I need to vent, from someone who is completely screwed....

My situation isn’t anywhere close to dire as it sounds for you but my heart goes out to you. Lost my job yesterday for at least 2 weeks, I assume it will be longer bc of office politics, we’re dealing with a cancer scare with my spouse that we won’t have answers for at least couple weeks. I know people says prayers but I read your story and countless others omg with mine, it’s hard to find the “faith” in that.

Good luck man
I know I've posted on here a few times about my sudden health issues. I guess it all started about seven months ago, pretty suddenly. One day, I just couldn't eat food, just couldn't swallow. It was crazy but I thought hey easy fix, the doctors will know what to do.

Fast forward to now, I've been through countless doctors, had three feeding tube surgeries and find out very soon if I officially have to get heart surgery, when they did an echo it showed both bottom chambers working at only around 45%. So yesterday, I had to travel in the danger zone and get a cardiac MRI. So very soon I will find out options, surgery etc. At this point I also have an undiagnosed autoimmune disease, ALS has been thrown out there but because of my malnourishment (lost 100 pounds so far) and infection at the time of the initial testing, results were inclusive. So it could be that or another because several have similar symptoms. Oh and the fact I'm supposed to keep trying to drink things but everytime I do, I aspirate. This is to keep my muscles having some tone but it causes constant oxygen drops, until I cough up what's went down the wrong tube. So how long I live is very much in question.

Now this virus, has destroyed the last bit of anything we had going for us (my fiance and I). I applied for disability but I am still months away, from getting any response and I was our main source of income. Then my fiance, happens to work as a server at a small family owned restaurant. Of course, in Ohio those were the first businesses to shut down. Unfortunately, because of the way the family owned place does things, she can't get unemployment and we just found out the employer doesn't pay into it anyway, for her employees. The owner will be fine I'm sure, as they are gonna help small business owners. However, it appears that we won't be eligible for any sort of help. Also, she is refusing to try carry-out or delivery. So we are royally screwed and I have almost completely went through my savings at this point.

I want to say, I believe in God and pray and I keep telling myself this is all his plan. That it's just a test and things will get better, it's not more than I can handle. However, everyday it just seems like more and more goes wrong. God bless my fiance, for taking care of me and desperately trying to find work but it's just about impossible in our area right now. I'm maintaining my faith but we are seriously in a bad situation, when our supplies run out, I don't know what we are gonna do. Also, bills are still coming in and I'm trying to keep a roof over our head (though we are supposed to move in the next two months) the owners of the property have decided to sell it, instead of continuing to rent. Plus trying to make sure we still have a vehicle. Running out of ideas and I know she is so stressed and scared, as am I. I just don't know what else to do but I had to vent somewhere. I can't discuss this with her, I think she is already on the edge and I don't want to make it worse. Thank you guys for allowing me to vent and put my thoughts out there, to fellow fans.
My situation isn’t anywhere close to dire as it sounds for you but my heart goes out to you. Lost my job yesterday for at least 2 weeks, I assume it will be longer bc of office politics, we’re dealing with a cancer scare with my spouse that we won’t have answers for at least couple weeks. I know people says prayers but I read your story and countless others omg with mine, it’s hard to find the “faith” in that.

Good luck man
I'm :pray: for both of you fellow BBN!
Every American adult making less than like 100,000k or so will qualify. It's a UBI or universal basic income to either provide or supplement living cost while the pandemic is ongoing. So ideally, you and your fiance should each get a check for roughly 750 - 1000 month, could even be more, but those are the most common numbers mentioned at this point.

I hope so, that would be amazing.
I saw a sign at Kroger today that said they are hiring on the spot. Not sure if this is the case everywhere but this was at a Kroger in Northern Kentucky so maybe others in the area are the same.

She has tried Kroger, still waiting on a call back.
Amazon his hiring for customer service reps to work from home taking calls, answering emails and chat. Pay goes from $15/hr and up. After so long, I think you can get benefits with them.
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That wasn't needed in this thread . To each their own in terms of belief , this should be about helping the OP and providing good vibes , prayers whatever you want to call it for them. Fgpoe I would start a go fund me as just right here you have a few big blue brothers who would donate something .
What’s not needed is his comments on my father, praying for you op. Just know the lord loves you and will help you get through this. He’s always been there for me, I know our situations are different, but you can call on him anytime.
So that actually should possibly work out. I am forwarding something to my administrator in Cincinnati as I run the Cleveland office. Our office is in Cincy on reading road but we recently just started some work in Loveland. Which is around 13 minutes away. We also are getting cases in warren, butler, and other spots in Hamilton. I told him to figure out a way to hire her. His name will be Bengi. This is home care for adults with disabilities just a heads up. (513) 290-7177

Thank you so much, I'll make sure she calls tomorrow. Loveland isn't to far, so that could definitely work. She would be fine with that work and I greatly appreciate it. Should I have her mention a certain name or anything? That way he knows it's her. She will call and say Kathy, her full first name is Kathleen.
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Okay @Fgpoe03 get someone in your family to start a gofundme asap. I guarantee you, this board will step up and donate and get you some relief.

