Wheeler has played really good so far. It’s not his fault the offense he’s put in isn’t designed to help him excel as much as he could.
This is more or less cal speaking to bbn to justify his rotation.

No one disputes wheeler plays great against bad competition. He just can't be the lead guard in March if we want to win. It's really that simple
Come hell or high water he will be lead guard when it will matters the most and Cal just used his mouth piece to let it be known!!!
And will forever be known as the point guard who led us to the worst loss in our storied history.

You want to see another early exit? Then stick with this guy as your lead guard and keep playing him 30mpg.
Yes. We lost to St. Peters. Yes, he was the point guard. Can you explain how he was the cause of the loss ?? Can you explain how he was the cause of other losses ??
I've never seen him as the cause of the losses. Our losses are usually the result off overall team performance, based on what I've seen.

Who should've been the PG for 40 minutes against St. Peter ?? Would we have won with Wheeler sitting the entire game ?? Is that what you are saying ??
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Just win then. Win some tournament games. Get above .500 versus power 5 opponents.

Or just keep pumping individual stats like they are more important than team accomplishments.
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People keeping using terms like "slander", "hate" etc for fans saying he simply might be better off the bench. It isn't just about his production it is also about the best combination of perimeter players at crunch time. Wallace has to play, I think Frederick has to play. Against good athletic teams, can we good enough spacing with Wheeler at PG with those two and Toppin/OT and does that make us too small on defense? We will see, I don't think anything will change. Many of us would like to see more of Wallace/Fred/Reeves to see if that would work better on both ends, not exactly some crazy irrational thought.
Well at this point a lot of you guys have already dug in hard. Some of you would rather see him fail so ya can say I told you so on the internet. His defenders will do the same but at least their joy equates to the teams success
He makes everyone around him better
I like Wheeler and I think he gets an inordinate amount of blame for UK’s struggles. He’s certainly limited in some ways—shooting, being out of control at times, etc. However, he does bring more value than he’s given credit for by some fans.

HST, using inflated stats against the cupcakes we’ve played so far, sans MSU, is a little misleading. As others have said, let’s see how this plays out when real teams and coaches go back to packing it in and leaving him wide open. I think there’s room for both he and Wallace to play together at times and both get a good amount of minutes. I also believe Wallace is the best option long term and in late game scenarios. I think many of the UK fans share that opinion and that doesn’t mean we dislike or are slandering the kid. JMHO.
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If he has capable wings around him, he's fine. If he's out there with the ghosts of Grady/Ty, he's not.

It's that simple. Wheeler will be fine so long as he has offense around him that can open up the floor for his driving ability, and also free him up for the occasional 3pointer.
Will any PG be much when you limit 2 shooters and scorers with i juries than make them a shell of theirselves? Again Wheeler wasn’t the issue end is season last year.
Doesn’t shock me. Kyle doesn’t strike me as an athlete/basketball player. Probably just doesn’t get it, like a few on this board.
Yes. We lost to St. Peters. Yes, he was the point guard. Can you explain how he was the cause of the loss ?? Can you explain how he was the cause of other losses ??
I've never seen him as the cause of the losses. Our losses are usually the result off overall team performance, based on what I've seen.

Who should've been the PG for 40 minutes against St. Peter ?? Would we have won with Wheeler sitting the entire game ?? Is that what you are saying ??
Don’t listen to that guy. He said he only has good games against bad teams when that’s clearly wrong. I remember him torching North Carolina and others. He had a solid game against MSU the other night as well.
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Wheeler absolutely sucks when the shot clock is at 10 seconds or under and we need to run offense or make a play - and with the way Cal coaches that’s like 50% of our possessions in the regular season and 80% of our possessions in the post season. It highlights all his weaknesses and none of his strengths. He’s a great transition guard. That’s it, that’s what it is. Not that hard. For Cals style in the postseason Wallace is way better suited.
This is more or less cal speaking to bbn to justify his rotation.

