Does Kentucky surprise the Rebels?

What do you think the chances are that Kentucky wins against the Rebels?

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We have a chance, the questions maybe outweigh the answers on offense so far but we have a shot with our defense. We definitely can’t play the same bend don’t break defense we have played in the past though or they’ll have 500 yards of offense on us. If we will tighten that up a little I think we could stay close and have a chance. Let’s hope the offense has turned the corner and gained some confidence yesterday. Lane has them playing some really big time football right now so we’ll see.
Chip is the wildcard.
Can we pound it on the ground well enough to control TOP?
Our only chance IMO is a 17-14 victory.
No chance playing in the 30+ range.
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No chance we keep the rebs scoring 14 their wide open offense is extremely hard to defend man I wish kiffen was here very entertaining
Tough task no doubt that why I say our best defense is keeping the Ole Miss offense on the sidelines.
Rotate in a fresh back along with running both Brock and Gavin.
Just have to hope that an Ole Miss defense that hasn't been challenged yet will prove to be not as daunting as their offense.
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They will run, pass, kick their way through us like a hot knife through butter. What have we done in our first 4 games to give the impression that we can stay with them longer than a quarter?
Offensively? Nothing. Defensively, enough to provide a glimmer of hope (USCe game notwithstanding). I'd give us at least two quarters tho. By the second half though, I believe they will have our defense figured out and do whatever they please.
I actually think that we will pound the ball against them and eat a lot of the clock. We will score around 17pts but they will score 35pts. IMO
I’m mostly wrong, so let’s hope UK wins and I’m not wrong about the score and they score 50.
Get some turnovers and score on a couple and UK will have a chance. Need to eat clock and not turn it over. Can't play from behind or it could get ugly.
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Ole Miss is really good on both sides, but they haven't been tested this year. CATs bring their A game it could be interesting.

A lot of people dismissed the CATS prior to the UGA game predicted wild lopsided losses and some were laughing and mocking at those of us pointing out that there wasn't that big of a talent differential and that UK could make it a game. Same thing now. We'll see.
Ole Miss will eat our soft zone coverage alive.
And our offense simply can't score enough.
Stoops thinks we are still playing in leather helmets.
You think Georgia believes this mentality after we were a 1st down or 2 from beating that #1 arse?

Its this type of loser mentality that pervades the UK football only fan base and yet you cry for more funds and facilities and on and on.
Man up and maybe we upset them in Oxford.

Ill go toe to toe with you in the Octagon.
You think Georgia believes this mentality after we were a 1st down or 2 from beating that #1 arse?

Its this type of loser mentality that pervades the UK football only fan base and yet you cry for more funds and facilities and on and on.
Man up and maybe we upset them in Oxford.

Ill go toe to toe with you in the Octagon.
Yeah, that's it.
Unicorn dust and hope will make Stoops a better coach.
I'm just not positive enough.
It's the fans fault. yup.
We beat Georgia & you want to fight me in the Octagon.
Seems sane.
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While the UK defense will obviously have to play really well against the high-powered Ole Miss offense, I think the real key to this game for UK is its offense. It has to keep Dart and that offense on the sideline as much as possible. As good as UK's D appears to be, if your offense can't keep that explosive Ole Miss offense off the field, it will be hard to hold up over 60 minutes without making a few mistakes. And as we saw in the UT-OU game, a really good offense will exploit those few breakdowns in the defense. And UK doesn't appear to have the offense to play from behind.
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Maybe not literally 0%, but I don’t like our chances. I’m not entirely sure what to expect out of our defense. Georgia has good talent, but they run a fairly conservative offense that plays into our scheme more than some of these spread tempo attacks like Ole Miss is currently running to near perfection. I expect we’ll offer more resistance than the teams they’ve been running up the score on so far, but I don’t anticipate we’ll completely shut them down either. We’ll have to score in order to win, and I have no confidence at all in us doing that against SEC defenses currently.
To have a chance we need to turn ole miss over like +3 and we score off those turnovers whether the defense does or we can punch it in on offense. Ole miss and their style can become wild. That’s what we have to hope for
- Win the turnover margin by +2

- Get several short fields. Kiffin will be going for it a lot on 4th down, so this *could* play to our advantage. Would rather him do that than make us go 80 yards after a punt.

