If Oscar had stayed

I'd like to correct an earlier post where I said Oscar was averaging 18 rpg. I was wrong; I think that was for the 1st 4 games. But on a closer look he was just as dominant as I thought. He was only averaging 12 ppg(61% fgp) and 12.2 rpg. But that was for 23 minutes per game. By comparison, Ugo and Bradshaw combined for 7 rebounds in 37 minutes. It's just my opinion but I think it's crazy to think we wouldn't be a lot better this year with him.
This team played it's best with Mitchell at the 5 and Thiero at the 4. I doubt that we will ever see that lineup again, unfortunately.
Right, Mitchell is going to be the 4 with Thiero as his backup. So, since this is an Oscar thread I'll bring it back to him, and I don't see how he wouldn't be a better fit with Mitchell than Bradshaw or Ugo. Oscar didn't care as much about points as he did rebounds so I think he's have been happy to let our great guards do their thing and get his points from cleaning up their misses. I think we'd be undefeated if he'd came back. I'm not saying he'd make us 17 points per game better since that's what USCjr beat us by but the team wouldn't have been in the same uncertain state.
Right, Mitchell is going to be the 4 with Thiero as his backup. So, since this is an Oscar thread I'll bring it back to him, and I don't see how he wouldn't be a better fit with Mitchell than Bradshaw or Ugo. Oscar didn't care as much about points as he did rebounds so I think he's have been happy to let our great guards do their thing and get his points from cleaning up their misses. I think we'd be undefeated if he'd came back. I'm not saying he'd make us 17 points per game better since that's what USCjr beat us by but the team wouldn't have been in the same uncertain state.
My post pertained to Oscar. Given how this team plays, Tre is a better fit at the 5 than Oscar.
This 💯. Mitchell is an upgrade over Oscar due to the make up of the roster. It is addition by subtraction.
I can see your point, but I also wonder how many second chance points you could takeaway from our opponents with Oscars rebounding vs Mitchell’s?
1. Tre isn't coming if Oscar returns.
2. Tre is one of the most important players to this team because of the intangibles that he brings. He's got a tremendous basketball IQ and happily makes the extra pass. I love Oscar, but he just doesn't have that.
3. Oscar is a TREMENDOUS rebounder, but a volume scoring center. His success revolves around getting touches. That's what he is. Volume scoring centers are not the recipe for success in today's game. Especially those that cannot defend.
4. Going forward, it appears that Ugonna will be starting. He is improving and is content with his role as a rim protector and role player. That is what is needed for this team, not a volume scoring big that is mostly camped down low and demands the ball.
5. Oscar is a two-time All-American and former POY. He deserves to get the ball. However, this team just has too many weapons for that.
6. You're overreacting about my faith comment. Your affection for him probably has a lot to do with his faith, and there's nothing wrong with that. I have no issue with his religion, nor his consistent talking about it in interviews. However, I do understand where there would be a disconnect with someone who preaches, has his own faith-based youtube channel, and lives away from the lodge.
You have no idea what Tre would’ve done if Oscar stayed. The only reason Tre transferred in the first place was because his coach got a DUI. He and Oscar would’ve played alongside each other. If it cost us anyone it would’ve cost us Bradshaw and/Big Z. Possibly Onyenso as well.

He was very efficient when he shot the ball, as I said before. He was more efficient than Tre by 2%. So I’m not sure where the volume scorer comes into play. He got most of his points off of put backs. If you have a problem with the guards passing him the ball and him taking the shot down low then I think you have a problem with the coaching and not Oscar.

Did he ever seem or sound uncoachable to you? If the answer is “no,” and I would hope that it is, then what he decided to do with the ball was likely what the coaches told him to do with it. The only thing I ever heard the coaches say they needed to work on with him was pick and roll defense. And like I said before, I agree with that.

Yes, I share his faith. But I still don’t believe he was overbearing with it. There just isn’t evidence of that. If you don’t like listening to him thanking God in his interviews, then just turn it off. But a lot of athletes do that, I never even heard him cite scripture in his interviews so I’m unsure what you’re referring to that has you so upset. Perhaps you could link me an interview for some context?

What’s wrong with having a faith based YT channel? It obviously didn’t take away from his game. What’s wrong with a Christian preaching? Again, didn’t take away from his game.

