I'm going to downgrade will riley a bit

If I am taking a reclass, just from what little I have seen from the 2, I would rather have Peterson. He is younger than Riley. But, he looks stronger and more ready physically. Plus, he looked like he could shot or get to the rim. I have only seen a few vids of each. So, I could definitely be wrong but I would take Peterson, especially if you get 2 years.
It's Peterson by a mile, and it's not even close.
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Watched two full games. Several turnovers, some blocked shots because he was forcing things trying to drive into trouble. Appeared to me that he was a little selfish with the handle. And in one game, his coach sat him, didn't play him the fourth period. I need to be more convinced that what we've recently seen is repeatable before I call him the next mashburn.
I didn't watch those games so I can't argue with you, Dave. But I reserve the right to bump him back up later.
I dont know the answer Im sure someone does. In Cals 15 years at UK did he ever have any freshman lead UK in scoring or were any of these player named a All American ? AD maybe but I dont remember.
Davis was the national player of the year.
I thought he must be somebody I had on "mostly ignore".
You need to adjust your settings or something. Hardly anyone can see your posts because the letters are way too light in color.

Mos def. I thought the dude had blocked me or something. Brought it up with my psychiatrist and she said it’s him not me tho.

Are you a ghost? Is this a message from beyond the grave?

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I can see adding Riley for this year only if he can be sold on the big picture. We will lose a bunch of guys after this season and the point and both wings will be wide open. He can come here, get acclimated to college life and academics, have the benefit of advanced strength and conditioning and nutrition programs, compete in practice every day against the like of Butler, Oweh and Robinson (instead of weak high school kids) and then be ready to be a pillar of the team in 2025-26. If Riley will buy into that scenario, he would be a wonderful investment in the future of the program. Otherwise, i.e., he wants substantial playing time right now, we have a logjam with not enough minutes to go around and team chemistry is at risk.
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Watched two full games. Several turnovers, some blocked shots because he was forcing things trying to drive into trouble. Appeared to me that he was a little selfish with the handle. And in one game, his coach sat him, didn't play him the fourth period. I need to be more convinced that what we've recently seen is repeatable before I call him the next mashburn.
"Downgrading" a high school basketball player because of two high school games is kinda misleading, wouldn't you say? High school players are evaluated on athletic tools, size, and desire. College coaches assess upside and coach them up inside a system concept. Maybe Riley fits Pope's system. Maybe he does not. But two high school games do not shed much light on it. I hope we can trust Pope to know what he needs.
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I think an average of 4-5 incoming freshmen each year is probably good. Just not multiple One-and-done freshmen. You need freshmen who you expect to develop for a core.
That was true 20 years ago. Now you need to assess and sign each player on his own merits. Each one is different. And you have to win in order to attract good players. Chicken vs. egg.
That was true 20 years ago. Now you need to assess and sign each player on his own merits. Each one is different. And you have to win in order to attract good players. Chicken vs. egg.
I disagree that developing and retaining players is no longer important. I would concede that the transfer portal has made it so that you can add really good college basketball players (some of the best, maybe even a college all-american due to NIL) every year. But I don’t think adding 6 to 8 transfers every year is a strategy likely to produce as much winning consistency as building your own core and then adding to it with 2 to 4 transfers. There’s something to be said for getting comfortable with a coach and his approach. Players generally get better after their first year of playing for a team (Reeves being a recent example).
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If Riley would wants playing time right away, UK is not the place for him. He is just not ready for big time college ball. Too immature and not developed enough. That is why I had Riley down the list of players I wanted to sign. I wanted a guy who was proven, or would be OK with taking a couple years to develop.
Isn't UK deep enough that they can take a guy they need to develop now? Although, that is risky these days, you develop a guy so they can go in the portal
That video reminded me of SGA. Kid's shifty, uses his pivot foot to his advantage, gets the defender leaning one way and goes the other. Liked what I saw from that 2 minute vid
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Isn't UK deep enough that they can take a guy they need to develop now? Although, that is risky these days, you develop a guy so they can go in the portal
He is not one who wants to wait and develop. One and done, which I why I said THIS year, I wouldn't waste much time recruiting him. Next year, yes, but this year, no time for him.