Is Gunner Hoak that bad?

Oct 6, 2018
Our starting QB could do nothing tonight even when receivers were open. He had plenty of time in the pocket, but, would not pass the ball. I noticed receivers getting frustrated that he didn't attempt to get them the ball including Snell. How come Hoak disnt get into the game? Is he that bad? I also noticed that Wilson falls down if someone gets within 5 yrds of him.

The offensive line gave him plenty of time tonight. Looks to me like Wilson thinks as long as he never passes, or let's anyone hit him, he never has to worry about being called Turnover Terry again.
Our starting QB could do nothing tonight even when receivers were open. He had plenty of time in the pocket, but, would not pass the ball. I noticed receivers getting frustrated that he didn't attempt to get them the ball including Snell. How come Hoak disnt get into the game? Is he that bad? I also noticed that Wilson falls down if someone gets within 5 yrds of him.

The offensive line gave him plenty of time tonight. Looks to me like Wilson thinks as long as he never passes, or let's anyone hit him, he never has to worry about being called Turnover Terry again.
Hoak is plenty good and deserves his chance now. He's paid his dues and been patient. These coaches go out and bring in a JUCO and start him ahead of Hoak and that's fine if he is indeed better. After tonight, Hoak needs his genuine opportunity. There are no more excuses...none.
Hoak is plenty good and deserves his chance now. He's paid his dues and been patient. These coaches go out and bring in a JUCO and start him ahead of Hoak and that's fine if he is indeed better. After tonight, Hoak needs his genuine opportunity. There are no more excuses...none.

Didn’t he lose the QB competition in the offseason? That seems like a “genuine opportunity” to me. I’m not sure what anyone has seen from Hoak to make them think he’s a better option. Wilson was terrrible tonight, but what makes anyone think Hoak would’ve been better? Paid his dues? What does that have to do with anything? He’s been in this system for three years and can’t win the QB competition against a JUCO transfer that’s still learning the system. Does that inspire confidence in you? So you want to stick him in there in the 3rd quarter on the road in a tie ball game against a swarming defense when your offensive coordinator is taking the ball out of Snell’s hands and asking you to make predictable passes? That’s a recipe for disaster. Terry was terrible, but this notion that Gunnar Barker, I mean Hoak, is a better option is just mind boggling. He lost the QB competition to a JUCO transfer. The coaches didn’t just flip a coin and decide who should start. If Hoak has been here three years and isn’t CLEARLY the better option than Wilson then that’s not exactly good for his prospects as a QB.
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With our wideouts and our oline could you imagine if we had a steady decent qb ??? We would be top ten this week instead of 10 spots lower
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Our starting QB could do nothing tonight even when receivers were open. He had plenty of time in the pocket, but, would not pass the ball. I noticed receivers getting frustrated that he didn't attempt to get them the ball including Snell. How come Hoak disnt get into the game? Is he that bad? I also noticed that Wilson falls down if someone gets within 5 yrds of him.

The offensive line gave him plenty of time tonight. Looks to me like Wilson thinks as long as he never passes, or let's anyone hit him, he never has to worry about being called Turnover Terry again.
Did Terry have a Turnover tonight?

If Hoak is our QB, who can guarantee that we at 5-1 after 6? Bring it.
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Didn’t he lose the QB competition in the offseason? That seems like a “genuine opportunity” to me. I’m not sure what anyone has seen from Hoak to make them think he’s a better option. Wilson was terrrible tonight, but what makes anyone think Hoak would’ve been better? Paid his dues? What does that have to do with anything? He’s been in this system for three years and can’t win the QB competition against a JUCO transfer that’s still learning the system. Does that inspire confidence in you? So you want to stick him in there in the 3rd quarter on the road in a tie ball game against a swarming defense when your offensive coordinator is taking the ball out of Snell’s hands and asking you to make predictable passes? That’s a recipe for disaster. Terry was terrible, but this notion that Gunnar Barker, I mean Hoak, is a better option is just mind boggling. He lost the QB competition to a JUCO transfer. The coaches didn’t just flip a coin and decide who should start. If Hoak has been here three years and isn’t CLEARLY the better option than Wilson then that’s not exactly good for his prospects as a QB.

