Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill

Seriously. Pretty badass when you read about her. She escaped slavery then risked her freedom to help others. Meanwhile I won't risk my matching Tupperware pieces by lending them to friends - they can have leftovers in old Walmart plastic bags.

She is quite the historical figure and I'm all for her being honored in such a way, but I think it should be in commemorative $1 coin form like Susan B. Anthony, not on the most used large bank note in the U.S.

BTW, People who say that they don't care about who is represented on our currency are the same people who don't care that our country has been reduced to a laughing stock thanks to the current administration. You have to care if you want to maintain the freedoms that we enjoy. That being said, if you disagree with my sentiments on Tubman being on the $20 bill, then that is fine, just don't say you don't care either way, because if you didn't care then why'd you even read the thread?????
She is quite the historical figure and I'm all for her being honored in such a way, but I think it should be in commemorative $1 coin form like Susan B. Anthony, not on the most used large bank note in the U.S.

BTW, People who say that they don't care about who is represented on our currency are the same people who don't care that our country has been reduced to a laughing stock thanks to the current administration. You have to care if you want to maintain the freedoms that we enjoy. That being said, if you disagree with my sentiments on Tubman being on the $20 bill, then that is fine, just don't say you don't care either way, because if you didn't care then why'd you even read the thread?????

I never said I didn't care, I just noted that most expressed that sentiment. I think it's pretty fantastic, frankly, although it's nowhere near the top of my priority list. What is your criteria for being on the $20 as opposed to commemorative $1 coins that no one cares about? Why? Mine would be a significant positive contribution to American history, full stop, because our country is awesome precisely because people were vigilant in making it so. It's not always been perfect, and people have, and do, strive to make it amazing. Recognizing someone who made it better is a recognition of what made, and makes, this country great.

BTW way to slip in a "freedoms" and "laughing stock" and "current administration" in a thread about Harriet Tubman on the $20 (and an implied value judgment - I see what you did). You missed "PC" and "little girls in bathrooms with men in dresses" in your mini-rant, though, so only 6/10.
Putting women on coins and men on the big bills? Something something glass ceiling.. Or nickle ceiling..

Wakka wakka
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I knew he would face some sort of recourse after the "they spose to be SEC" comment. Big Blue Nation strikes again. Moral of the story, do not eff with UK fans, even your spot on US currency is not safe.

$ Bought And Paid For $
It still spends the same, yes?

I've never once given a single shit about whose face I used to buy some dope, hookers or hamburgers.

Seems like another reason for pissed off old dudes to be pissed off old dudes.
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That's why Rand gets shit on too

Obviously brother. Hey let's shit on Rand, but let's keep this Cruz and Rubio! Effing great idea!

Put it this way, if Andrew Jackson were president in 1911, he would pissed in the face any person promoting the federal reserve.
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Despite the controversy, you gotta admit it's a bad-ass pic they're using (shamelessly stolen from Twitter last night)...

That's what I'm talking about! Replace a racist, slave-ownin Dem Party founder with a freedom lovin, gun totin Pub! No better way to show the pc crowd!
"Told that botch she betta go underground, cause them hounds'll hunt down that stank above it."
- Ulysses S Grant