I need to vent, from someone who is completely screwed....

yes this is true BUT we are not them. Their population is very old. They have open borders with the Chinese. And they're about the size of Arizona so we're a hell of a lot bigger
No, we aren't them. Italy has 8.5 times the population of Arizona. Even here, the death rate is nearly 10x the flu. Just how many deaths are you willing to be glib about?
No problem! Wish you all nothing but the best and hopefully I get to meet her if I come down and visit our office here again soon. I don’t know what we will do with the virus going on, so I might be up in Cleveland for a while. I was training him so I could be down soon! Go Big Blue!

She would be super excited to meet you and I hope that gets to happen.
No, we aren't them. Italy has 8.5 times the population of Arizona. Even here, the death rate is nearly 10x the flu. Just how many deaths are you willing to be glib about?

Mate no it isn't. About 19,000 have been infected whatever that means because most people don't even show symptoms. 250 or so have died that's nothing. There are more dangerous illnesses that you've accepted as a part of your life. Shutting the country down over it is abhorrent
Mate no it isn't. About 19,000 have been infected whatever that means because most people don't even show symptoms. 250 or so have died that's nothing. There are more dangerous illnesses that you've accepted as a part of your life. Shutting the country down over it is abhorrent
Why are you polluting this thread with that talk. Take it back to the political page. This was suppose to be about helping someone.
Mate no it isn't. About 19,000 have been infected whatever that means because most people don't even show symptoms. 250 or so have died that's nothing. There are more dangerous illnesses that you've accepted as a part of your life. Shutting the country down over it is abhorrent
And you absolutely dont understand. Perhaps you should read what knowledgeable people have to say.
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And you absolutely dont understand. Perhaps you should read what knowledgeable people have to say.

you're a dope and a fear monger. "Knowledgeable people" that are gloating that they've managed to crash the economy and basically institute fascism and martial law in America that's just grand. Over the course of one week we now have less freedom than they have in North Korea. Not one life has been saved but thousands of people and businesses have been ruined and may not recover. The virus isn't a hoax but the sensationalized coverage is.

this is going to go down as the biggest political hit job farce in American and maybe world history. This disease may not even kill as many people that will die in Chicago this year
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Thank you so very much, you guys are amazing. Im literally almost to the point of speechless but I want to make sure everyone knows how much it means to me. I'm getting ready to show her in a little bit and I guarantee you, you guys will have made tears of joy. Thank you all again.

No prob brotha. Glad I can help.
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you're a dope and a fear monger. "Knowledgeable people" that are gloating that they've managed to crash the economy and basically institute fascism and martial law in America that's just grand. Over the course of one week we now have less freedom than they have in North Korea. Not one life has been saved but thousands of people and businesses have been ruined and may not recover. The virus isn't a hoax but the sensationalized coverage is.

this is going to go down as the biggest political hit job farce in American and maybe world history. This disease may not even kill as many people that will die in Chicago this year

What's your opinion of this video?

Nationwide shutdown because it overwhelms our medical system. That is why are freedoms are going to be temporarily taken away. This is terrible all the way around. It is not a win/win if we lockdown or if we ignore. Now, a more interesting question and discussion would be , How do we improve the medical system as a whole to not be overwhelmed so easily? This is an important discussion because of the likelihood of future virus outbreaks.
What's your opinion of this video?

Nationwide shutdown because it overwhelms our medical system. That is why are freedoms are going to be temporarily taken away. This is terrible all the way around. It is not a win/win if we lockdown or if we ignore. Now, a more interesting question and discussion would be , How do we improve the medical system as a whole to not be overwhelmed so easily? This is an important discussion because of the likelihood of future virus outbreaks.

If the overwhelming majority of people don't suffer or don't have any symptoms at all how is the health system gonna get overwhelmed? Because Italy's garbage health system couldn't handle it and they have the most old people other than Japan ? No we're not them we gotta live life. A shutdown like this isn't gonna stand past the beginning of April or you're gonna have mass chaos there's gonna be mass crime, looting and there's gonna be anarchy. Neighbor at war with neighbor. I'm talking civil war for the kind of country we wanna be
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If the overwhelming majority of people don't suffer or don't have any symptoms at all how is the health system gonna get overwhelmed? Because Italy's garbage health system couldn't handle it and they have the most old people other than Japan ? No we're not them we gotta live life

First comment EDITED and removed. Didn't make sense after above post was edited.

The virus has already been slowed down by the social quarantining we have done. We will see in a few weeks if our systems break down. It's not a win/win. I believe if we don't quarantine this virus will overwhelm the health system and do more damage overall. You, disagree and think we should "live life". And that shutting things down will cause more damage then letting the virus run its course. Correct me if I'm wrong - but that's what how I think our discussion is going.