WTF are you babbling about? No one is saying remove Wilson from the starting position. They are saying IN THIS GAME and match up, WILSON was a horrible match up decision, esp. If he's to scared to run, or get hit. Hoak MAY have given us a better shot in THIS game.
WTF are you babbling about? No one is saying remove Wilson from the starting position. They are saying IN THIS GAME and match up, WILSON was a horrible match up decision, esp. If he's to scared to run, or get hit. Hoak MAY have given us a better shot in THIS game.
You obviously haven’t been reading this board tonight. Everyone is saying that TW should have been benched.

It’s funny. If stoops benched TW then everyone would be up in arms that he benched a QB who started the season 5-0 and 3-0 in the SEC.
WTF are you babbling about? No one is saying remove Wilson from the starting position. They are saying IN THIS GAME and match up, WILSON was a horrible match up decision, esp. If he's to scared to run, or get hit. Hoak MAY have given us a better shot in THIS game.

Dude, I don’t know if you watch much football but QB isn’t a position where you just shuffle people in and out. It rarely ever works out well. I’m not sure if your a basketballer or what but in football the QB position is unique. It’s not left tackle where you shuffle guys in and out.
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Terry played piss poor tonight but he still gives us the best chance to win with his athleticism and play making ability. This was only his 6th start at this level. Still has 2 1/2 years here to continue to get better. He will be damn good in time. Has shown flashes. Gota take the good with the bad.
WTF are you babbling about? No one is saying remove Wilson from the starting position. They are saying IN THIS GAME and match up, WILSON was a horrible match up decision, esp. If he's to scared to run, or get hit. Hoak MAY have given us a better shot in THIS game.

This isn’t left tackle dude. It’s quarterback. You don’t stick a quarterback in there for a game because it’s a “good matchup” and then bring the other guy back in and expect everything to run smoothly. It doesn’t work like that my man. Sweet Jesus, I love our fan base, but it gets hard sometimes.
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Dude, I don’t know if you watch much football but QB isn’t a position where you just shuffle people in and out. It rarely ever works out well. I’m not sure if your a basketballer or what but in football the QB position is unique. It’s not left tackle where you shuffle guys in and out.
It worked pretty good for Alabama when they benched their starting QB and the QB off the bench won the Championship for them...After all the success the starting QB had, had. Coach Saben had the guts to bench him and bring in the back up in a championship game..
Terry played piss poor tonight but he still gives us the best chance to win with his athleticism and play making ability. This was only his 6th start at this level. Still has 2 1/2 years here to continue to get better. He will be damn good in time. Has shown flashes. Gota take the good with the bad.
it will never be good if he continues to be too scared of contact....The dude had the 1st down at 2nd and 6 of overtime if he wanted it but he opted to slide 2 yards short with no one close to him....In a game like this that was inexcusable...
it will never be good if he continues to be too scared of contact....The dude had the 1st down at 2nd and 6 of overtime if he wanted it but he opted to slide 2 yards short with no one close to him....In a game like this that was inexcusable...
I can agree with most of your points on that. He did seem very timid when it came to contact tonight. I figured coming into this season with all of the talk surrounding him that he would be inconsistent this season and show really good flashes and do some things that make you want to pull your hair out. But again you’re definitely right, he has to get that 1st down in OT no if, ands, or buts.
Hoak is plenty good and deserves his chance now. He's paid his dues and been patient. These coaches go out and bring in a JUCO and start him ahead of Hoak and that's fine if he is indeed better. After tonight, Hoak needs his genuine opportunity. There are no more excuses...none.

There are excuses. I’m not saying keep Wilson in there, but we are 5-1 with him in. Also, we haven’t faced a run defense as good as we did last night. That was the perfect game to play Hoak.

A running QB is always better than just a passing QB because they give another element for a defense to plan for. But if they’ve proven they can stop the run, that doesn’t really matter anymore.