No one disputes wheeler plays great against bad competition. He just can't be the lead guard in March if we want to win. It's really that simple
It’s really not that simple. Here’s the thing. Ty Ty, Mintz and Grady were all MIA against St Peters, but the blame is always placed solely on Wheeler for the loss since he made a couple of mistakes. None of the guards played well down the stretch in that game. Easy to be the scape goat when you are the PG, but the Wheeler only plays well against bad competition is such a lazy argument.
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Wheeler absolutely sucks when the shot clock is at 10 seconds or under and we need to run offense or make a play - and with the way Cal coaches that’s like 50% of our possessions in the regular season and 80% of our possessions in the post season. It highlights all his weaknesses and none of his strengths. He’s a great transition guard. That’s it, that’s what it is. Not that hard. For Cals style in the postseason Wallace is way better suited.
When Wheeler who is the PG runs the clock down to 5 seconds in crunch time in big games and puts his head down and drives, that’s when we are in trouble what is so hard to understand about that. Whereas Mich St. is running screens etc. for Hauser for wide open jumpers, memo to Cal we have at least 2 guys who can do exactly what Hauser can and guess what when they start overplaying that the Court guess spaced, send me my check Cal!
I keep moving around on the Wheeler bus (wagon). Is he as bad as many on here think? NO. Is he as good as some on here claim? NO.

Wheeler can get into the lane, which is something we've had trouble with for years. His finishing ability is sometimes good (when not blocked), sometimes bad (getting blocked often).
He's good at distributing to guys, although sometimes he tries to do too much, or gets caught in the air with no where to go.
His shooting while improved a little, is still subpar. If he can be selective (only when WIDE open) he can maximize that, given his ugly form.
He is a defensive menace/pest. Sure he can get posted up, and we SHOULD NOT want him switching, especially off a guard. But even if he doesn't get steals, the other team's PG don't want the ball w/ Wheeler (the "knat") on him.
This is my biggest concern with him. In our last 2 big games (NCAA & MSU), he faltered in crunch time at the line, and with a bad couple of decisions. "Big games" is something he didn't see at UGA, but he should be used to it by now at UK.
So I grade him out as a B on average, some games as low as a C or C+, some games as high as a A-.
I keep moving around on the Wheeler bus (wagon). Is he as bad as many on here think? NO. Is he as good as some on here claim? NO.

Wheeler can get into the lane, which is something we've had trouble with for years. His finishing ability is sometimes good (when not blocked), sometimes bad (getting blocked often).
He's good at distributing to guys, although sometimes he tries to do too much, or gets caught in the air with no where to go.
His shooting while improved a little, is still subpar. If he can be selective (only when WIDE open) he can maximize that, given his ugly form.
He is a defensive menace/pest. Sure he can get posted up, and we SHOULD NOT want him switching, especially off a guard. But even if he doesn't get steals, the other team's PG don't want the ball w/ Wheeler (the "knat") on him.
This is my biggest concern with him. In our last 2 big games (NCAA & MSU), he faltered in crunch time at the line, and with a bad couple of decisions. "Big games" is something he didn't see at UGA, but he should be used to it by now at UK.
So I grade him out as a B on average, some games as low as a C or C+, some games as high as a A-.
How did you grade him on two big games we had last year against Kansas and UNC? Or did you not consider them big games.
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Yeah Kyle we’ve played some trash teams and the one decent team we play wheeler was wheeler. Where was this tweet after a game that mattered? Yeah wheeler slowed down last night passed up open shots and looked good a against a high school team. Whether Kyle like wheeler or not doesn’t matter we have a ceiling with the guy. The problem is we could win Sunday and I will never be convinced bc the other version of wheeler will show up at an inopportune time. I can’t for the life of me think why cal went after this guy. Oh yeah it was bc he was forced to. We had no pg after a 9-16 season and cal took what he could get first instead of selecting the right fit. We ll see how this plays out but I’m ready for cal to get out of Lexington.

Like say wheeler is like a volume shooter who takes 20!shots a night and scores 20 points. His stats are meaningless wins are all that matter.
I don’t think anybody hates Wheeler. I think people see what’s going to get us bounced in March again and aren’t happy about it. Players with monster stats and no titles (even league ones) are gimmick players in a gimmick system.