Do we both agree that either decision will have bad consequences?

I think you are right that there will be increased crime etc...especially if we shut down too long. I'm not sure it would be "civil war", but if it's 50% worse than I think it will be, it could get bad.

It's going to be an interesting next couple of weeks.
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If the overwhelming majority of people don't suffer or don't have any symptoms at all how is the health system gonna get overwhelmed? Because Italy's garbage health system couldn't handle it and they have the most old people other than Japan ? No we're not them we gotta live life. A shutdown like this isn't gonna stand past the beginning of April or you're gonna have mass chaos there's gonna be mass crime, looting and there's gonna be anarchy. Neighbor at war with neighbor. I'm talking civil war for the kind of country we wanna be

Italy ranks #2 in the world in healthcare systems. If you want to make counter points it’s fine and healthy for debate, I would encourage that. But when you through our baseless hyperbole to try and get your point across it jeopardizes not only the validity of your argument but your competency as a whole.
Italy ranks #2 in the world in healthcare systems. If you want to make counter points it’s fine and healthy for debate, I would encourage that. But when you through our baseless hyperbole to try and get your point across it jeopardizes not only the validity of your argument but your competency as a whole.

they have destroyed themselves like all of the EU. Let them lie in the bed they've made. It's not gonna be like that here anyway 99.999 percent of people are gonna be just fine and have been just fine
they have destroyed themselves like all of the EU. Let them lie in the bed they've made. It's not gonna be like that here anyway 99.999 percent of people are gonna be just fine and have been just fine

So you are saying that 327,000 deaths from the CoronaVirus is not worth shutting the country down? Remember, that is only direct deaths from the CoronaVirus.
My apologies to the OP. I will stop by discussion so we can get back on topic. BBN help support each other.

AirRaid, you should start a post in the general discussion on your opinion how this plays out. 2 scenarios though. 1 - we ignore or lightly ignore the virus and let it "run it's course". I'd like to see statistics on infected, dead, long term implications of the recovered serious/critical case. Then, 2, We shut everything down and the chaos that ensues. Obviously that has a few scenarios based on the restrictions and length of time with those restrictions.

You are taking a strong stance.. so type it out and let's see if you are right.
you're a dope and a fear monger. "Knowledgeable people" that are gloating that they've managed to crash the economy and basically institute fascism and martial law in America that's just grand. Over the course of one week we now have less freedom than they have in North Korea. Not one life has been saved but thousands of people and businesses have been ruined and may not recover. The virus isn't a hoax but the sensationalized coverage is.

this is going to go down as the biggest political hit job farce in American and maybe world history. This disease may not even kill as many people that will die in Chicago this year
You post that but call me a dope? Lol
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To say that a God works through other people is fate, what don't you understand about that. If your actions are controlled or influenced by another, that is fate.

Learn to pronounce

  1. 1.
    the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.

Nope. Misapplied. Everyone's actions are influenced by things. Fate implies a lack of choice and control. Being influenced is not being out of control, it means making choices and choosing what can and does influence you.
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I just want to take a moment to say thank you all again, so very much. Everyone here has been amazing, if you start to doubt humanity. Please remember times like these. Thank you BBN.
Sorry some dirtbags tried to hijack it and make it political
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I won't get into the other but suffice it to state; A Christians job is to tell the world of God and his goodness, not to make them believe or convince them. That is the Holy Spirits job.

The job is actually very easy once you get over the fear of stating what you believe. God Bless you all...
Sorry some dirtbags tried to hijack it and make it political

I know some people had other discussions within the thread but there is so much more in this thread. The care and good human nature expressed in this thread, is amazing. Some people got sidetracked it happens, I'm just still overwhelmed at how awesome people are here in BBN.
I'm curious.. how did this turn into a heart issue? I know that cardiac symptoms and esophagus symptoms can be similar. Like how a heart attack and be confused with heart burn, and vice versa. How old are you, if I may ask.

You aren’t kidding. I had such bad heartburn I couldn’t sleep for over a month and felt like I was dying. Every-time I’d lay down I couldn’t breath. Finally after a battery of tests that showed I was fine, other than the same issue. One night I went to the ER and the doctor said I think you have very bad acid reflux. Two Nexium later and I slept like a baby.
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

- Dylan Thomas

Your life has value, it has worth. Some things may be inevitable, but, do not surrender them easily!
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

- Dylan Thomas

Your life has value, it has worth. Some things may be inevitable, but, do not surrender them easily!
"Life should not be a journey to arrive safely in the grave but to arrive broadside, body smoking and used up, body totally used up and wore out proclaiming "WOW what a ride" - (or something similar)- Hunter S. Thompson

Come on guys, lets help a Big Blue Brother out!