Hoak should’ve gotten in for that game
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Giving Hoak a series last night might have been good to get Wilson a chance to sit and watch, but not sure that Hoak would have produced in that pressure cooker of a game. possessions were limited and Kentucky lead for most of the first half and were never down more than one score. If I were the coach it would have been hard to bring a back up QB in that situation.

On the third and 2 situation. I'm wondering if the plan was to take a shot with Wilson and if that failed, come back with Benny on 4th and 2. That would have been playing to win the game, but the sack blew that option.
Our starting QB could do nothing tonight even when receivers were open. He had plenty of time in the pocket, but, would not pass the ball. I noticed receivers getting frustrated that he didn't attempt to get them the ball including Snell. How come Hoak disnt get into the game? Is he that bad? I also noticed that Wilson falls down if someone gets within 5 yrds of him.

The offensive line gave him plenty of time tonight. Looks to me like Wilson thinks as long as he never passes, or let's anyone hit him, he never has to worry about being called Turnover Terry again.
Hoak is plenty good and deserves his chance now. He's paid his dues and been patient. These coaches go out and bring in a JUCO and start him ahead of Hoak and that's fine if he is indeed better. After tonight, Hoak needs his genuine opportunity. There are no more excuses...none.
This is stupid! Terry has one bad game and you want to put Gunnar Drew Baker Hoak in the game! Terry has done things for this program no QB ever has... this is a comment from a fan who doesn’t know anything...
This isn’t left tackle dude. It’s quarterback. You don’t stick a quarterback in there for a game because it’s a “good matchup” and then bring the other guy back in and expect everything to run smoothly. It doesn’t work like that my man. Sweet Jesus, I love our fan base, but it gets hard sometimes.
That's right.

Signed Nick Saban. :joy:
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Didn’t he lose the QB competition in the offseason? That seems like a “genuine opportunity” to me. I’m not sure what anyone has seen from Hoak to make them think he’s a better option. Wilson was terrrible tonight, but what makes anyone think Hoak would’ve been better? Paid his dues? What does that have to do with anything? He’s been in this system for three years and can’t win the QB competition against a JUCO transfer that’s still learning the system. Does that inspire confidence in you? So you want to stick him in there in the 3rd quarter on the road in a tie ball game against a swarming defense when your offensive coordinator is taking the ball out of Snell’s hands and asking you to make predictable passes? That’s a recipe for disaster. Terry was terrible, but this notion that Gunnar Barker, I mean Hoak, is a better option is just mind boggling. He lost the QB competition to a JUCO transfer. The coaches didn’t just flip a coin and decide who should start. If Hoak has been here three years and isn’t CLEARLY the better option than Wilson then that’s not exactly good for his prospects as a QB.
the back up QB is always the most popular guy on the team
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Wilson has earned his starting spot. But hoak should of gotten a series
The stubbornness of continuing to do the same ineffective things over and over is what gets me. It's not like Wilson is an accomplished QB who has earned the right to fight through when he's struggling. He's had 1 good game this year, some games where he was just out there, and a couple where he was flat out awful. He hasn't earned free reign, his awful play and and Gran cost us the game. He didnt have it last night and should have been replaced instead of continuously being put in a position to fail.

