Jeff Goodman Says Kansas Will Beat Kentucky This Season

Not sure why anyone would care what Jeff Goodman says or does. He is a below average writer and a dismal interviewer who was lucky enough to get a job in the media. Probably got his initial start in media due a friend.

As for the Kansas fans, call us when you have a few more national championships. Until you get a few more you are a buzzing gnat. Your reliance on Big 12 conference titles for respect is kind of amusing. We beat the mighty Kansas state again this year. We beat Texas. Yay! Kansas is great! uh ok...

Since most of us (I'd say what? 45, maybe 50 and under) have been able to follow college basketball, Kentucky's won ONE more national championship than Kansas......ONE!!!!!

Kansas in '88 & '08 vs. Kentucky in '96, '98 & '12.

Someone would have to be going on ~ 70 years old to remember Kentucky's FOURTH of their 8 titles (back in '58 they might've been like 12 or 13).

So, they were a big deal from '48 - '51. Um, ok.
LMAO.. You can't cut history like that. If you are going to try and have a cut off date which you shouldn't, cut it off when Cal came to UK because thats the 100x's more relevant to the current situation.
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The only program to never win a title unless they we coming off of, or going on to, probation.

Enough said.

Well, 6-22.

Now enough said.

Do you count the 1948-49 Season when Kentucky won the NCAA Championship but had three players arrested for taking bribes and shaving points in games during that season and one other Kentucky player arrested for perjury? Kentucky got the Death Penalty but not Probation. Technicality?
Since most of us (I'd say what? 45, maybe 50 and under) have been able to follow college basketball, Kentucky's won ONE more national championship than Kansas......ONE!!!!!

Kansas in '88 & '08 vs. Kentucky in '96, '98 & '12.

Someone would have to be going on ~ 70 years old to remember Kentucky's FOURTH of their 8 titles (back in '58 they might've been like 12 or 13).

So, they were a big deal from '48 - '51. Um, ok.
History doesn't disappear because you and ESPN wants it too. Congratulations on your Big 12 2015 conference championship victory.
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The measure of the greatness of a college basketball program is more than how many national titles you have one, but many other factors including contribution to the history of the sport. National Titles are what you have taken from the sport, not what you have given. In overall contribution to the game, I would say that Kansas is more than a buzzing gnat.
Stings doesn't it, to know that your team pales in comparison to the University of Kentucky Men's Basketball team's accomplishments.
As the late, great Jerry Garcia would say "Don't bogart that joint my friend, Pass it over to me...", I'll have some of what the always amusing Mr Goodman is having! If you say Big Blue is going to lose to a certain team often enough then you more than likely will be right at some point in time, maybe even this year for Kansas...but I doubt it. And for this the man is a nationally known sports writer and personality.
The 1948 NCAA Tournament had only 8 teams -- total, meaning only one ncaa tournament win "earned" you a "Final Four", that season. Same thing with UK's 1949 "title run"; one win = "Final Four".

Also, yes, "league champions" were the only ones invited then, but, beside the fact that scores of very good teams weren't invited, do you think those teams, even though they were "league champs", were actually big-time, super-competitive programs? All eight of those teams? Even if you do, the "champ" (UK '48 and '49) only played three games in each tourney.

Of course, the statistical probability of winning three games in a tournament with only 8 invitations is so much better than winning six games with 8 xs that number invited (64+). I'm not a Kansas fan (yes, really!), but perhaps their fans feel that hanging Helms banners is 'ok' as long as other programs are going to pretend that pre-1975 ncaa tournament "championships" are anywhere close to as tough to earn as today's championships.

Also, I see there's a "Tubby Bashing" thread up now. Well, ya gotta give Tubby major props over Cal for one thing: In Tubby's last season at UK, he had the #1 'strength of schedule'. (OK. Keep in mind that Cal's been at UK six seasons.) Ok, so if you look at Tubby's average strength of schedule during HIS final six UK seasons, you'll see that Tubby's average 'strength of schedule' ranking (out of 300+ teams) was 14th place.

Now, compare Tubby's consistent willingness to schedule only the toughest teams to Coach Cal's scheduling.

