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Thoughts after a good night’s sleep (baby slept til 6:30!):

- It’s a new era. Only Self, Izzo, Cal and Sampson are left from the old guard and only two of those guys are still elite. Hurley, Oats, Lloyd- not exactly surefire guys at hire.

- This is essentially in line with what Duke and UNC did, although Pope has more experience. But high-character unproven alumni at the biggest jobs in college basketball. Mixed bag so far for them but neither has been a disaster.

- I think you’d have to put high level recruiting as the #1 question. You can’t compare recruiting in Utah with anywhere else in the country let alone here. That said- even recruiting is in a revolution. Elite high school recruits aren’t what they once were. Can you handle the portal? NIL is big there and the lure of the Kentucky brand is probably a big sell to a lot of these midmajor guys ready to jump. Maybe Bama as a model here.

- Offense will be fun. Not worried. Pope is a wizard there. Well respected.

- Defense - I’ll have to research.

- CEO role- Pope is quoted as loving this aspect of coaching. Obviously UK is a different animal but he’s smart, personable and saw Pitino first hand. I don’t think that part will be too big.

- That said, it’s about winning when it matters and he’s facing a fanbase on edge. This isn’t 1989 with the cute Bambinos. He has to come strong.

- Interesting how after 20 years of hating Pitino and the animosity there, we’re back with huge ties.

- I think Pope will win the press conference and BJW will be in. My Dad is all aboard because of the Pitino ties. I think that will be common.

- Pope will also get the nerds. His offense and use of analytics already has a lot of them in.

- Regarding Mitch - people in general have no time for self righteousness. They don’t like it with piety or wokeness or whatever. When it appears you’re letting your “type” of person get the biggest focus of a job like this over more qualified candidates who may have flags, it’s going to make people itate.

- The biggest concerns, IMO:

1) Getting a roster set for this year. BBN has no patience and particularly now, Pope cannot start slowly.

2) If he isn’t up for it, it’s going to suck turning on a guy we’ve all loved for years.
Dont forget we have La Familia....or does that nestegg transfer to Ark now.
We wanted to make that big splash hire, steal a golden boy coach from one of our adversaries and drag our nuts over the rest of the NCAA basketball landscape in the process. And when that didn't materialize, we jump from the upper echelon down to someone who on paper has no business being considered for this job. Makes us look foolish. And no one is happy that Mitch put his judge of character over resumes of proven success. And personally $5.5 million per for 5 years seems ridiculous, $3-$4 million with incentives to get him to $5.5 would have been more reasonable given his level of experience.

None of that means that Mark Pope won't be wildly successful here. He's got a good offensive mind and he loves Kentucky. Tremendous upside. He could become an institution coach like Rupp who is a lifer and brings us decades of glory.

Mitch has stuck his neck out to bring in Pope. I hope he made the right call.

Nothing left to do but grab an oar and get on board.
-We're discussing the new GYERO. So we don't need everyone's opinion. Thanks. I know one thing, if we do, about 75% of you idiots have to ****ing stop posting stream of conscious. Rogue, HK(I love you but slow down), about 10 other posters that I just skim over, f*ck off.. Basically ^ 10 of the last 11 are worthless posts. Krazy has it figured out. Post some randoms and then let it go. If you're posting more than 5 or 6 times a day... and none are randoms, then f*cking stop. Let me clear my head one more time so we don't start it negative.

-I'm still salty. My sleep score was shitty. So you all can f*ck right off.

-WD, did you forget FHFCMS taking the TAMU job and retreating. Also, the revolving door at OC?

-It's not his offense, it's his resume, and the fact it was a rushed panicked shitshow of a coaching search process. Also a hire that could've been made next week. 2 weeks. 3 weeks. 5 months. 5 years. 10 years. Literally any moment in the f*cking future.

-Sending Kelly Craft to swoon the Drew wife... I mean. Good lord.

-Thinking Cal was gonna change his staff? Lol. He replaced his best coach with Brad. Dude has insulated himself with fat failed ex coaches. He literally brought everyone associated, not just coaches. But maybe this time will work. 6th time is a charm. What a f*cking loser.

-You could've had him anytime. In fact, waiting the weekend or at least a day or so would've done wonders. Maybe he was trying to avoid a mutiny. I don't know. Gut says freaked out. But the national guys actually all love the guy and the hire. That'll be a change where they treat us with a littler respect. Throwback to the Tubby days.
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I was luke warm on BCG, had a ****ing erection from space over Cal, and right now I feel content with a hint of “are we Indiana or worse Georgetown” worry now. I’ll support him even if he stinks and has to be fired. I know he’ll try hard. I just hope the rest of the fanbase is ok with firing a favorite son if it comes to that.

I can’t imagine how kids growing up with Cal feel. I essentially grew up with Pitino because of the probation. I barely remember Sutton. It hurt bad when he left and I resented Tubby some for that reason. Oh well. My kids hitting 3 and 5. So maybe Pope becomes their Joe B Hall or something.
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I’ll try to make this the last post for awhile.

