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Braves postponed their game until tomorrow. FML. What am I gonna do, watch the Reds?? Maybe Oprah reruns are on.
Greetings fellow Braves fan. Be careful around here as the Reds fans, who haven't known baseball success since 1990 (34 years ago), get a little ornery this time of year. Will get worse when EDC starts out around .205.
Greetings fellow Braves fan. Be careful around here as the Reds fans, who haven't known baseball success since 1990 (34 years ago), get a little ornery this time of year. Will get worse when EDC starts out around .205.
You won one World Series with three HOF pitchers in the rotation. I heard someone call Cal the Bobby Cox of basketball the other day.

You have two WS championships in the past 65 years. So prolly best not to make fun of any franchise, in any sport, honestly.

Enough with waterhead.

Come live your dreams kids.

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You have two WS championships in the past 65 years. So prolly best not to make fun of any franchise, in any sport, honestly.

Pot/kettle...given the comments on here about the Cards coaching issues when the self proclaimed god of coaching got torched 2 of the last 3 years by these two Rucker Park Dirt Bowl NBA HOF' may want to take a break from throwing shade at any coach, anywhere.


Reds fans certainly are of the ornery sort, but can't say I blame them. I'd be pissed off too if my team's owner said what Castellini said last year. Honestly the Braves getting put out in the first round by the Phillies the past 2 years isn't much to hang our hats on. Gives off major Cal vibes.
I look forward to all the baseball talk in here for the next seven months.

Elly learning english video was cool. hopefully the script has him going off this year.

I loved playing baseball and attending games but its by far my least favorite to watch on tv.

It sucks reading UKOs posts even more knowing his team, coached by Hubert Davis, is still alive and we have Cal for at least another 358 days or so
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-But see I don’t know if you could force yourself inside an oven for an hour or two. I think it would be almost impossible. Even with the monk that sat himself on fire there was no exit possible, but sitting there not moving was pretty awesome.

-Looks like I will swing into opening day with the Rays and Jays, why not.

-have a few friends in Lex that refuse to even talk about the Cats and have stopped listening to KSR. “Just be positive and enjoy next year! Get behind cal he’s out leader the negativity doesn’t do anything…”
Hey anth,
Regardless what Shep decides to do, we can instantly roll that bet into a double or nothing with who finishes with a better record between the Cubs and Reds, if you want. I'll take the Cubs, of course.
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80, there is a brief shot of titties in Airplane. I don't think it will scar your kid for life or anything though.
Ummm why do you think 80 is watching it…

And yeah 80 I can send you those books shortly. I need some extra time on McCullough though as I got sucked into Sapiens.

If anyone wants those books that he finished I’m happy to let you snag one or both if you’ll pass them on when you’re finished.
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If we aren't keeping Adou, we aren't keeping anyone. Get ready. That kid is a Cal legacy, should be the kind of kid NIL is made for, and would be a beloved four year senior in any functionally run basketball program.

How about The Screwtape Letters for the first book of the month? Anyone know of an ultimate frisbee league in Lexington that an out of shape, completely novice to the point of embarrassment 42 year old could try it out this summer?
Yeah. It these guys coming in… I hear they’re real dawgs. Good shooters but really ready to be “servant leaders”. This group coming in man, they’re just different.

Losing Adou sucks because it’s emblematic of wtf is wrong with the program. Doesn’t really play much as a freshman. Seems to develop and find a role as a sophomore. And now is gone before he really gets going. That’s what KILLS us right now.
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