Also, I live in NKY and work in the Camp Washington district in Cincinnati, so I'm close to you. I don’t know exactly what I would be able to help with, but keep this thread going and I'll keep close tabs on it.

Hoping for the best for you here. You didn't deserve any of this but man, get that gofundme going and put the link on here
I'm in NKY too. I'm not sure I can help right now, but if another BBN can think of something we can do for you, then I'm all in.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. Life can be so chaotic and unfair. Keep trucking along brother.
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I'm so sorry for your dilema. I went through a 4 year ordeal starting in 2004. My advice would be to call your local house of reprensitive liaison in your area, tell him your problem. They have paperwork that can by pass the system and get quick results. After I contacted my congressman in Oct I was approved by late November, he sent me a letter, actually hand signed. Unfortunately there's a 6 month's waiting period before the pay starts but you get the back pay. I actually went 18 months without a dime of income coming in. I can understand your frustrations, but as others have stated, keep the faith and pray often, it kept me sane. I will keep you in my prayers daily. You need to contact your local Salvation Army, they should be able to help and put you with right people to get help. God bless.
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Okay @Fgpoe03 get someone in your family to start a gofundme asap. I guarantee you, this board will step up and donate and get you some relief.

Also, I live in NKY and work in the Camp Washington district in Cincinnati, so I'm close to you. I don’t know exactly what I would be able to help with, but keep this thread going and I'll keep close tabs on it.

Hoping for the best for you here. You didn't deserve any of this but man, get that gofundme going and put the link on here
I’ll have anyone on this boards back at anytime. I’d be glad to help. BBN will always be here
I'm curious.. how did this turn into a heart issue? I know that cardiac symptoms and esophagus symptoms can be similar. Like how a heart attack and be confused with heart burn, and vice versa. How old are you, if I may ask.

I just turned 35, originally I had a little heart burn and then just couldn't swallow. Then one day my heart shot up to over 170 doing nothing and they said probably svt. Which is like a weird heart rythm. After doing more testing they found the other stuff. At this point, we don't know if it's related and part of the autoimmune or a completely separate thing.
I will try to get some help to get a GoFundMe started, so I can link it on here. I don't have a Facebook or anything but my fiance does. I'll ask her to help and I didn't expect any of that but it would be greatly appreciated. For all of those even considering thank you so much and I'll try to get her to help me. Thank you guys for all your prayers and God bless BBN.
I just turned 35, originally I had a little heart burn and then just couldn't swallow. Then one day my heart shot up to over 170 doing nothing and they said probably svt. Which is like a weird heart rythm. After doing more testing they found the other stuff. At this point, we don't know if it's related and part of the autoimmune or a completely separate thing.

Man that's kind of why I asked.. I'm 33.. Auto-immune diseases like RA run all over my family. I've had Costocondritis (inflamed rib cartilage that causes chest pain), and my breathing becomes labored a little more every few months. Blood pressure has been up.

DId an EKG, twice, and that was perfectly healthy. I have an RA test coming soon, along with another doc check-up.

When you say you heart shot up to over 170.. you mean HR? Or Blood pressure?

I think a big issue for me is the booze. When I cut that back, a lot of these symptoms go away. It's likely my body telling me to slow down, and it's also very likely I have RA (As i have almost ALL the symptoms).
Thank you so much, I'll make sure she calls tomorrow. Loveland isn't to far, so that could definitely work. She would be fine with that work and I greatly appreciate it. Should I have her mention a certain name or anything? That way he knows it's her. She will call and say Kathy, her full first name is Kathleen.
I told him she will be calling! And will pass on her name! I hope it works out! I’ll text him now.
That wasn't needed in this thread . To each their own in terms of belief , this should be about helping the OP and providing good vibes , prayers whatever you want to call it for them. Fgpoe I would start a go fund me as just right here you have a few big blue brothers who would donate something .

You are the referee who calls the foul on the guy who retaliates after the first guy takes a swing at his head.

This would be the best thing to do.
Our pastor forwards calls To our benevolence deacon and she assesses the need and acts on it. If you need help with an electric bill she goes and pays it. If it’s food she boxes up supplies from our church pantry and takes it to them. Gives McDonald’s gift cards if they have kids. Stuff like that.
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Man that's kind of why I asked.. I'm 33.. Auto-immune diseases like RA run all over my family. I've had Costocondritis (inflamed rib cartilage that causes chest pain), and my breathing becomes labored a little more every few months. Blood pressure has been up.

DId an EKG, twice, and that was perfectly healthy. I have an RA test coming soon, along with another doc check-up.

When you say you heart shot up to over 170.. you mean HR? Or Blood pressure?

