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  • My son is pissed that we didn't hire Billy D. Little punk was negative 7 when Billy D was winning at Florida. What the hell does he even know about Billy D?
  • Getting players through NIL is going to be significantly more important than recruiting in the future. Having an extra $1 or $2M laying around to support that is game changing.
  • I was at the "Reed Sheppard Experience" or whatever they called it with my kid last night at Rupp. Couple things stood out in the Q&A:
    • Positive: He was asked a lot of questions about wanting to be in the NBA / who his favorite team was. He was kind of like: "I really didn't watch it / care about the NBA." Whereas most players say, "it's always been my dream to go pro, yada, yada...
    • Negative: A "Reed Come Back" cheer broke out and he didn't address it at all. Like stone cold.
    • Ridiculous: His favorite player growing up was Ulis. ;)
  • Y'all can give me shit all you want, but 18-22 year old's need discipline and structure. It makes them better people. Pope will do that. More so than guys like Oats and Pearl.
Some shitdohs before the GYERO death knell:

- That's the Rick Pitino you run through a wall for. That's also maybe the most genuine I've ever seen him be ever. a little dusty. Master motivator so maybe we have another version of Ricky P that isn't going to take the same path on the personal side. Think I just 180'd my feelings towards him.

- Spent 3 days in Vegas for a trade show. Neck is sore AF from the craning and whipping. First sights of completed stadium and sphere were impressive, as well.

Random moment of hysterical laughter. 3 of us walking out of the casina and see some art thing with the cleanest layer of bullet proof glass in front of it. Some goofy suspended metal thing that shadows "Trinity". Take a closer look and hat brim catches the glass as I think I'm able to lean in further to inspect. Turn and boss head butts the glass about as hard as you can without blacking out and happened to catch his entire facial reaction. Laughed hysterically for about 5 mins. Needed that. Love this group.

- Making the first trip back to the Bluegrass next week in almost 20 years. BIL has everything planned out with some bourbon, horseys and good eats. Hope I run into some of you fine folks.

- Can not get onboard with the SW way. Nothing makes less sense to me than seeing empty middle seats all the way back as poor shleps slowly file in and fill them. Just give me a f'ing seat number. Also having a really difficult time giving up paper tickets. Not there yet...stop forcing me.

- Remembering the time my dad was giving my brother shit about liking hippy bands. Don't you like 3 dog? Yeah. Ever been to Shambala? Mic drop. That song hits daily in this house or the morning walk.

- Seriously ready to run through a wall after that Ricky P video. If Pope comes out with players ready to have their pins pressed in the chest, I'm going to f'ing explode with joy. Tides shifting and it's getting more positive by the minute.

- Boss picked up the Rivian SUV. 2 year backorder. It's dope AF but no thanks. Fix the charging stations, unify the plugs, make getting from A to B as simple as a quick stop for some heaters, a piss and a coffee while you fill up and I'll be there. Also, wouldn't hurt to keep some buttons and knobs - not ready to give those up, either.

- Someone made a baldist comment last week during the travel skimming. Pope has BDE (that's Bald Dude Energy, Anth). Also a big plus for the man.

- Most common pool PM quote you'll get - "You'll be swimming in 2 weeks." Shit is 2 weeks to flatten the curve level played. Still don't care because it's close enough and now get to start doing some of the project work out there that makes it feel more like ours.

- Back to excavating my way out of this work travel hole and back to lurking. Feels good to have some Pope Hope. Let's fugging go!
While I think Mitch probably rushed this...I'm feeling pretty damn optimistic. For all his other flaws, Rick Pitino is and always has been an incredible basketball mind. The praise he has for Pope, with the backing from the big NIL donors, really seals the deal for me. Fire up the smokestack for the Pope. Could this blow up and go horribly wrong? Yes. But I do not think it will. And Pope gets *us* - something that has been noticeably absent recently from the head coach spot and the AD. Really intrigued by the staff possibilities.
silicon valley jared dunn GIF
After sleeping on it, I am down with Pope Mark I.

