It is still helpful. I didn't see it the first time around.It made the rounds here a while back a month or 2 . But always worth the watch again .
He asked if it had been posted before it had. That's why I said it's always worth a rewatch. I watched it again because of OP.It is still helpful. I didn't see it the first time around.
I remember his dad playing at Georgia back in the late 80's or so. Very good player.Didn't realize he had that talented of a family. I thought someone said his dad played. LOL.
It made the rounds here a while back a month or 2 . But always worth the watch again .
It is still helpful. I didn't see it the first time around.
He asked if it had been posted before it had. That's why I said it's always worth a rewatch. I watched it again because of OP.