I think a big issue for me is the booze. When I cut that back, a lot of these symptoms go away. It's likely my body telling me to slow down, and it's also very likely I have RA (As i have almost ALL the symptoms).

It was my heart rate and I don't drink. It shot up and stayed there, until medical personal arrived.
My heart goes out to you as you handle this hardship. And I want to assure you that God cares about your situation and wants to encourage you and help you to get through this painful experience.

“Jesus Can and Does Heal — yesterday, today, and tomorrow!”

“Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and for evermore” Heb. 13: 8. So, time does not limit Him nor can anything else. What He did in the Old and New Testament Biblical times, He can do so today and in the future. The fact that Jesus can heal should not be a debatable issue as He is God and the Creator of everything. We can confidently say nothing is too hard for the Lord our God. As His Word says, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18: 13-15; Jeremiah 32: 27) and the answer has to be an emphatic No! (Luke 1: 37). You can come to Him for healing of any sickness or problem (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.) and He can heal you according to His Will as Jesus is our Healer. Nothing is too hard for Him.

God's Will is supreme and sovereign. He knows best and is in control always. We, His children, just need to trust Him that in all things He is working for our good — Rom. 8: 28. He will never fail or forsake us — Heb. 13: 5. God is in control of everything including all of nature as He created everything. But one may ask the question why then do calamities and disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. sometimes occur which destroy thousands of people, many of whom may include believers too? We may never know the answer to such questions but we know the One who knows the answers. We just need to trust Him.

Isaiah 41:10

10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

1 John 5:14-15

14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

You have been lifted up in prayer, brother.

I just prayed him as well. The Lord told Joshua, do not be dismayed for the Lord is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9). If Jesus is Lord of your life, there is peace and comfort that heaven awaits you and that the angels encamp around those who fear His Name. Our everlasting Father is Jehova Jireh, our provider; He is Jehova Shalom, our peace and comfort, and He is our Jehova Rapha; He is our healer, restorer, and redeemer. There is power in the name of Jesus. When I have been at my low, sometimes all I could say was the name of Jesus.
I added PayPal on there, I hope that works for anyone interested in donating. This is the only form of social media I use. If that doesn't work, please let me know and I will try to figure out how to add on another method. I greatly appreciate all the thoughts, prayers and people willing to donate. I came on here to vent and the caring people here are just overwhelming, this is why BBN is the best.

I believe you have to have a PayPal account, which is where you download the app. I couldn't find a way to avoid that, then all you will need is my email.

Thanks to everyone again and if you have anymore questions or ideas, please let me know. Everyone here has been awesome and I appreciate everything.

Thank you all for giving me some hope again and showing the best of the human race.
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Our pastor forwards calls To our benevolence deacon and she assesses the need and acts on it. If you need help with an electric bill she goes and pays it. If it’s food she boxes up supplies from our church pantry and takes it to them. Gives McDonald’s gift cards if they have kids. Stuff like that.

This is what the church is supposed to do. We are in a very small community and help people in need. Just have to be careful because there are people that will take advantage of churches .
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I have trust issues on a lot of things these days. I have been trumped.
Good morning to all.
Yeah, I think we have all been scammed a time or two in our lives, but there is no part of me that feels this is a scam.
I guess it would be different if so many people weren't laid off due to this virus. I bet there are a lot of households that are about to be financially ruined and this guy's health issues sound very serious and very real.
His GF is taking a job with @Born and raised Big Blue , so if something isn’t right, we'll know.
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Yeah, I think we have all been scammed a time or two in our lives, but there is no part of me that feels this is a scam.
I guess it would be different if so many people weren't laid off due to this virus. I bet there are a lot of households that are about to be financially ruined and this guy's health issues sound very serious and very real.
His GF is taking a job with @Born and raised Big Blue , so if something isn’t right, we'll know.
I was just being dumb with my comments. I do that.
I pray for all of us in real life.
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I wish this thread true but my eyes says this thread is BS

I've mentioned my health issues various times here before. I've only ever let off some steam, or spoke about them. Then there was time I asked for prayer, that thread would be on Dec. 31st or Jan. 1st (the baby only made it around thirteen hours, I don't remember if I started the thread late or early), that was when my sister's baby passed. I'm not on here to scam anyone and of you want to take the time to go through my previous post, you can. I didn't ask for anything this time but I am also able to humble myself, I'm not gonna turn help despite my pride, when it is offered. I'm aware, we are in a bad situation, which is why I came here to vent. I'm trying to maintain the strong front at home, so I have to keep telling her it will be okay. She has the number, name and she will be calling today about the job, for which I am grateful.
That wasn't needed in this thread . To each their own in terms of belief , this should be about helping the OP and providing good vibes , prayers whatever you want to call it for them. Fgpoe I would start a go fund me as just right here you have a few big blue brothers who would donate something .
Why did you chastise him and not the other one who called God cruel?