In Cal's six seasons, his average 'strength of schedule' ranking is 34th, which is good, however, that number includes his great tournament runs (which *tremendously* bolsters his 'strength of schedule'), meaning: Tubby liked to schedule significantly tougher opponents than does Cal. In fact, if you look at UK's non-con schedule over the past six seasons, its average 'non-con strength of schedule' ranking is 125th.

With all this Kansas talk, I see that If you compare the numbers on the KenPom schedule rankings, you'll see that 11 of the past 14 seasons, UK has played a much weaker weaker schedule than has Kansas. In fact, in 7 of the past 14 seasons, Kansas has played a top-10 schedule. During that time, yes, Kansas may've lost more tourney games, but at least they weren't afraid to schedule tough teams. In fact, this season, KU has more 20+ wins teams scheduled (20 wins last season) than Kentucky does. (So again, Kansas is not shying away from possible losses.) Then you look at something like Cal's Memphis teams -- their 'strength of schedules' -- and you see rankings like this: In Cal's last eight season's at Memphis, his 'non-con strength of schedule' averaged a ranking of 100th place.

When you compare coaches and programs, you have to factor-in the strength of opponents.

When you compare success in the three-point/shot-clock 'modern era', an age when tournaments are so much tougher, although Kentucky has one or two more recent championships, overall, when you consider home wins, true road losses and consistency, the only program Kansas takes a back-seat to is Duke -- they both are clearly ahead of Kentucky in some major areas -- statistically speaking -- right?

Perhaps one reason that Allen Fieldhouse is, time & again, labeled as a much better game-day environment (than Rupp) is that, usually, tougher teams play there. KenPom's statistically weighed, final rankings show that, since 2001-02 (14 seasons), the Big XII has had, compared to the SEC, more top-5 teams, top-10 teams, top-15 teams, top-20 teams, top-25 teams, top-30 teams, top-40 teams, top-50 teams, top-60 teams, etc. So again, statistically speaking and generally speaking, a lot tougher teams play at Allen, as compared to Rupp.

But I'll still stand by my Wildcats -- I'll tell ya that.

Oh, by the way, I bet some of you-all will, ummm, ...interested in this video I found of KU's basketball pep band, because it reminds me of an old song the Kentucky pep band used to play, back in the late '70s. Any of you old-timer Wildcats remember a song like this one (video below):

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The 1948 NCAA Tournament had only 8 teams -- total, meaning only one ncaa tournament win "earned" you a "Final Four", that season. Same thing with UK's 1949 "title run"; one win = "Final Four".

Also, yes, "league champions" were the only ones invited then, but, beside the fact that scores of very good teams weren't invited, do you think those teams who were, even though they were "league champs", were actually big-time, super-competitive programs? All eight of those teams? Of course, the statistical probability of winning three games in a tournament with 8 invitations is so much better than winning six games with 8 xs the number of teams invited. I'm not a Kansas fan (yes, really!), but perhaps their fans feel that hanging Helms banners is 'ok' as long as other programs are going to pretend that pre-1975 ncaa tournament "championships" are anywhere close to as tough to earn as today's championships.

Also, I see there's a "Tubby Bashing" thread up now. Well, ya gotta give Tubby major props over Cal for one thing: In Tubby's last season at UK, he had the #1 'strength of schedule'. (OK. Keep in mind that Cal's been at UK six seasons.) Ok, so if you look at Tubby's average strength of schedule during HIS final six UK seasons, you'll see that Tubby's average 'strength of schedule' ranking (out of 300+ teams) was 14th place. Now, compare that to Cal: In Cal's six seasons, his average 'strength of schedule' ranking is 34th, which is good, however, that number includes his great tournament runs (which tremendously bolsters his 'strength of schedule'), meaning: Tubby liked to schedule significantly tougher opponents than does Cal. In fact, if you look at UK's non-con schedule over the past six seasons, its average 'non-con strength of schedule' ranking is 125th.

With all this Kansas talk, I see that If you compare the numbers on the KenPom schedule rankings, you'll see that 11 of the past 14 seasons, UK has played a much weaker weaker schedule than has Kansas. In fact, in 7 of the past 14 seasons, Kansas has played a top-10 schedule. During that time, yes, Kansas may've lost more tourney games, but at least they weren't afraid to schedule tough teams. In fact, this season, KU has more 20+ wins teams scheduled (20 wins last season) than Kentucky does. (So again, Kansas is not shying away from possible losses.) Then you look at something like Cal's Memphis teams -- their 'strength of schedules -- and you see rankings like this: In Cal's last eight season's at Memphis, his 'non-con strength of schedule' averaged a ranking of 100th place.

