"Hoosiers" writer wants to do a director's cut and include missing footage

I used to hang out in the film business back in the day, here's a story I heard from the assistant director of Hoosiers. This was the director's first big job and he tries to give direction to Gene Hackman on the first day, tells him what to do, and Gene goes up to the director and says, "listen, I'm gonna win you an academy award but I don't want to hear you tell me what to do again, ever."
I used to hang out in the film business back in the day, here's a story I heard from the assistant director of Hoosiers. This was the director's first big job and he tries to give direction to Gene Hackman on the first day, tells him what to do, and Gene goes up to the director and says, "listen, I'm gonna win you an academy award but I don't want to hear you tell me what to do again, ever."
Jimmy Chitwood will be transgendered in the new upcoming film.
I'm confused, I thought making fun of people and taking shots at people who are different was cool. I mean yall sure did enjoy this post. When I do it yall seem to get your panties in a bunch. So which one is it, should we treat people with decency and respect even if they're different or do take shots and attack? Just let me know the rules in advance.
Oh …well that’s stupid. I don’t pay attention to Qanon dumbshittery, so that’s news to me.

But I also don’t think anyone posting in this thread believes such lunacy, so I’m not sure what the point is of trying to taunt folks here with it.
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I used to hang out in the film business back in the day, here's a story I heard from the assistant director of Hoosiers. This was the director's first big job and he tries to give direction to Gene Hackman on the first day, tells him what to do, and Gene goes up to the director and says, "listen, I'm gonna win you an academy award but I don't want to hear you tell me what to do again, ever."
Hackman tried to get Anspaugh fired.

There’s also a shot during a montage scene where Hackman says something to Hopper on the bench during a game. Hopper cracks up laughing.

Hackman had told Hopper that this film would end both their careers. Hopper was nominated for an Oscar for his performance (although I always thought he was better in Blue Velvet, filmed around the same time).
Oh …well that’s stupid. I don’t pay attention to Qanon dumbshittery, so that’s news to me.

But I also don’t think anyone posting in this thread believes such lunacy, so I’m not sure what the point is of trying to taunt folks here with it.
FTR, this film was so loosely based on the actual story of Milan’s 1954 championship, that it’s almost folly to compare the two.

The team they played in the finals was Muncie Central. And, yes, they were integrated. They had 3 black players. Unlike the film, their coach was white.

One cool tidbit that didn’t make the film (but should’ve!) is that one of the teams they beat along the way was Cripus Attucks — which was an all-black school in Indy.

Attucks was led by a sophomore guard named Oscar Robertson. They would go on to win the following two state championships.
Oh …well that’s stupid. I don’t pay attention to Qanon dumbshittery, so that’s news to me.

But I also don’t think anyone posting in this thread believes such lunacy, so I’m not sure what the point is of trying to taunt folks here with it.
About as many people here believe that as the number of millenials and Gen Z that have watched some random basketball movie from 1986 and call it racist.
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Oh …well that’s stupid. I don’t pay attention to Qanon dumbshittery, so that’s news to me.

But I also don’t think anyone posting in this thread believes such lunacy, so I’m not sure what the point is of trying to taunt folks here with it.

poor zoomers, covered in tattoos and nary a red cent in a 529 for their illegitimate children, think being mad is a personality and that you have to take them seriously when they look like this:

poor zoomers, covered in tattoos and nary a red cent in a 529 for their illegitimate children, think being mad is a personality and that you have to take them seriously when they look like this:


Rodger Sherman... He went to northwestern so he can tell the rest of us we're racist.
It's amazing how this "isn't being talked about by anyone" and yet there's ample evidence to the contrary. A bit of a microcosm for a lot of things going on right now.
Some random dude wrote an article in 2015 and thats a lot of millenials and Gen z calling it racist? OK always wanting to be outraged by something boomer.
I doubt that's real and it's a setup. And it's a story about someone else as opposed to the one I linked which was the person's own feelings. Keep trying someday you'll get this.
You doubt that a lot things a real, even with video evidence.

The one you linked from 6 years ago from one random writer? Thats as representative to millenials as the JFK Jr nutbags is to conservatives. You snowflakes always wanna be outraged and cry about something.