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First round of Girl Scout cookies were delivered by the neighbor this morning. 2 thin mints, 2 Tagalongs, Trefoils, Samoas, and a toffee something or other. 36.00 for 7 boxes, oh well I can’t resist. One box of Tagalongs were gone by noon.
I am a direct descendant of Martha Washington and I am actually in the DAR.

Good stuff. We are descendents of the Earl of Perth, whatever that title is. I'll just assume he was a moderator in Scotland.

Stylish buggers, the Drummond Clan...

Just remember, that one Great-great-great-great-great grandfather with whom you share a last name is just one of 32 great(x5) grandfathers that you have. You can’t just pick and choose which family you claim.
William the Conquerer is my 28th great-grandfather. One of the 1,073,741,824 twenty-eighth great grandfathers that I have according to google.
My grandmother has a land grant contract from the revolutionary war to one of our ancestors for a few hundred acres in Virginia. It was written on lambskin.

That guy is a direct descendant of this guy, James Tyrrell and this guy Walter Tirel per the Terrell Society

They've also confirmed he was a direct descendant of Joan/Jane of Acre, which really gets into some interesting lineage.

George Washington was born on Pope’s Creek and his maternal grandmother was a Pope. Nathaniel Pope is credited with being part of the tract of land that was granted by the king.
Some Top 3s:

Basketball Archetypes:
1. Point Forward - Chandler Parson/Royce White types
2. Sharpshooters
3. Swiss Army Knife forwards

Female Ethnicity:
1. Italian
2. South American
3. American mutt

Breakfast Sweet:
1. French Toast
2. Buttermilk Pancakes
3. Waffles

Underrated College Basketball Color Schemes:
1. Loyala-Mariemont maroon/light blue
2. Wyoming- brown/gold
3. Pitt - old school royal blue/gold

Favorite Non-Championship Tournament
Experiences (generally speaking):
1. 1993
2. 2014
3. 2011

Best NCAA Tournament Posters:
1. King Llama
2. CenturyCat
3. BBdK

Favorite Individual UK Tournament Performances (unranked):

Delk ‘96 Syracuse
Mashburn ‘92 Duke
Mills ‘97 Tournament overall
Shep ‘98 Stanford
Knight ‘11 West Virginia
Harrelson ‘11 Ohio State
Liggins ‘11 North Carolina
Lamb ‘12 Kansas
Johnson ‘14 Louisville
Aa. Harrison ‘14 entire Tournament
Fox ‘17 UCLA
Apparently, Shawn Bradley was hit from behind by a car while riding his bike and is now paralyzed. Be careful out there, bikers. Lots of idiots on the road.
Been waiting on new Bruno ever since 24k magic. Not sure there’s ever been artist I’ve done more of a 180 on than that guy. Used to hate his stuff.

I’ll always hate Adam Levine tho. Can’t stand his voice.

I’m German/Portuguese

When stimulus szn meets baseball szn meets pfg szn = dad is absolutely CRUSHING
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Dick Hoyt died at 80 years old today.

I first read about this guy (and his son) in a Rick Reilly article 15 years ago, and it's been my go to motivation story ever since.

When his son was born with a severe disorder that left him wheelchair bound and unable to speak, he's 40ish years old and has 1 heart attack under his belt. He runs in a local 5k pushing his son in his chair for fun one random weekend, and his sons tells him "I don't feel disabled when we run."

So he proceeds to get in amazing shape and compete in thousands of marathons and triathlons at an extremely high level for 30 years, pushing/pulling/biking his son in every single one. What. A. Story.

(and of course I can't find the Reilly SI article anywhere, but it's a gem)

Dick Hoyt
Dick Hoyt died at 80 years old today.

I first read about this guy (and his son) in a Rick Reilly article 15 years ago, and it's been my go to motivation story ever since.

When his son was born with a severe disorder that left him wheelchair bound and unable to speak, he's 40ish years old and has 1 heart attack under his belt. He runs in a local 5k pushing his son in his chair for fun one random weekend, and his sons tells him "I don't feel disabled when we run."

So he proceeds to get in amazing shape and compete in thousands of marathons and triathlons at an extremely high level for 30 years, pushing/pulling/biking his son in every single one. What. A. Story.

(and of course I can't find the Reilly SI article anywhere, but it's a gem)

Dick Hoyt

Considered it an honor to run alongside them for a brief period at Boston one year. Remarkable athlete.
I don't know where to find his times, but I'm fairly certain he *qualified* for Boston pushing his son all those years. I consider myself at least a decent runner, and at 42 I need to drop about 20-25 minutes off my PR to qualify. And as a note, I do not run pushing a fully grown adult.

Oh hell yes he qualified, easily. IIRC, they ran several sub-3 hour marathons.
I know everyone is super pumped about this NCAA Tournament, but I’ve only received $40 via Venmo for brackets thus far. Thanks Booker, Terie, Chad and a co-worker. Everyone else, get on it. TIA.


If you need another payment option, let me know.

Bryant bracket
I bought Rainbows a looong time ago upon receiving a rec from this place. What flops are u wearing. Just bought these:
Rick Reilly in Who’s Your Caddy? Riding around with John Daly drinking Diet Coke and John pulls out his dong is pretty epic.
My 8 year old Birks are really comfy. To be honest I have no idea what rainbows, hari’s, or pipers are. I’ll just stick with with what I know....and like
My children all love/loved their Rainbows.

My favorite flops were, and continue to be, my Croc flip flops. They are so comfortable and they are indestructible. #OkBoomer
Dick Hoyt died at 80 years old today.

I first read about this guy (and his son) in a Rick Reilly article 15 years ago, and it's been my go to motivation story ever since.

When his son was born with a severe disorder that left him wheelchair bound and unable to speak, he's 40ish years old and has 1 heart attack under his belt. He runs in a local 5k pushing his son in his chair for fun one random weekend, and his sons tells him "I don't feel disabled when we run."

So he proceeds to get in amazing shape and compete in thousands of marathons and triathlons at an extremely high level for 30 years, pushing/pulling/biking his son in every single one. What. A. Story.

(and of course I can't find the Reilly SI article anywhere, but it's a gem)

Dick Hoyt

I have the Ironman VHS I bought years ago with him and his son featured. That guy is just a legendary human being. Heart goes out to Rick.
I miss the sports journalists of old. Crusty dudes who looked like they ripped heaters and probably enjoyed a good pour of brown.

These men took their craft seriously but didn’t take themselves seriously nor act like they were out here championing some greater good. They got sports were a release from every day life.

I also appreciated how they realized the athletes and coaches were their allies in terms of getting info so they’d grab a beer and a bite with said athlete or coach to gather intel.
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