Help Solve an Urgent Matter…..Choose One


Oct 9, 2015
Who is better looking…..




1 or 2. Thanks for your help in this urgent matter.
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I swear Cruz got a nose job. She’s gotten noticeably more attractive (she was always attractive but there’s been an uptick). Hayek is an ageless GOAT.
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Hayek is hotter.

But I wouldn’t think that if the only thing I’d seen of them were the the two pics posted by the OP. It looks like he selectively chose the hottest possible pic of 1 but not 2.
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Hayek is hotter.

But I wouldn’t think that if the only thing I’d seen of them were the the two pics posted by the OP. It looks like he selectively chose the hottest possible pic of 1 but not 2.
Just picked one of each. No intent to sway.

I like Salma, but Penelope (especially in her early 20’s) had this look that really catches my eye. But I said Salma, my buddy told me I was stupid for not taking Penelope.
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For me Penelope was always a little hotter. At least if we're talking back in the day when they were both at their peak. Can't say I've kept up with them.

....but I wouldn't kick either of them off the couch for eatin' crackers.
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Both are smoking hot. Salma is, and has been, one of my top 5 for 15+ years. Even now, in her 50s (gasp! The horror!), she puts many, many younger women to shame. As another poster said above, she's not the 5'-10", anorexic that qualifies as a 'classic' beauty, which means she's perfect in my eyes.

Now, if Salma was busy and Penelope was lonely, I would not hate myself in the morning for 'settling'. Not. One. Bit.
This is like choosing between a Lambo and a Ferrari. I would take whomever is the least crazy (except in the BR). Likely Salma