Really doing my best over here, but this is great news!


I don’t think this would have happened without the money people being on board.

Simply put, Cal held everyone hostage with his way or the highway approach. Any number of the potentials come with less demands but still think you have to turn the keys over to guys like Donovan or even Hurley if you want them.

Mitch has messed up plenty and maybe this, too. But Pope is manageable, well-liked, probably isn't going to treat everyone like an idiot because they don't see it his way and just overall be a condescending shithead to anyone and everyone that isn't one of his players. I've seen maybe 5 minutes of random clips with Pope and don't get the impression he's the type of guy to blame everyone else for his failures.

I think the money starting to show up proves that EVERYONE was sick of the shit and they're ready to put their money back in knowing it's not just going into the blackhole. I'm back in. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now that hasn't been there for almost a f'ing decade. Our pets heads are not falling off. We can finally move TF on.
*I'll tell you what I hate. Working for a Jap company, that's what.

I'm not a centralized base of power kind of guy. Let me be profitable and leave me along. That is the opposite approach from both of the ㊙️companies I've worked for. Like Cal, it may be time to walk away.

*Still wrapping my head around the Pope hire. I don't want to be knee jerk and negative nor do I want to prematurely think he's the savior we've been waiting on. Wait and see and those types of things.

I guess it really doesn't matter since WW3 is coming when Iran blitzes Israel.

*I'm looking at a weekend road trip to ATL to watch the Braves and Rangers next weekend.

*Cooking Prime ribeye caps from Costco has made it difficult to truly enjoy a steak out like I used to. Ruby rub w/salt pepper and olive oil...shew. Kicker is I don't use a grill. Put oven on 500 with cast iron inside, take out when it gets to temp, turn the stove top on high and put the skillet on for 5 minutes. Sear on each side for 4 minutes, add garlic, Wagyu beef talon, butter, rosemary and return to oven until internal temp reaches 125...let rest. You are all welcome if you haven't tried this method.

*I really want to get to a UK baseball game soon. Any takers on meeting up one Saturday for a couple beers at the park?
For all its lack of panache and flair, I think top-button did a good job in KSR interview. Made me excited for the future, reminded me what it felt like to have a coach love the name on the front, and the passion Pope has for us came through. I’m excited. On the train, 100%.
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I've made my thoughts clear on where I wanted us to go with our new coach, partly because of what the guy in that video did here. But damn if that video didn't make me feel things I wasn't expecting to feel. I clicked on it fully expecting to roll my eyes at him weighing in on this, but it definitely got to me a little. And he just sold Mark Pope better than Mitch Barnhart ever could.

After 15 years of being told its not our program, its nice to feel like it is again. Let's go.
im a well established non-college basketball, but I just don’t see the Patrick Ewing/GTown or Juwuan Howard/Michigan comparisons. Neither of those dudes had anywhere near the coaching rep mark pope has. Now, if you want to have a negative view maybe you could worry he’ll be our Mike Woodson? But right now there’s plenty of data to support that he’ll have more success than Ewing or Howard.
-We're discussing the new GYERO. So we don't need everyone's opinion. Thanks. I know one thing, if we do, about 75% of you idiots have to ****ing stop posting stream of conscious. Rogue, HK(I love you but slow down), about 10 other posters that I just skim over, f*ck off.. Basically ^ 10 of the last 11 are worthless posts. Krazy has it figured out. Post some randoms and then let it go. If you're posting more than 5 or 6 times a day... and none are randoms, then f*cking stop. Let me clear my head one more time so we don't start it negative.

-I'm still salty. My sleep score was shitty. So you all can f*ck right off.

This anth character, a true fly-by-night poster if I've ever seen one, is just another Johnny-come-lately peacocking around like he's an Made Man. Like he's an OG.

I didn't want to "GO THERE," but I saw that guy just last night. When talking GYERO and the "Glory Days," he dropped a mention about Darrell being *good* at computers. Like, what?! Then, ukfanincincy's name comes up, and like the new kid in town who doesn't know any better, he says "don't recognize that guy. Does he post much?" Ha. Poor fella even thought Babs was a MAN, and then when someone brought up SmokeyPearl, anth says "I've always enjoyed that guys online demeanor, and everyone seems to gravitate towards him. Probably a nice chap."

Seriously, this anth fella has NO CLUE what the true, original GYERO is all about. He's never had 18 in his neck. He couldn't even tell you if Duck Head is Going to Make a Comeback, and he has no clue what the acronym RPOTD stands for. He's never thrown down at a TCP Pizza Hut party, been hit on by brudjazz, or had his Squirms Released.

Let's knock him down a peg or two. Dust off the TCP Gold Status on Andypolleydotcom's login and have HIM fire up a new GYERO, not this Youngblood pretender.

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