Observation about the situation UK basketball finds itself, by a 60 year supporter and FUNDER. I support this position, but did not author the insights;
"As a UK fan for over 60 years, I feel compelled to share a few perspectives on the man who has turned our beloved program into something unrecognizable. A man whose coaching career has been hall-marked by two distinctive and notable traits: a superior innate talent for marketing and salesmanship and a self-centered, profound ego…..one that mandates him to be the focus of attention and demanding unfettered loyalty. Such an extreme sense of self perhaps stems from not having a healthy, balanced identity ……who knows? Nevertheless, his career is highlighted by his having to constantly seek the limelight by making himself the center of attention…evocative of a spoiled, petulant child. Before he got to UK and was coaching in the mid- majors, he focused on being flamboyant on the court perhaps hoping his coaching persona could help him get on a sports show highlight reel now and then as a way to keep himself relevant on the national stage . It was the only way he could ever get the kind of attention that he craved. He knew he couldn’t make it to the big leagues on coaching skills alone. His controversial hiring at UK provided him with what his ego -driven, self-focused persona needed the most….an indisputable credential that he had arrived at the pinnacle of the game where he didn’t have to account to anyone. With sycophant UK fans who held him in abject idolatry and an embicilic administration that gave him a ridiculous contract that no one could justify, he became, in his own mind, bigger than Kentucky basketball itself….he was a God ….or perhaps he thought. Winning the title in 2012 with arguably the greatest player in a generation, cemented his status as the unassailable overlord of the program, and provided him a platform where the accolades were focused all on him without regard to the fans, the players, or the program. The 2015 Wisconsin game however, changed everything. He was exposed as the charlatan he is. As fans began to criticize his clear lack of in -game coaching abilities, he took on a biting, condescending attitude to those who dared question his motives or his results. His one and done recruiting philosophy revitalized his reputation for a few years until it became obvious he couldn’t win with talent either, causing him to more recently shift to a recruiting strategy which focused on acquiring transfers….a strategy which undoubtedly has proven disastrous. As the criticisms have recently mounted and he being finally laid bare as the unfettered empty suit he has always been, he took on the woke political agenda…perhaps as a way to rub it into the fans faces, while seemingly content to allow the movement to destroy Rupp’s reputation without saying a word in his defense. Rather than shouldering any of the blame for the debacle he has now turned the program into, he continues with a litany of absurd excuses which become more pathetic every day. His slovenly appearance is a reflection of and emblematic of what is now a clear indication of his lack of regard for the program and the rich heritage of UK . In a word, it is apparent he doesn’t care anymore. Without the idolatry that his ego demands, he is content merely going through the motions as the program wastes away to mediocrity .Fans in response have in large part turned off as has been recently demonstrated by the unimaginable attendance numbers at home game which sadly signifies that the generational passion for the program is now on life - support.
Folks, Kentucky basketball is at a cross-roads. Either the alumni bond together and resolve to rid the program of this insidious, legacy -destroying influence and attempt to re-establish our state birthright, or stand by in silence and watch it slip into the abyss of irrelevance. Let your voices and your dollars be heard….Kneelipari must go!"
I concur 100%