Help Solve an Urgent Matter…..Choose One


Oct 9, 2015
Who is better looking…..




1 or 2. Thanks for your help in this urgent matter.
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I swear Cruz got a nose job. She’s gotten noticeably more attractive (she was always attractive but there’s been an uptick). Hayek is an ageless GOAT.
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Hayek is hotter.

But I wouldn’t think that if the only thing I’d seen of them were the the two pics posted by the OP. It looks like he selectively chose the hottest possible pic of 1 but not 2.
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Hayek is hotter.

But I wouldn’t think that if the only thing I’d seen of them were the the two pics posted by the OP. It looks like he selectively chose the hottest possible pic of 1 but not 2.
Just picked one of each. No intent to sway.

I like Salma, but Penelope (especially in her early 20’s) had this look that really catches my eye. But I said Salma, my buddy told me I was stupid for not taking Penelope.
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For me Penelope was always a little hotter. At least if we're talking back in the day when they were both at their peak. Can't say I've kept up with them.

....but I wouldn't kick either of them off the couch for eatin' crackers.
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Both are smoking hot. Salma is, and has been, one of my top 5 for 15+ years. Even now, in her 50s (gasp! The horror!), she puts many, many younger women to shame. As another poster said above, she's not the 5'-10", anorexic that qualifies as a 'classic' beauty, which means she's perfect in my eyes.

Now, if Salma was busy and Penelope was lonely, I would not hate myself in the morning for 'settling'. Not. One. Bit.
This is like choosing between a Lambo and a Ferrari. I would take whomever is the least crazy (except in the BR). Likely Salma
Cruz, definitely Cruz.

And for those saying Hayek is hotter, ok maybe, but the question was which is "better looking" not which is hotter.