I’ll die on this hill but


Nov 25, 2023
If we miss on the top 3 options assuming they are Hurley, Billy D, and Oats, and you’re next 2 on that list are Drew and Pearl then give me Pearl. The reason being is that guy would run through a brick wall to coach this program, he has the personality to handle this fan base and he would give that energy we need. I would take him over Drew all day long.
Pearl is in the same category as Drew honestly. The issue with pearl is he wants his son to be the coach in waiting
Wait did you just call into the Ksr special show?

Im ready to ride with any of Hurley, Drew, Pearl, Donovan or Oats. I think all those guys could be massively successful here.
No but I heard that and I’ve been saying it all weekend on X how Pearl needs to be picked over Drew if we get that far down on the list
By the numbers he's practically identical to Drew. The thing I like about Pearl over Drew is that Pearl covets this job so much he would agree to a two-year probationary contract with no nasty buyout. If Mitch would get shrewd enough to bring Pearl in that way..............Honestly, I still wouldn't feel good about it, just because of Mitch's personality. I could see Mitch bringing Pearl in on a probationary status like that but then turning around and gifting him a huge, school-killing high buyout contract after two years and two Round of 32 appearances. So if we're talking short-term cheap probationary contracts give me Pitino all day long. Equal risk and higher potential payoff.

But in an imaginary world where Pearl would take a two-year probationary contract and then only re-up if we'd at least hit an Elite Eight and only re-up for another two years unless we'd hit a Final Four, versus the only other choice being Drew who I know wouldn't take a contract like that, then in that world, yeah, give me Pearl.
Pearl has won nothing, BUT, he does have the energy.

As long as he doesn't bring KD "I'm the best person alive'" Johnson, I'll concede to it.
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I am breathing easier now that the leach is gone. I am so not a basketball expert that I am listening and trying to decipher the reason why for each candidate (Either real or desired.)

I was so over Donovan due to his jilting UK how many times? Pearl just gives me the impression he'd do or try most anything. Not sure that's a good thing.

The others I will defer to the others on this board that are much more well-versed than I am in basketball.

Yes, Elizabeth, several on this board now their basketball...

I am enjoying the hunt though....

Kal kind of made me vomit with his exit speech... Though I AM happy he is/ has exited...
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If we miss on the top 3 options assuming they are Hurley, Billy D, and Oats, and you’re next 2 on that list are Drew and Pearl then give me Pearl. The reason being is that guy would run through a brick wall to coach this program, he has the personality to handle this fan base and he would give that energy we need. I would take him over Drew all day long.
Oats is not in the top 3. It is Hurley, Donovan, Drew.
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Drew has a NCAA title, Pearl doesn't. People forget that. EVERYWHERE Pearl has been, SOMETHING bad comes out. Plus he is a snitch, if you haven't read it yet, read the story when he was an assistant at Iowa. That alone is enough for me to say No Thanks on Pearl. MAYBE in a dire situation, 5/6th choice, but not even sure I would be OK with him then.
Oats is not in the top 3. It is Hurley, Donovan, Drew.
Okay so let’s say we miss on those 3 because Baylor insiders believe Drew will ultimately stay. Then I think you go after Pearl. Another name I would look into is Will Wade. The problem with Wade is the restrictions he has right now and not sure if they would let him back in the SEC. But I believe Will Wade is going to be a great coach when he is given the right opportunity.
According to people with knowledge of the situation, Mitch will call Hurley, Donovan, Drew.
If we miss on the top 3 options assuming they are Hurley, Billy D, and Oats, and you’re next 2 on that list are Drew and Pearl then give me Pearl. The reason being is that guy would run through a brick wall to coach this program, he has the personality to handle this fan base and he would give that energy we need. I would take him over Drew all day long.
I agree. Underrated take, IMO.
Okay so let’s say we miss on those 3 because Baylor insiders believe Drew will ultimately stay. Then I think you go after Pearl. Another name I would look into is Will Wade. The problem with Wade is the restrictions he has right now and not sure if they would let him back in the SEC. But I believe Will Wade is going to be a great coach when he is given the right opportunity.
Wade can't coach in the SEC, he has a show case for the shit show he pulled at LSU.
If beating Cal head-to-head is important, wouldn’t that put Rick Barnes high on the list?
If that's the agenda, then you take any of the UConn coaches. Cal didn't beat any of them since he came to Lexington.
Drew has a NCAA title, Pearl doesn't. People forget that. EVERYWHERE Pearl has been, SOMETHING bad comes out. Plus he is a snitch, if you haven't read it yet, read the story when he was an assistant at Iowa. That alone is enough for me to say No Thanks on Pearl. MAYBE in a dire situation, 5/6th choice, but not even sure I would be OK with him then.
Drew has 11+losses in 4 of his last seven season.Just what we need.
Bruce pearl just lost to yale and he had big recruits on his roster.

Sounds like you want more of the same

Ppl complained about cal and adjustments...UK beat auburn this year by literally running the same exact play every possession
If we miss on the top 3 options assuming they are Hurley, Billy D, and Oats, and you’re next 2 on that list are Drew and Pearl then give me Pearl. The reason being is that guy would run through a brick wall to coach this program, he has the personality to handle this fan base and he would give that energy we need. I would take him over Drew all day long.
Pearl seems enthusiastic about every job but he has never won anything. I appreciate enthusiasm, but that doesn't make him a great coach. He is way down on my list. I would be very disappointed with that hire.
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Drew has 11+losses in 4 of his last seven season.Just what we need.
It's easy to say that, but how many coaches have significantly less double digit loss seasons over that time period. I feel like college basketball has gotten more parity and there isn't many coaches you could say that about. Maybe I'm wrong.
Mitch would never do it anyway, but I think Wade has real potential. How would we feel about a Shaka Smart or Sean Miller?
NO and NO. Shaka was hot at one time, but he has feel off a cliff, he had a really talented roster at Marquette and didn't do anything with it. Miller, he is just too slimy for my liking and has a boring offense.