When you compare coaches and programs, you have to factor-in the strength of opponents.

Perhaps one reason that Allen Fieldhouse is, time & again, labeled as a much better game-day environment (than Rupp) is that, usually, tougher teams play there. KenPom's statistically weighed, final rankings show that, since 2001-02 (14 seasons), the Big XII has had, compared to the SEC, more top-5 teams, top-10 teams, top-15 teams, top-20 teams, top-25 teams, top-30 teams, top-40 teams, top-50 teams, top-60 teams, etc. So again, statistically speaking and generally speaking, a lot tougher teams play at Allen, as compared to Rupp.

But I'll still stand by my Wildcats -- I'll tell ya that.

Oh, by the way, I bet some of you-all will, ummm, ...interested in this video I found of KU's basketball pep band, because it reminds me of an old song the Kentucky pep band used to play, back in the late '70s. Any of you old-timer Wildcats remember a song like this one (video below):

Hey look everyone! It is our KU poser. Nice strength of schedule argument but I think I will take the results of the championship, the final games, and the final fours. Strength of schedule... :joy::joy:
Hey look everyone! It is our KU poser. Nice strength of schedule argument but I think I will take the results of the championship, the final games, and the final fours. Strength of schedule... :joy::joy:

Yes, I do know how Kentucky's historical statistics compare to a few other programs' stats, but I'm not-at-all a Kansas fan. I just don't like to see misinformation.
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It is a preseason game isn't it? In that case I think UK could win that, even on the road. Teams tend to play at the level of competition they're used to. If it is before the SEC starts, then UK will not be hampered by playing weak mid-major competition every night.
I know Coach Cal didn't get any repercussions for his "final four vacates", but his former teams sure did.

I ask, and am honestly curious (with no disrespect intended), how did you all feel about Cal when he was at Memphis?

Was he the best coach ever when he was there? He certainly got talent. We had to have a miracle shot to beat them.

Were you rooting for him then, or was he a dirty recruiter with a vacated final four?

What was your impression of John Calipari before he became your coach?

For the record, I believe he is clean at Kentucky. Recruiting to Kentucky doesn't require cheating. You are a destination school. He has taken it to a new level though and good for him.

See you in the Phog.
To a point. I have know five KU and two Michigan State posters banned on Rupp in the last six months after respectful arguments. Rupp is the easiest board to banned on except for maybe UNC.
Preach this nonsense to your idiotic scout board, and then kindly gtfo.
Why does Kansas fans pussies allways hurt lol When the subject matter is Kentucky lol!! Inferiority complex fanbase! They remind me of the Turds down the street! They should beat Kentucky on their home court but March rolls around so sorry no way they will match up on neutral floor.
Why does Kansas fans pussies allways hurt lol When the subject
Why does Kansas fans pussies allways hurt lol When the subject matter is Kentucky lol!! Inferiority complex fanbase! They remind me of the Turds down the street! They should beat Kentucky on their home court but March rolls around so sorry no way they will match up on neutral floor.

Wow. Just wow. Drunk much?
I know Coach Cal didn't get any repercussions for his "final four vacates", but his former teams sure did.

Repercussions for what?

From the NYTimes:

"The N.C.A.A. fined the university $151,000 and forced the Minutemen to vacate postseason victories and the Final Four appearance. Calipari at the time pronounced himself shocked and horrified — the N.C.A.A. held him guiltless —"

Again from the NYTimes:

"The N.C.A.A. stripped Memphis of a season’s worth of wins. Rose left for the N.B.A., where he should have been allowed to go all along. Calipari said these allegations hit him with the force of revelation. The N.C.A.A., again, held him guiltless."

Repercussions from being guiltless? Hell, the NCAA bashed him and UK silly over a little celebration over 500 wins. You know they'd have publicly gutted him if they'd have had even a shred of a case. They hate his ass.

Since you aren't from north Carolina I assume you can read. Even a moron can google. So I ask again, repercussions from WHAT?

