Just monitoring everything, I’m gonna say this too. Yes wealthy people have problems and wealthy people can have a debilitating mental condition. And yes Mental depression and illness can manifest in many ways regardless
However, if you don’t think there’s a huge benefit to having these conditions + being wealthy you’re in the wrong place. As bad as a negative mental state and condition can be for anyone including a wealthy person, try having these conditions with no way of getting ahead or paying your bills while worrying about kids and family. Yes that makes the condition worse. And yes being wealthy gives you a giant step ahead with regard to treatment and support systems. Plus, your condition is not made worse by worrying about your kids being bullied for lack of clothing and resources, it’s not made worse by having to live month to month in financial survival mode, and it’s not made worse by wondering if you’re going to be able to sustain yourself and your family with no way out.
Having severe mental illness/ depressions plus being poor is far worse than having those conditions and being wealthy. Of course we should understand that many wealthy people are operating in their world the same as a poor person in theirs, so the difference might only be seen from the outside looking in. But the reality is, if I’m going to be depressed, you damn straight I’d rather be wealthy as a way to avoid the compounding problems being broke can bring.
Everything is that much more difficult when you don’t have resources. I’ve read some reports where they said it took 5x the time for people below the poverty line to accomplish simple tasks like going to the grocery or doing laundry simply because of the basic constraints of being poor (no car, need to find a ride, etc). I can’t imagine how much more difficult getting help with mental health issues is when you’re in that situation.