How do we get the Elam Ending in C. Basketball?


Jan 9, 2009
It is 10 times better than what we have now. I was watching highlights of the Summer League final. Once the winning number was set the two teams got to two points away. First basket wins.

The Elam Ending does away with the farcical situation the game presents now, where the losing team can practically tackle a guy without getting an intentional foul. It takes the clock out of it. Best team wins.

If we switch to it, it will be the biggest improvement to the game since the three pointer.
It is 10 times better than what we have now. I was watching highlights of the Summer League final. Once the winning number was set the two teams got to two points away. First basket wins.

The Elam Ending does away with the farcical situation the game presents now, where the losing team can practically tackle a guy without getting an intentional foul. It takes the clock out of it. Best team wins.

If we switch to it, it will be the biggest improvement to the game since the three pointer.
It would make the 9:00 pm games easier for us 9-5'ers.
Love the Elam Ending. Imagine a game where you're focused on getting stops and scoring baskets instead of milking the clock or hacking and fouling to extend the game.
Exactly. Vin Scully once said of baseball "it's the only sport where you have to get that 27th out. There's no milking the clock. The game isn't different the last inning than the first eight."

No overtime. No hacking.
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Just let the offense choose to decline the penalty and institute a time run off instead. You're up 5 with 30 seconds to go and they foul you? Decline it and run 10 seconds. Fixes everything.
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It is 10 times better than what we have now. I was watching highlights of the Summer League final. Once the winning number was set the two teams got to two points away. First basket wins.

The Elam Ending does away with the farcical situation the game presents now, where the losing team can practically tackle a guy without getting an intentional foul. It takes the clock out of it. Best team wins.

If we switch to it, it will be the biggest improvement to the game since the three pointer.
I hate it
I like the Elam ending. While it does so away with overtime, it’s just fun, and basketball is supposed to be fun. Dragging out the last minute for half an hour sucks. Plus there’s little controversy - the final shot goes in, period.
Elam ending goes completely against the logic of having a game clock in the first place. Elam ending , the logic would just be set the score to 70 or 80pts ... whoever cracks that first wins. only use a clock for shot clock and to know when to do tv time outs.

Elam ending is interesting for the TBT but leave it in the TBT.
Sounds like bullshit to me. Take that convention backwards through time over 100+ years and it erases an insanely huge amount of beautiful, edge-of-your-seat basketball in the last ten clock minutes. Including all the best action of our famous v—Duke game.

PLUS it also basically annihilates strategies (such as pressing ) which work their biggest effect by wearing down opponents physically and mentally (and sometimes applies roster pressure: who hasn’t fouled out) over the course of a game but generally don’t have worthwhile effect until the final five minutes.

I have to give up all that because some people don’t like the fact that some coaches (and frankly precious few of them anymore) draw out games at the end? (In a way that frankly generally does heighten the excitement even though it’s a pain for fans of the leading team.)

Honestly, the ELAM thing doesn’t sound terrible and it does sound like an interesting game——IT’S JUST NOT COLLEGE BASKETBALL. For my money people are welcome to go to town trying something like that and I hope it takes off and I might even start tuning into it. But get your own damn game to do it with. That’s not what college basketball is.

It’s been 35+ years since college basketball was at its peak in the late 80s/early 90s and in all that time we STILL haven’t learned that that model wasn’t broke so we should never have tried to fix it. Today’s model is inferior even after you subtract OAD and NIL and portal dancing. When will someone in charge finally realize there’s a connection between screwing with a good thing and the thing not being as good any more? Shouldn’t take Richard Feynman to see that connection.
It's too much of a change for some people. It's like...putting a clock on pitchers in baseball or having a DH.

I felt the same way before I saw it. Give it a chance. For every Laettner shot you lose, you gain the finish I saw the other night, where the first basket by either team won the game.

Sometimes there is an inherent flaw in your game that it doesn't hurt to try and fix. Baseball had pitchers batting .071. They fixed it. Football had head hunting defenders. They fixed it. Basketball has a game that's played one way for 39 minutes and then we pretend the defenders on the trailing team aren't committing intentional fouls. And so the final minute takes five minutes to play. The Elam Ending fixes it without losing the excitement.

Just watch it with an open mind.
Sorry but I don't like it either. I liked baseball the way it was, too. I'm not a particularly old man. I just like tradition and continuity (unless it's doing anyone harm, of course).
I understand both sides of the argument, but I like the ending. It can always be tweaked, but
overall the fact you don’t have foul fests and it allows a FT and the ball. That means both teams are forced to be aggressive and keep playing. No 4 corners milking the clock or FT contests. We all hated how Cal would milk clock and get our teams out of scoring and almost lose a bunch of times. If you are up 20 or 30 you will still win almost every time, but you still have to finish it out with 3 baskets at least. I would at least like to see elements of the ending used in the future of the game. Whether a team has the option to take time off the clock after an intentional foul, or shoots a FT and gets the ball back until the other team gets a stop.
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The endings of modern basketball sucks, probably 80% of the time. The NBA endings are especially painful to endure. I'm not saying the Elam Ending is the fix, but there is absolutely a tweak needed, IMO. How many times do we need to see awesome, competitive games come down to the last 2:00 taking 30 min to play out due to stoppages, fouls, reviews, 15 timeouts and 100 commercials? There is zero continuity and flow in modern basketball endings, and it sucks. It definitely needs to be addressed in some way.
Sorry but I don't like it either. I liked baseball the way it was, too. I'm not a particularly old man. I just like tradition and continuity (unless it's doing anyone harm, of course).
As much as I think the DH is a bastardization of baseball, the problem really wasn't the implementation of the DH. It was, starting from elite HS, we started treating pitchers and just pitchers, and not ball players. Treat pitchers as actual ball players, and we don't need a DH. If you can throw a baseball, you can hit one. What's next? Pitcher's helpers? Only fielders? Only hitters? Make pitchers ball players again.

Crash Davis didn't like the DH, so that's good enough for me.
It sounds fantastic since it's the way pickup games have been played since forever. The last game I ever played -- over 40 years ago at our high school reunion -- was 1st to 10. Teenagers got to the court around 5 minutes after we did and waited for us to finish. And waited and waited. Nobody could hit the last shot until the most improbable scorer imaginable -- me -- hit one and we all crawled away looking for oxygen. I hadn't planned on playing and showed up wearing casual work clothes. My feet looked like cartoons -- like outsized dinner rolls.

If the change is adopted someone needs to name a prize after Elam. Just a great idea.

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