I have no plans to watch the bloodbath this Saturday night


Oct 29, 2004
I've been a fan of UK football since early 70s (attended a couple of games as a kid at Stoll Field and had season tix in the EZ when Commonwealth opened when I was 10 years old). Graduated from UK. In that time, I've seen a ton of bad football and bled blue and white every year. Have seen some really good years, too, just not enough.

But, watching UK get slaughtered on national TV at 7:30 pm in a game that won't finish until 11-ish is not appealing at all. We're evidently banged up, we have a piss poor OL, Georgia is #1 for a reason. A 'good' showing, imo, would be a 3 TD beatdown. Georgia will not have to do anything exceptional to put 40 points on the board and our offense will struggle to score > 10.

This may just be a symptom of getting older, the huge changes in CFB (NIL, transfers, conference realignment), the enormous amount of commercials on TV broadcasts. But, my ardent love of CFB has waned. My patience with horrible football, OL that can't remember the snap count or line up correctly, 5th yr seniors jumping offsides in an obvious situation where the opponent is never going to snap the ball, busted coverages that allow easy TDs, the revolving door of QBs who either aren't as good as advertised or have so little help that it doesn't matter, etc, is almost at an end. Watching another ass kicking when I know we have almost no chance of staying close, much less winning, is not enticing at all. Think I'll find something else to do or another game to watch where I have nothing invested.
i understand showing up in support of the team we love, but this ain’t like watching my high school grandsons play. lot’s of time and money put into it with no expectation of ever winning anything wears on many of us. i can’t even remember the last time we won our division. nine players confirmed out tomorrow and our unproven qb with a shoulder injury with the #1 team coming in.
i love the game of football but i also like to think my team will have a chance to win.
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I'll watch, been doing so since the 60's, so no reason to quit now. I have 0 expectations in this game. Last week was John Ray days bad. If we score OR hold them below 45 Ill be surprised.
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I've been a fan of UK football since early 70s (attended a couple of games as a kid at Stoll Field and had season tix in the EZ when Commonwealth opened when I was 10 years old). Graduated from UK. In that time, I've seen a ton of bad football and bled blue and white every year. Have seen some really good years, too, just not enough.

But, watching UK get slaughtered on national TV at 7:30 pm in a game that won't finish until 11-ish is not appealing at all. We're evidently banged up, we have a piss poor OL, Georgia is #1 for a reason. A 'good' showing, imo, would be a 3 TD beatdown. Georgia will not have to do anything exceptional to put 40 points on the board and our offense will struggle to score > 10.

This may just be a symptom of getting older, the huge changes in CFB (NIL, transfers, conference realignment), the enormous amount of commercials on TV broadcasts. But, my ardent love of CFB has waned. My patience with horrible football, OL that can't remember the snap count or line up correctly, 5th yr seniors jumping offsides in an obvious situation where the opponent is never going to snap the ball, busted coverages that allow easy TDs, the revolving door of QBs who either aren't as good as advertised or have so little help that it doesn't matter, etc, is almost at an end. Watching another ass kicking when I know we have almost no chance of staying close, much less winning, is not enticing at all. Think I'll find something else to do or another game to watch where I have nothing invested.
I will be watching and if the truth be known, I bet you will also. I am a Stoll Field guy also, quitting on UK FB after all these years isn't as easy as one would think!
I have seen so much bad football I never let my expectations get out of hand. It's bad but before the season I prepare for the worst.
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Will be 2-2 heading to Ole Miss (beating Ohio U). It is going to get worse before it gets better. 2-3 after Ole Miss, hopefully beat Vandy, get to 3-3.
@ Florida - L (3-4) Not confident they can go on the road and win the way they played against SC.
Auburn - W (hopefully, but not a lock) (4-4)
@ Tenn. - L (4-5)
Murray State - W (5-5)
@ Texas - L (5-6)
UL - W ??? This game just got even bigger. MUST win to get a bowl bid. But not counting on it. (5-7). HAVE TO beat Vandy and UL or it will be a very restless off season. I truly feel 6-6 is the ceiling now, 5-7 likely, lose to Auburn, 4-8.
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I will tune in just to get a sense of the game atmosphere and see how much of a fight UK can put up. My expectation is that this game will be over very early and that I will chamge the channel.
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I’ll watch and continue to watch as long as there is effort by players and coaches. Even if we are down 50. Once our team checks out. I’ll check out.
I’ll be in front of the TV watching like I always do win or lose. I’m 44 years old almost 45 been doing it since I was old enough to root them on. We all know what the results going to be but I’m still a fan and still hope that 7.6% ESPN has us winning the game comes true!
Op needs to turn in his fan card and never post again.
Fair weathered fans not wanted.
Hit the road.
No he doesn't, us oldtimers have suffered thru more bad football than you can even imagine. Forgive us if we (for a brief moment) dared to think we had gotten past those days. We will be here but we don't like what we saw last week. There is no excuse for the effort and execution that we displayed last Saturday
I might watch. Just don't love college sports anymore like I used to. Hate what has become of it with it being all about paid mercenaries these days. Plus I couldn't stand Cal anymore and am about burnt out on Stoops. Pope gives me a little bit of excitement toward basketball and a coaching change in football might as well. I'll still likely not get back that love for those sports I once had. NIL and these ridiculous coaching contracts have killed college sports.
I’m going to watch the first half, I expect UK to keep it close. If they are down a lot a half it will be a long night for the Cats.
I might watch. Just don't love college sports anymore like I used to. Hate what has become of it with it being all about paid mercenaries these days. Plus I couldn't stand Cal anymore and am about burnt out on Stoops. Pope gives me a little bit of excitement toward basketball and a coaching change in football might as well. I'll still likely not get back that love for those sports I once had. NIL and these ridiculous coaching contracts have killed college sports.
Couldn’t have said it better. Well done.
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