As someone who knows what college dorms are like, I don’t blame him from living away from the lodge. He’s a hard working immigrant trying to make it for his family. He has a good work ethic and wanted to limit distractions. That probably did create a void with the team but Oscar wasn’t the bad guy there. His teammates were.

I really just can’t fathom how we could have someone as dominant as Oscar and people wanting him gone because he was too Christian for their liking. I think his work ethic and faith make people uncomfortable and insecure with their own lack of faith and/or work ethic. Like I said before, if more people were like Oscar the world would be a much better and kinder place. A fantastic player, and an outstanding role model for young people.

Let me ask you this, who would rather your kid grow up to be like on the two teams Oscar was on if you had to pick one player?
You have no idea what Tre would’ve done if Oscar stayed. The only reason Tre transferred in the first place was because his coach got a DUI. He and Oscar would’ve played alongside each other. If it cost us anyone it would’ve cost us Bradshaw and/Big Z. Possibly Onyenso as well.

He was very efficient when he shot the ball, as I said before. He was more efficient than Tre by 2%. So I’m not sure where the volume scorer comes into play. He got most of his points off of put backs. If you have a problem with the guards passing him the ball and him taking the shot down low then I think you have a problem with the coaching and not Oscar.

Did he ever seem or sound uncoachable to you? If the answer is “no,” and I would hope that it is, then what he decided to do with the ball was likely what the coaches told him to do with it. The only thing I ever heard the coaches say they needed to work on with him was pick and roll defense. And like I said before, I agree with that.

Yes, I share his faith. But I still don’t believe he was overbearing with it. There just isn’t evidence of that. If you don’t like listening to him thanking God in his interviews, then just turn it off. But a lot of athletes do that, I never even heard him cite scripture in his interviews so I’m unsure what you’re referring to that has you so upset. Perhaps you could link me an interview for some context?

What’s wrong with having a faith based YT channel? It obviously didn’t take away from his game. What’s wrong with a Christian preaching? Again, didn’t take away from his game.

As someone who knows what college dorms are like, I don’t blame him from living away from the lodge. He’s a hard working immigrant trying to make it for his family. He has a good work ethic and wanted to limit distractions. That probably did create a void with the team but Oscar wasn’t the bad guy there. His teammates were.

I really just can’t fathom how we could have someone as dominant as Oscar and people wanting him gone because he was too Christian for their liking. I think his work ethic and faith make people uncomfortable and insecure with their own lack of faith and/or work ethic. Like I said before, if more people were like Oscar the world would be a much better and kinder place. A fantastic player, and an outstanding role model for young people.

Let me ask you this, who would rather your kid grow up to be like on the two teams Oscar was on if you had to pick one player?
Chill. At what point did I act offended by him sharing his faith?
Cal would have ran the offense thru Oscar and look where that got us the last 2 years.
I’m gonna stop you right there.

We could be running the offense through the center position right now. But we are not. Why? Because cal brought in Welch to revamp the offense. He finally bought in. There’s absolutely nothing stopping him from running the same offense he ran with Oscar except he has chosen not to.

If Oscar was on this team we would have maybe one loss. We would still run 5 out as well. One of Bradshaw or Z would not be here though. I really wish Oscar was here
Chill. At what point did I act offended by him sharing his faith?
You acted offended by him sharing his faith by implying that to be a negative trait of his character. That was my perception of what you said, if that was not your intent then you may want to rethink how you articulate your point of view.

But when you mention things like a faith based YT channel, or how he thanked God in interviews as negatives to his personality then that will make Christians feel like you’re offended by his faith. I feel like that’s not even a big reach and it seems pretty reasonable and logical to draw that conclusion from what you said.
We couldn't run 5 out with Oscar because he wasn't a 3 pt threat and had zero handle to drive the ball. I love the guy, but not the offense for him.

It would hurt everyone else too by allowing the opposing C or PF to clog the lane and stop their drives. Plus, you're left with the nation's best offensive rebounder standing 20 ft from the basket.

Oscar leaving was best for both sides because we had committed to a change in style. Oscar is one of the best ever in college. But he helped us by leaving IMO. And frankly, college (and UK) had provided all it was going to for Oscar. He will always be loved here. And vice-versa.
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