Actually saw them play several times last year due to FD parlays needing some dubs on the west coast. His teams shoot it and play hard.

Can he recruit and get players from the portal, I believe he will.

We may have found the new coach K. Be here 20-30 years, win 3-4 nattys, put us way ahead of Kansas in all time wins.

I wanted Calipari gone. End of story. When you have no faith your coach can win with the dream team, anybody else is a step up. Finally going to have a coach who values the name on the front of the jersey more than the NBA.

And yes, it is time for a new GYERO.

Making 4.5% of your goal......

When is the press conference? That will be the very important in bringing the nation in line.
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I go back a lot further than most of you, save for a few geezers, and the events of the last 12-18 hours (and the Rick vid) have brought back some memories of what "UK Basketball" is.......having Stan Key and Ronnie Lyons come to your Junior Pro practice when you were 9 and shoot w/ you....watching James Lee and Goose declare together for UK after another epic Henry Clay/Bryan Station battle...watching my little brother get a pic w/ Rex who was his all time fav....and there are many more, even up to drinking bourbon w/ Keightly at Merrick and talking about Rupp and Joe B.

Aside from the UNC stuff, it is refreshing to see the UK basketball mindset I recall being resurrected, and not being sold off like a 8 year old claimer. Hopefully the younger crowd will eventually "get it" and support Pope for the reasons we all know but had eroded away.

Good luck guys.
Getting dusty in here seeing the mood change on the boards and Kentucky First being pushed again. Who knows what the future holds but its great to have most everyone unified in the hire and their disdain for the program Cal created.
For all his faults Rick knows the way to a Cat fan’s heart.
Additionally, Mitch said ACROSS THE CHEST about 5-6 times in his KSR spot this morning - it wasn't an accident.

We've got our effing program back and it gives me goosebumps thinking about it.

I'll be there Sunday to rally behind our guy. Believe that.
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I didn't realize how literal Mitch was going to be when be tweeted about finding a coach that prioritizes UK and it's fans.

I've held strong my disdain for Rick Pitino for the many poor decisions he made but it melted away as I was hearing his pitch. I've listened to it about 5 times now.

God I hope this works.
Not for nothing, but a former NBA player, Rhodes scholar, and medical student at an Ivy League school is kinda a f*cking ridiculous resume. That’s a smart mfer. I know extreme intelligence isn’t the end all be all but that’s got me on board.
He's 51 (prime coaching age) but may not have quite the mileage of a typical coach that age.

Our roster going to look like the 90s Utah Jazz going forward? I'm not sure I can handle this much chalk, tbh.

Alright, **** it.

Had time to sleep on it.

Move over and make some room on the raft for the 6’9 300 pound best 1 on 1 hooper in GYERO.

Mark Pope is everything Cal wasn’t.

Back when we hired Cal, someone in this very thread alluded to our deal with the devil in that Cal will lead us to the highest of highs before burning it all down as he leaves town in shame.

The sentiment at the time was cheating related. The reality was that it’s just being an asshole that was his ultimate downfall.

Pope understands this job and what it means to UK fans worldwide.

Cal didn’t give a flying **** and thought he and his loser son and uppity daughter were better than every single member of the fan base.

Pope understands how to adapt, innovate, and succeed in modern college hoops.

Cal hasn’t innovated since DDM, something he couldn’t win a natty with John Wall the best penetrative handler on the planet at the time at the helm of.

Cal wants to put kids in the NBA, get paid as much as he can, have his ring kissed, and not be questioned.

Pope wants to make UK proud.

For the first time in legitimately 20 years it’s about the name on the chest again, as Rick said.

**** you, Hobodrunk.

**** you, John Soprano. Enjoy “calling the hogs”, the third most embarrassing thing a 65 year old man could do in public after pushing a dog in a stroller and shitting himself.

Your time is up and BBN is back.

Let’s ride.
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