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I got hooked on ancestry a few winters ago and found a lot of really cool stuff. The British and Dutch kept great records if you are of European descent.
I may have the whitest ancestry possible. Nearly every branch of my family tree goes Kentucky -> Virginia -> England.
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Sister did the ancestry dna thing.

1/4 German
1/4 Viking
1/4 scot/irish
The rest English and Iberian
Keep your head down Clark. James Spann is on red bull and going in on 2 tornados in Tuscaloosa County right now.
The first ancestor on my dad's tree in the US was sent to the Georgia Penal Colony to pay off debts incurred from fraud. He was from a small town between Lancaster and Yorkshire in England.
I’m 100% pure blood foreign with no disgusting European blood. Married a half eye-talian half European mut and destroyed my gene pool.
Not sure about a coat of arms, but I do know that my great, great (great?) grandfather murdered a guy for killing one of his pigs.

-what county? My grandmother's Dad was ambushed and killed...after killing a neighbor's pig that had been ****ing up his cornfield.

^i may need to head west and kick your ass.
No coats of arms, but my grandma has a medal from the King of Sweden she inherited from an uncle who raised the King's horses back in aught-something-something. Grandma's dad was straight off the boat through Ellis Island from Sweden, but we can't find anything going back farther because he changed his last name at the Island and the other records are in Swedish. (Bjorngon fjordjen isn't real Swedish; the Swedish chef lied to me.)

Meanwhile, my grandpa Rufus had a cousin do a family tree to get his daughter into Daughters of the American Revolution. Turns out we are related to Martha Washington, but also, there are a lot of dead Confederate soldiers and multiple segregated graveyards with my last name all over them in Georgia. Sooooooooooo there's that.
Good to see Anth’s smiling face this morning at 8am. We drive the same way to work everyday, apparently.

Bryant did a big electrical job for us a month and a half ago and it was stellar, as usual. Been using them for more than a decade and it’s been A+ service every time.

I told my wife about a week ago that maybe since I know Anthony, there is a small chance she could become the new commercial gal when the other one retires. Much appreciated for the years of quick, great service. 👍
No coats of arms, but my grandma has a medal from the King of Sweden she inherited from an uncle who raised the King's horses back in aught-something-something. Grandma's dad was straight off the boat through Ellis Island from Sweden, but we can't find anything going back farther because he changed his last name at the Island and the other records are in Swedish. (Bjorngon fjordjen isn't real Swedish; the Swedish chef lied to me.)

Meanwhile, my grandpa Rufus had a cousin do a family tree to get his daughter into Daughters of the American Revolution. Turns out we are related to Martha Washington, but also, there are a lot of dead Confederate soldiers and multiple segregated graveyards with my last name all over them in Georgia. Sooooooooooo there's that.

Lol! 😊

I am a direct descendant of Martha Washington and I am actually in the DAR.
My mother was obsessed with genealogy and did all the research to join. Then she signed my sister and me up as well. She was very proud of the fact that we have two numbers, whatever that means.
I belonged to a chapter in Memphis, never set foot in a meeting but paid my dues faithfully each month until my mom passed away.
I’m also descended from King Duncan of Scotland and some outlaw family from Texas called the Dalton Brothers.

*New favorite show rec. Resident Alien on Syfy channel. I rarely laugh out loud at a TV show, but I have LOLed several times at each episode so far.

*Finally got my first vaccine last week. Physical therapy going well after my back surgery; and I can actually tell my core is strengthening. Can’t wait to get back to life!!
Just remember, that one Great-great-great-great-great grandfather with whom you share a last name is just one of 32 great(x5) grandfathers that you have. You can’t just pick and choose which family you claim.
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My grandmother has a land grant contract from the revolutionary war to one of our ancestors for a few hundred acres in Virginia. It was written on lambskin.

That guy is a direct descendant of this guy, James Tyrrell and this guy Walter Tirel per the Terrell Society

They've also confirmed he was a direct descendant of Joan/Jane of Acre, which really gets into some interesting lineage.
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I told my wife about a week ago that maybe since I know Anthony, there is a small chance she could become the new commercial gal when the other one retires. Much appreciated for the years of quick, great service. 👍

We always laugh and say that lady sounds like she's on "To Tell The Truth."

"I am a real customer of Bryant Heating & Cooling."
Our attendance at work has been shit. Stimulus has people (whatever racial term) rich. Who needs more cash, right?
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