Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill

What do you expect from the useful idiots of the democratic socialist party?

My expectations are gone. Not that I had much to begin with.

Currently in the Smithsonian exhibit of American History. Andrew Jackson interesting guy. Absolutely did not want a national bank. Think about where we would be if a line of credit had been established during Jackson's time rather than in 1911 under Wilson.

We might be $100 trillion in debt by now.
that's clever

you're smart


Reagan took us from a multi billion dollar deficit to 2.3 trillion (which is ok considering where the money went to beefen the defense)

Between HW and Clinton we went to 5 trillion. GWB doubled it 10 trillion and Goddamn Obama doubled that to $20 trillion. Obama has spent $10 trillion effing dollars.

If Hillary is elected and she will be. She will have us over $30 trillion in debt by 2024 if she gets 2 terms. Which she will, because the Republicans elect some Goddamn awful evangelical in 2020.

I've just laid out the future. Yet you are mocking Pike.

Free welfare for all !!!!!!
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Reagan took us from a multi billion dollar deficit to 2.3 trillion (which is ok considering where the money went to beefen the defense)

Between HW and Clinton we went to 5 trillion. GWB doubled it 10 trillion and Goddamn Obama doubled that to $20 trillion. Obama has spent $10 trillion effing dollars.

If Hillary is elected and she will be. She will have us over $30 trillion in debt by 2024 if she gets 2 terms. Which she will, because the Republicans elect some Goddamn awful evangelical in 2020.

I've just laid out the future. Yet you are mocking Pike.

Free welfare for all !!!!!!

Reagan took us from a multi billion dollar deficit to 2.3 trillion (which is ok considering where the money went to beefen the defense)

Between HW and Clinton we went to 5 trillion. GWB doubled it 10 trillion and Goddamn Obama doubled that to $20 trillion. Obama has spent $10 trillion effing dollars.

If Hillary is elected and she will be. She will have us over $30 trillion in debt by 2024 if she gets 2 terms. Which she will, because the Republicans elect some Goddamn awful evangelical in 2020.

I've just laid out the future. Yet you are mocking Pike.

Free welfare for all !!!!!!
Maybe 40 trillion. Do you speak Mandarin?
Maybe 40 trillion. Do you speak Mandarin?

the Chinese aren't shit. They have some major problems. Especially by doctoring their books. Which will catch up to them. The US has no worries about China. What's China going to do?

Sell off our debt? Great. The US will just buy it back cheaper than it was sold and make out like a bandit. The US has the biggest dick on the planet and that ain't changing anytime soon.

Jamo, you think that graph could change with non biased. 3rd party?
Reagan took us from a multi billion dollar deficit to 2.3 trillion (which is ok considering where the money went to beefen the defense)
Reagan took us from being the largest creditor nation on earth to being the largest debtor nation on earth. He slashed taxes on the rich while instigating the largest non-war years defense buildup in history. Essentially, the entire Reagan presidency was one long credit card binge.

On top of that, he deregulated the banking industry which ushered in the era of "greed is good" from which our middle class has never recovered. Prior to Reagan we had the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. All the wealth our middle class once had has steadily flowed upwards to the top 1% ever since. A trend that continues to this day.

Ronald Reagan brought us voodoo economics. Trickle down. Bread crumbs off the rich man's table. A failed theory that has bankrupted every country unfortunate enough to be duped into it. His legacy will be that it signaled the end of our country.
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Reagan took us from a multi billion dollar deficit to 2.3 trillion (which is ok considering where the money went to beefen the defense)

Between HW and Clinton we went to 5 trillion. GWB doubled it 10 trillion and Goddamn Obama doubled that to $20 trillion. Obama has spent $10 trillion effing dollars.

If Hillary is elected and she will be. She will have us over $30 trillion in debt by 2024 if she gets 2 terms. Which she will, because the Republicans elect some Goddamn awful evangelical in 2020.

I've just laid out the future. Yet you are mocking Pike.

Free welfare for all !!!!!!

And that is how the Dems keep getting elected. "The Great Society" it appears that LBJ knew exactly what he was doing.
Reagan took us from being the largest creditor nation on earth to being the largest debtor nation on earth. He slashed taxes on the rich while instigating the largest non-war years defense buildup in history. Essentially, the entire Reagan presidency was one long credit card binge.

On top of that, he deregulated the banking industry which ushered in the era of "greed is good" from which our middle class has never recovered. Prior to Reagan we had the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. All the wealth our middle class once had has steadily flowed upwards to the top 1% ever since. A trend that continues to this day.

Ronald Reagan brought us voodoo economics. Trickle down. Bread crumbs off the rich man's table. A failed theory that has bankrupted every country unfortunate enough to be duped into it. His legacy will be that it signaled the end of our country.

Spot on. Reagan did some good things but he got the ball rolling on the beginning of the collapse of the low and middle classes.
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Spot on. Reagan did some good things but he got the ball rolling on the beginning of the collapse of the low and middle classes.
Guess that's why 49 friggin states voted for his reelection.

I agree though, America was pining for the good ole Carter days.
Guess that's why 49 friggin states voted for his reelection.

I agree though, America was pining for the good ole Carter days.
Who wouldn't vote to keep the party rolling and the credit cards ringing? Problem is somebody down the road gets handed the bill and here's a hint, it wasn't the rich fat cat "job creators" that made out like bandits. It was and continues to be the middle class that got eviscerated.

Unions demonized. Government demonized. The only institutions out there that had the power to give working men and women a seat at the table have been turned into boogie men thanks to Reagan getting the train rolling. And people are foolish enough to think the wolves at the door are here to save them.

It reminds me of coal miners getting laid off because strip mining doesn't need miners like invasive mining does. So they get laid off by the coal companies and the coal companies in turn convince the very miners they just laid off that they had to do it because of Government Regulations instead of the fact that the coal companies don't need them anymore. So get this, then the coal miners that just got laid off go out and protest on behalf of the coal company that just laid them off. Blind to how they are being played for fools.

And so it goes...
Good work on the Harriet Tubman thread, but we're going to need some Benghazi, Obamacare, and blood for oil to really get this underground railroad off the rails.
Friend of mine said yesterday, "why is Tubman being put on the $20 bill? All she did is refuse to give her seat up to a white guy"

I think he was kidding. Actually, I hope he was kidding.
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Welp, if there was a big party that wasn't paid for during the 80's, I'd like to see the bill that will be due from the last 16 years.
Z, you make a lot of good points. However, the dems played a strong role in Ronnie's debt. They controlled the house for all 8 years and the Senate the last two years. And held both houses till 1994.

But I give him a pass on the military spending. We needed it bulked at the time. It was an arm's race with Russia and we weren't going to lose that.