Answer: Nothing. Just a temper tantrum from a poor mouthed Kansas fan that had nothing intelligent to say.
Keep dusting off the bread banners and tell your bald headed coach to use some extra glue when he comes to Rupp. Good idea for the ones attending in Rupp next season, buy a cheap wig and wear/remove it throughout the game. Those watching on TV, and believe me, Bill Self will all notice. He will begin to sweat and the glue/oils in his head will give it lift. It may even look crooked. If it gets real bad, you will see brownish glue start to run down his head.
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I'll take the Phog. Both have great coaches but both of them are overrated. Self can't win in March and Calipari has only won 1 title but he's won 6 off-season national championships since he's been at UK. That's only a 17% success rate. Not good.

The hell you been? Joined in 2006 5 messages and 3 of them are in this thread? When you joined still had 1 more year of Tubby, 2 years of BCG, Cal ERA. I must not understand something.
It would be possible to respect Kansas fans if they had enough integrity to say one simple sentence:

"We understand Kentucky is a much more accomplished program, and the Wildcats have owned us head-to-head, been more successful by far in recent years, beat us in the last consequential game we played and humiliated us in our last meeting, but we're hoping to take a tiny step toward leveling that gigantic gap between the two programs next January."

Instead the ones on this thread at least have the honesty and grasp of reality of a brain-fried crack addict, with an improbable excuse that allows them to ignore every hard truth:

* 22-6 head-to-head. "Some of those games were many years ago."
* Eight championships to three. "In the past twenty years its only 3-1."
* Four Final Fours in Five Years compared to a string of embarrassing NCAA flops to Bradley and Bucknell and Northern Iowa and Virginia Commonwealth and Stanford and Wichita State. "Yeah but the one year you didn't go to the Final Four you went to the NIT."
* Won a championship fairly easily over your backs in 2012. "We ran out of time."
* Slaughtered you by 32 points in the November meeting to go 3-0 in the Calipari era. "We thought the game was at 10 not 9..."

How do you take seriously people like that? It's impossible.
It is a preseason game isn't it? In that case I think UK could win that, even on the road. Teams tend to play at the level of competition they're used to. If it is before the SEC starts, then UK will not be hampered by playing weak mid-major competition every night.
Repercussions for what?

From the NYTimes:

"The N.C.A.A. fined the university $151,000 and forced the Minutemen to vacate postseason victories and the Final Four appearance. Calipari at the time pronounced himself shocked and horrified — the N.C.A.A. held him guiltless —"

Again from the NYTimes:

"The N.C.A.A. stripped Memphis of a season’s worth of wins. Rose left for the N.B.A., where he should have been allowed to go all along. Calipari said these allegations hit him with the force of revelation. The N.C.A.A., again, held him guiltless."

Repercussions from being guiltless? Hell, the NCAA bashed him and UK silly over a little celebration over 500 wins. You know they'd have publicly gutted him if they'd have had even a shred of a case. They hate his ass.

Since you aren't from north Carolina I assume you can read. Even a moron can google. So I ask again, repercussions from WHAT?

Answer: Nothing. Just a temper tantrum from a poor mouthed Kansas fan that had nothing intelligent to say.
Kansas could have been running the same scam as UNC***. Ol' Roy knows how to work the system.
I'm not a Kansas fan (yes, really!), . . . . .

But I'll still stand by my Wildcats -- I'll tell ya that.

Oh, by the way, I bet some of you-all will, ummm, ...interested in this video I found of KU's basketball pep band,

Pure, undiluted concentrated bovine fecal matter. You'll need a new roll of paper after that pile.

And I couldn't hear the band too well. Sounded like someone vomiting near the mic.
Kansas could have been running the same scam as UNC***. Ol' Roy knows how to work the system.

I see your point, but for one thing. Roy is too damn stupid to orchestrate something that devious on his own, twice. INC is academically rotten from the inside out. Moonpie = lapdog.
The 1948 NCAA Tournament had only 8 teams -- total, meaning only one ncaa tournament win "earned" you a "Final Four", that season. Same thing with UK's 1949 "title run"; one win = "Final Four".

Also, yes, "league champions" were the only ones invited then, but, beside the fact that scores of very good teams weren't invited, do you think those teams, even though they were "league champs", were actually big-time, super-competitive programs? All eight of those teams? Even if you do, the "champ" (UK '48 and '49) only played three games in each tourney.