We have to be desperate to win instead of sitting back hoping something that hasn't worked all night will start to work.
When Jerry Claiborne is coach, O does not matter. Stoops is just like him and all we will ever see is a .500 in the end.
Didn’t he lose the QB competition in the offseason? That seems like a “genuine opportunity” to me. I’m not sure what anyone has seen from Hoak to make them think he’s a better option. Wilson was terrrible tonight, but what makes anyone think Hoak would’ve been better? Paid his dues? What does that have to do with anything? He’s been in this system for three years and can’t win the QB competition against a JUCO transfer that’s still learning the system. Does that inspire confidence in you? So you want to stick him in there in the 3rd quarter on the road in a tie ball game against a swarming defense when your offensive coordinator is taking the ball out of Snell’s hands and asking you to make predictable passes? That’s a recipe for disaster. Terry was terrible, but this notion that Gunnar Barker, I mean Hoak, is a better option is just mind boggling. He lost the QB competition to a JUCO transfer. The coaches didn’t just flip a coin and decide who should start. If Hoak has been here three years and isn’t CLEARLY the better option than Wilson then that’s not exactly good for his prospects as a QB.
Wilson's advantage over the other QBs is his ability to run and that's all. After that, he has no advantage over the other QBs. Hoak is accurate in his passing and stands in the pocket. When given the few opportunities he's had, he done well. Clark deserves to see the field as well after Wilson sucked so badly. I was surprised to see Wilson fail so completely and miserably and wish is wasn't so, but why leave him in the game...some might argue that to be cruel. Referencing your Gunnar Barker comment, why the hate? The coaches "brought in" a JUCO in Johnson and it worked out and now bring in Wilson hoping it too would work out...maybe they're to "hardheaded" to admit Wilson may not have the temperament of Johnson. If Wilson can't pass and won't run, he needs to sit because there are other players on this team that deserve better play from the QB position.
This is stupid! Terry has one bad game and you want to put Gunnar Drew Baker Hoak in the game! Terry has done things for this program no QB ever has... this is a comment from a fan who doesn’t know anything...

I would argue that through 6 games, Terry has been a real asset to the team in 2 halfs...the 2nd half against Florida, and the 1st half against South Carolina.

Other than that, he pretty much just hands the ball off to Benny.
I don't understand why some fans want to down Hoak, & compare him to Barker. Because he's white? That's not fair. I don't think Wilson deserves to be taken out of the starting lineup yet, but when a player is having a bad game, I say next man up. Our defense scored as much as our offense did last night.
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Didn’t he lose the QB competition in the offseason? That seems like a “genuine opportunity” to me. I’m not sure what anyone has seen from Hoak to make them think he’s a better option. Wilson was terrrible tonight, but what makes anyone think Hoak would’ve been better? Paid his dues? What does that have to do with anything? He’s been in this system for three years and can’t win the QB competition against a JUCO transfer that’s still learning the system. Does that inspire confidence in you? So you want to stick him in there in the 3rd quarter on the road in a tie ball game against a swarming defense when your offensive coordinator is taking the ball out of Snell’s hands and asking you to make predictable passes? That’s a recipe for disaster. Terry was terrible, but this notion that Gunnar Barker, I mean Hoak, is a better option is just mind boggling. He lost the QB competition to a JUCO transfer. The coaches didn’t just flip a coin and decide who should start. If Hoak has been here three years and isn’t CLEARLY the better option than Wilson then that’s not exactly good for his prospects as a QB.

If the offense is built around a dual threat QB, then the QB HAS to be able to throw it consistently. Have you seen Wislon do that yet?? I haven't. If you couldn't see that was our problem from the beginning, I don't know what else to tell you. We have an awesome running back, we don't need a dual threat that is basically ineffective playing behind the chains.
Didn’t he lose the QB competition in the offseason? That seems like a “genuine opportunity” to me. I’m not sure what anyone has seen from Hoak to make them think he’s a better option. Wilson was terrrible tonight, but what makes anyone think Hoak would’ve been better? Paid his dues? What does that have to do with anything? He’s been in this system for three years and can’t win the QB competition against a JUCO transfer that’s still learning the system. Does that inspire confidence in you? So you want to stick him in there in the 3rd quarter on the road in a tie ball game against a swarming defense when your offensive coordinator is taking the ball out of Snell’s hands and asking you to make predictable passes? That’s a recipe for disaster. Terry was terrible, but this notion that Gunnar Barker, I mean Hoak, is a better option is just mind boggling. He lost the QB competition to a JUCO transfer. The coaches didn’t just flip a coin and decide who should start. If Hoak has been here three years and isn’t CLEARLY the better option than Wilson then that’s not exactly good for his prospects as a QB.
Oh, my. The voice of knowledge about all things UK football shares his wisdom once again.