- A few chunk passing plays. Kiffin's going to make Vandagriff beat them. I'd like to see some designed rollouts and several deep shots. Nothing to lose. Vandagriff looks pretty comfortable passing on the move. And please God install some hot routes for when a blitzer breaks through the line untouched. It's pretty basic stuff.

- Keep it close and maybe Ole Miss gets tight. Every game's been a massacre for them. Then again, who would you rather have coaching in a close game in the 4th quarter between Kiffin and Stoops? That answer is pretty obvious.

I'll say it's similar to Georgia in that we can't move the ball but this time our D gets gassed. And Kiffin is an asshole so he won't be content in running out the clock. He'll want late TDs.

Ole Miss 31, Kentucky 13

(If I"m wrong I'll gladly come back and eat crow)
11am start gives us a better chance.
How is this their first Sec game.
Ole Miss has a weak Sec schedule
They’ll either lose this week or next.
- Win the turnover margin by +2

- Get several short fields. Kiffin will be going for it a lot on 4th down, so this *could* play to our advantage. Would rather him do that than make us go 80 yards after a punt.

- A few chunk passing plays. Kiffin's going to make Vandagriff beat them. I'd like to see some designed rollouts and several deep shots. Nothing to lose. Vandagriff looks pretty comfortable passing on the move. And please God install some hot routes for when a blitzer breaks through the line untouched. It's pretty basic stuff.

- Keep it close and maybe Ole Miss gets tight. Every game's been a massacre for them. Then again, who would you rather have coaching in a close game in the 4th quarter between Kiffin and Stoops? That answer is pretty obvious.

I'll say it's similar to Georgia in that we can't move the ball but this time our D gets gassed. And Kiffin is an asshole so he won't be content in running out the clock. He'll want late TDs.

Ole Miss 31, Kentucky 13

(If I"m wrong I'll gladly come back and eat crow)
I hope I'm wrong but I can definitely see Brock throwing an INT by locking on to Dane.
Dane is clearly his #1 guy and I'm sure Ole Miss sees this on film.
With the success the Brock /Key duo had against Ohio, im sure the Ole Miss DB's will be looking to jump the route especially when Brock is under pressure.
If Brock forces one it'll probably be to Dane.
ESPN says we only have a 9.5% chance to win. Ole Miss not giving up hardly any points and scoring a ton themselves. Need to score some points to win IMO. Leery about a lot of calls going against us.
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Ole Miss is really good on both sides, but they haven't been tested this year. CATs bring their A game it could be interesting.

A lot of people dismissed the CATS prior to the UGA game predicted wild lopsided losses and some were laughing and mocking at those of us pointing out that there wasn't that big of a talent differential and that UK could make it a game. Same thing now. We'll see.
Ole Miss has dined on cupcakes their first four games. If they come out expecting another cupcake, they could be surprised.
OM is going to have a really hard time scoring on this defense but I just can’t see us moving the ball to put up points either. Gotta give this one to the Rebs in an old fashioned barn burner.

Rebs 6
UK 2
Chip is the wildcard.
Can we pound it on the ground well enough to control TOP?
Our only chance IMO is a 17-14 victory.
No chance playing in the 30+ range.
I disagree. The running game is fine. What exactly has Chip proven ever that tells you he will be better than Wilcox or Sumo ? Running game is fine. Just like Vandagriff, there is a reason Chip didn't take the starting job at OSU. He has not proved anything that says he is a top RB in college, so not saying he will be the difference, we have good RB's. JMO.
It’ll be the same cowardly game plan we’ve been watching for 12 years now:

Hold the ball as long as possible on offense to stretch out each drive to give Ole Miss as few possessions as possible. How dare we actually have a game plan on offense.

Just run the ball the whole game and be sure to stay under 100 passing yards.

Don’t rush the QB.

Don’t have any surprises or tricks up our sleeves.

Don’t even try to score. Just be sure to slow them down and keep it within two TD’s.

If we can do these things, another moral victory for Stoops The Pussy and all of his defenders!
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