Of course, the statistical probability of winning three games in a tournament with only 8 invitations is so much better than winning six games with 8 xs that number invited (64+). I'm not a Kansas fan (yes, really!), but perhaps their fans feel that hanging Helms banners is 'ok' as long as other programs are going to pretend that pre-1975 ncaa tournament "championships" are anywhere close to as tough to earn as today's championships.

Also, I see there's a "Tubby Bashing" thread up now. Well, ya gotta give Tubby major props over Cal for one thing: In Tubby's last season at UK, he had the #1 'strength of schedule'. (OK. Keep in mind that Cal's been at UK six seasons.) Ok, so if you look at Tubby's average strength of schedule during HIS final six UK seasons, you'll see that Tubby's average 'strength of schedule' ranking (out of 300+ teams) was 14th place.

Now, compare Tubby's consistent willingness to schedule only the toughest teams to Coach Cal's scheduling.

In Cal's six seasons, his average 'strength of schedule' ranking is 34th, which is good, however, that number includes his great tournament runs (which *tremendously* bolsters his 'strength of schedule'), meaning: Tubby liked to schedule significantly tougher opponents than does Cal. In fact, if you look at UK's non-con schedule over the past six seasons, its average 'non-con strength of schedule' ranking is 125th.

With all this Kansas talk, I see that If you compare the numbers on the KenPom schedule rankings, you'll see that 11 of the past 14 seasons, UK has played a much weaker weaker schedule than has Kansas. In fact, in 7 of the past 14 seasons, Kansas has played a top-10 schedule. During that time, yes, Kansas may've lost more tourney games, but at least they weren't afraid to schedule tough teams. In fact, this season, KU has more 20+ wins teams scheduled (20 wins last season) than Kentucky does. (So again, Kansas is not shying away from possible losses.) Then you look at something like Cal's Memphis teams -- their 'strength of schedules' -- and you see rankings like this: In Cal's last eight season's at Memphis, his 'non-con strength of schedule' averaged a ranking of 100th place.

When you compare coaches and programs, you have to factor-in the strength of opponents.

When you compare success in the three-point/shot-clock 'modern era', an age when tournaments are so much tougher, although Kentucky has one or two more recent championships, overall, when you consider home wins, true road losses and consistency, the only program Kansas takes a back-seat to is Duke -- they both are clearly ahead of Kentucky in some major areas -- statistically speaking -- right?

Perhaps one reason that Allen Fieldhouse is, time & again, labeled as a much better game-day environment (than Rupp) is that, usually, tougher teams play there. KenPom's statistically weighed, final rankings show that, since 2001-02 (14 seasons), the Big XII has had, compared to the SEC, more top-5 teams, top-10 teams, top-15 teams, top-20 teams, top-25 teams, top-30 teams, top-40 teams, top-50 teams, top-60 teams, etc. So again, statistically speaking and generally speaking, a lot tougher teams play at Allen, as compared to Rupp.

But I'll still stand by my Wildcats -- I'll tell ya that.

Oh, by the way, I bet some of you-all will, ummm, ...interested in this video I found of KU's basketball pep band, because it reminds me of an old song the Kentucky pep band used to play, back in the late '70s. Any of you old-timer Wildcats remember a song like this one (video below):

Do you ever just making one ****ing post that isn't a novel? Try it sometime. Less really is more.
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Didn't know that Trey Lyles, the Harrison Twins, KAT, DJ, WCS, Booker were suiting up for you all again this January? :)

You make an excellent point.

We probably do not beat you by 32 with those guys gone.

But are the same guys suiting up for you who lost by 25 to FOUR 3* and a 3* transfer?

5 THREE star kids beat your team by 25.

Granted we only have three 5* players returning.

And we only have three 5* and three 4* players coming in.

Your place is tough to play at, however, their will not be a talent disparity in your favor. And as Temple proved, even if there was, you guys are good enough to lose by a quarter century to a team that lost to Tula twice...
But are the same guys suiting up for you who lost by 25 to FOUR 3* and a 3* transfer?

5 THREE star kids beat your team by 25.

Wow. 25 points! I didn't realize that!

