Hypothetical question


Jul 11, 2007
If you could know right now our wins and losses from each game, including final record and final result from the upcoming season, but couldn't do anything about it (other than watch or not watch games at your choosing), would you do it?

I'm torn. I think I'd stay in the dark and hope for the best.
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Unpopular opinion, but I think I'd like to know. Since I struggle with anxiety, watching Kentucky in close games really takes a toll on me. I also hate seeing Kentucky lose. I'd skip all the losses (and do something else with my time), then ride through wins stress-free.
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FWIW, as a microcosm of the larger question, I usually know the outcome of any game that I DVR.

If it was obviously a terrible game, I'd probably hang out a little longer with friends and not be rushing home to watch the dumpster fire.
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FWIW, as a microcosm of the larger question, I usually know the outcome of any game that I DVR.

If it was obviously a terrible game, I'd probably hang out a little longer with friends and not be rushing home to watch the dumpster fire.
I don't know how you do it. Way back when I recorded games (had to work, wasn't feeling well), if I heard anything regarding the result I wouldn't watch. Just removes any fun for me.

For me, the fun as a fan is in the journey. Often if a game's result is obvious before the end, I'll turn it off of it's against a cupcake or we're losing.

Maybe someone can post a hypothetical question "have you ever turned a game off before the end, thinking we would lose?"
I don't know how you do it. Way back when I recorded games (had to work, wasn't feeling well), if I heard anything regarding the result I wouldn't watch. Just removes any fun for me.

For me, the fun as a fan is in the journey. Often if a game's result is obvious before the end, I'll turn it off of it's against a cupcake or we're losing.

Maybe someone can post a hypothetical question "have you ever turned a game off before the end, thinking we would lose?"
I'll answer your last question. Yes, yes I have. Never used to do it because there was always a hope they'd pull it out. Over the last few years, there just isn't much confidence on my end in close games, so I sometimes turn it off. Unfortunately, the game usually ends how I predict it will.
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I’d rather not know. The losses can be frustrating at the time, but the highs and lows and the unpredictability are the fun of watching sports to me. The couple of times I’ve tried watching a game later while already knowing the outcome just couldn’t deliver the same level of engagement or excitement for me.
I've turned off more games the past couple of years than I ever have. Used to, if it was a close game I would have to turn it off because of my nerves. Now I just turn it off because I know we're gonna lose.
If it's close and we're getting the screws? I go to radio. If it's really close, a tourney game and we're playing from behind? Ugh. I may not even go to radio, I may just check the score every couple of minutes with my phone. Nerves get to me.

As to OP's original question, I'd rather be in the dark. More fun. But I'd amend it a bit and say I'd like to know which one's would be close so I could prepare a bit so to speak. (Ex. Hey, that game in a week? Not gonna tell you W/L but it's gonna be a tight game.)
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I DVR everything, I'd watch, but don't want to know in advance. I am more invested in the football team the past couple of years
Stay in the dark for sure. Used to work in a profession where I would have to DVR nearly all the games if I wanted to watch at all. I became a professional avoider of all things scores and updates. If the games did get ruined, it was like wiping a full game off the schedule. I would still go back and watch it but knowing the outcome, it's a completely different experience. The fact that you don't know if Aaron Harrison is going to hit another game winner, and then he does it... THAT is why we watch sports in general.
No way. Sports is supposed to be fun. The fun part is the unexpected. Imagine knowing all those Harrison shots were going to go in before they happened. You’re taking away the best part.
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Stay in the dark for sure. Used to work in a profession where I would have to DVR nearly all the games if I wanted to watch at all. I became a professional avoider of all things scores and updates. If the games did get ruined, it was like wiping a full game off the schedule. I would still go back and watch it but knowing the outcome, it's a completely different experience. The fact that you don't know if Aaron Harrison is going to hit another game winner, and then he does it... THAT is why we watch sports in general.
Seriously did not read this post before I replied. Great minds!
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Stay in the dark for sure. Used to work in a profession where I would have to DVR nearly all the games if I wanted to watch at all. I became a professional avoider of all things scores and updates. If the games did get ruined, it was like wiping a full game off the schedule. I would still go back and watch it but knowing the outcome, it's a completely different experience. The fact that you don't know if Aaron Harrison is going to hit another game winner, and then he does it... THAT is why we watch sports in general.
"This is the point where he always hits it!"

He was a cold blooded SOB in those dang.....

I know we came up short that year, but man that tourney run was FUN.
Yeah the betting angle is too good to pass up. You could cash out your 401k and bank account and put every single dime you have on the first game, and then every game thereafter. I think that'd set you up nicely for the rest of your life.
No... I don't even rewatch games as is win or lose.

I'm not sure I'd be a fan of any sport if I already knew the outcome
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No, I can't even watch a game if it has already happened and did not get to see it. I always make my team's games appointment TV so I don't find myself in this situation. Too many people on social media, sites, forums etc to leak information. Rather stay in the dark and have hope for an exciting outcome in the end. More to look forward too.
I'll answer your last question. Yes, yes I have. Never used to do it because there was always a hope they'd pull it out. Over the last few years, there just isn't much confidence on my end in close games, so I sometimes turn it off. Unfortunately, the game usually ends how I predict it will.
I had never done it until the '21 season. The Mardi Gras Miracle got a lot of mileage with me.
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