I just looked at a sports-reference website I use and it shows that, in that game (in Philadelphia), Temple's starting 5, plus two bench players, shot a combined 66% for the game. As a reference, last season, UK's top-seven players, for the season, shot a combined 47.2%. I went ahead and looked-up KU's top-7 FG%, too, and it was, for the season, 44.7%.
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I don't know what KU fans have going on for them to be so cocky right now. Graham and Mason are their versions of our Hawkins, Svi is like our D. Willis, Selden is a shooting guard who is below average at shooting at best and Diallo the best player is uber athletic but is M. Harrell 2.0 ... unless he learns post moves, he won't dominate other athletic and strong bigs
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Wow. 25 points! I didn't realize that!

I just looked at a sports-reference website I use and it shows that, in that game (in Philadelphia), Temple's starting 5, plus two bench players, shot a combined 66% for the game. As a reference, last season, UK's top-seven players, for the season, shot a combined 47.2%. I went ahead and looked-up KU's top-7 FG%, too, and it was, for the season, 44.7%.

The lying fraud almanac responds.

I like how you make other KU fans look like crap because you act like a UK Fan, and don't do it well.

Keep trolling freak.
I'm sure he won't be the only analyst to say that either. I don't see what the big deal is with his prediction. It very well could happen. Allen Fieldhouse is a tough place to play and Self has only lost 9 games there and that's pretty impressive. Kansas is a good team and we will probably go into that game as an underdog since it's at KU.
Some of you get so torn up when someone predicts we are going to lose. I don't really care, especially when it comes from the likes of Goodman. Who gives a schite? There are other good teams our there beside us that are capable of beating any team in the country.
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I'm sure he won't be the only analyst to say that either. I don't see what the big deal is with his prediction. It very well could happen. Allen Fieldhouse is a tough place to play and Self has only lost 9 games there and that's pretty impressive. Kansas is a good team and we will probably go into that game as an underdog since it's at KU.
Some of you get so torn up when someone predicts we are going to lose. I don't really care, especially when it comes from the likes of Goodman. Who gives a schite? There are other good teams our there beside us that are capable of beating any team in the country.

Good points. And one loss, or victory in January will not define either team's season.
****A TON of those 22 victories have been before most of the posters on here were either a) born or b) old enough to actually "follow" or pay attention to college basketball.

Why not give the numbers since say the mid to late '80s. I doubt it would look NEARLY so lopsided
Sounds like a deal. However, since you want to create a starting point that omits UK's victories over KU, it's only fair for KU fans to stop acknowledging Phog Allen and Dr. James Naismith. They weren't around in 1985, therefore their contributions to Basketball History are moot.
Sounds like a deal. However, since you want to create a starting point that omits UK's victories over KU, it's only fair for KU fans to stop acknowledging Phog Allen and Dr. James Naismith. They weren't around in 1985, therefore their contributions to Basketball History are moot.

This is an excellent point. A program with such a rich history should be happy to discuss a lifetime of results. Cherry picking seems so beneath them.
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This is an excellent point. A program with such a rich history should be happy to discuss a lifetime of results. Cherry picking seems so beneath them.

I agree. I wouldn't want to not be able to claim the great Jayhawks like Dr. James Naismith, Dr. Phog Allen, Wilt, Rupp, Dean Smith, Larry Brown and even a young John Calipari. They are a part of our rich tradition.
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I agree. I wouldn't want to not be able to claim the great Jayhawks like Dr. James Naismith, Dr. Phog Allen, Wilt, Rupp, Dean Smith, Larry Brown and even a young John Calipari. They are a part of our rich tradition.
Ah yes...history. When UK fans state that we have 8 national championships history is bad, according to KU fans. KU fans use holy name of Dr. Naismith, history is good. KU fans are a fickle bunch when it comes to history.
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All that "history" and only 3 titles to show for it...


Tied with our sorry ass little brudder. :flush:
This thread is getting more comical each day - sorry KU fans; you simply aren't going to win the argument.

Back to the original premise of this thread - no one is arguing that KU could very well beat UK at the Phog - what we are laughing about is Jeff Goodman; the man will do anything to pick against UK unless, of course, the odds are too high in Kentucky's favor and he'd look more an idiot than he already is. But hey - nice way to make it about y'all.