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- Freddie wants 6 yr/200 million. Love ya but don't see that happening.

- Nervous the supply chain issues will take much longer to resolve. Every manufacturer we deal with is pushing lead times further out. Very little to be optimistic about for goods.
*Agree. Not seeing the Braves drop that kind of coin. Plus, he was born in Orange county. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to close out his career back home.

*No need to be nervous about supply chains. We are all f'd.

I love how the POLA is acting like they are getting better when what they are basically doing is moving containers to nearby POLB. We are still not seeing a reduction in the amount of days it takes to get shipments from China to Chicago, which is where the main railyard is located for this region.
I feel like the trend of grown ass men wearing panty hose under their basketball shorts is starting to slow down a bit. And thank god.

Still see it way too often at the local gym, though. Hard to knock out those 2 miles on the treadmill without a little extra calf support, I guess.

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* Airport randos....

- I'm a rule breaker of the highest order, but leaving my car unattended with the flashers on at the airport aint happening. And my whip is 15 years old. Those people have balls of steel.
- speaking of bartenders, do the ones at the airport make a killing, or what? The airport bar is the hardest place to find a seat ever, the prices are sky high, and the turnover is quick.
- HMS Host is a baller, too. Whoever that guy is.
- Lass always refers to "boarding time," and pays zero attention to departure time. Drives me insane. As if the airline actually starts boarding your group specifically at that time.
- can't wait to sit on my next flight and play a video game with the sound turned all the way up. Spirit Airline!
I don't understand the thought process of anyone who tries to do anything on a flight other than (1) arrive to the gate at the last possible moment to board and (2) as intoxicated as possible to make it through the flight without being an asshole.

I have no idea why anyone would actually want to just sit on the plane early. Even the gate is better than that.
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Lmao at Boarding Time. No shit. Women (non biz travelers) are next-level wussy when it comes to airports, arrival times, etc.

Lady Friend's parents, who live in Hurstbourne, literally get a room at the Executive Inn/Crown Plaza whatever at the airport the night before to "make sure" they're able to be checked in 3 hours early, per guidelines.

NYC I was demanded to leave the hotel 3hrs before flight, which is a joke. Assuming precheck, Unless it's rush hour, it's 45min-1hr from Hotel to Gate at LGA. Ended up sitting at gate steaming for 2hrs, of course. Was very jelly of SAE who casually rolled up as they were making the boarding announcement, as one should.
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LOL, who in their right F'N mind would rather see a lineup of of Allen and Hopkins ? Give me a guy who can do more than camp out at the 3 line and do pretty much nothing else, Grady is THE best shooter on the team (including Allen), and is a sneaky good player at driving it. He also and makes plays on the other end, averaging 2 steals per game. My line up is Toppin (when healthy) as the 4 with Ty Ty, Grady, Oscar, and Wheeler. I will say this, Allen does need more clock, he SHOULD have played more last night, Cal has got to get the bench (at least more players) more clock early on in blowouts. I would rather win by 18-20 and let guys who need time. But Allen didn't really help himself with a couple BAD shots last night, trying to do things he can't do.

Also LOL, "TY TY may not be as good as we thought", it is 3 F'N games in, he is a freshman, relax, have a coke and read a book.

Grady shooting a blistering 56% (9/16) from 3. Not sustainable, but his shoot is so pure, he should have launched a couple more last night when he deferred to others.

Brooks started off rough, but settled down and played really solid, 10/7 (4/9) with ZERO TO's, exactly what we need him to contribute, less is more sometimes, it is all in shot selection and hustle (7 boards).

Lot of people claim to be "basketballs", but dumb AF. MSM took they 3 ball away, they are very good defending the 3. We took what the defense gave us (Oscar getting easy, wide open looks inside, Wheeler driving it in easily, Brooks even had some easy makes in the paint.), did posters even watch the game?

Cal is playing multiple combos because it against cupcakes, it is why he scheduled them, good grief. I myself, would rather Collins get more clock than Collins, his upside is really high, Hopkins played 14 minutes and 1/4, it is very early, but a bit disappointed with his play after the reviews in the preseason.

UK 3PT shot attempts per game :
Duke 18 made 7, (39%)
Bobby Morris 23, made 12 (52%)
MSM - 10, made 4(40%)
Averaging taking 17 per game and hitting at a 45% rate. If you think only taking 10 last night was Cal being stubborn, maybe study the game and LEARN. THEY TOOK IT AWAY, we didn't force the action and shoot contested 3's for the sake of taking more. Actually it was very disciplined and taking what the defense gives you.

What is not being talked about is the averaging over 6 blocks, 7 steals, and 18 assist per game, all very good numbers and a sign of a very good team at sharing the ball and getting after it on the other end. Lot of hustle plays.
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Also, can confirm SAE indeed checks his bag, no matter what. Got him going on his little rant at Baggage claim back in Louisville.

Lmao. He was there for 1 night, had a bag smaller than my gym bag, and still checked it.
I always get to the airport very early. Not because I want to sit at the gate, but because I like to sit at the bar.

As much as I've flown in my life, I still don't like it, sober.
My father used to ask me to drive them to the airport. In the past 8-10 months I convinced them to try Uber, they reluctantly did. Called me once they arrived in Naples to tell me they arrived, and Uber went great.
So what do they do? They get his phone number and exclusively use him personally. Call him the week they are traveling and returning. Whatever I guess.
Xanax and a couple tokes in the parking garage. Stroll to the gate right at first boarding call, take seat (First Class of course), conk out. Wake up during descent. Profit.

Never check bag unless its absolutely necessary. Can be from gate to truck in 10mins with no baggage to grab.
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Certainly Not for 30/40 something adults who share rent w/ 5 roomies or own nothing whatsoever to insure, such as yourself.

I contract for a Billion Dollar company, so yes, I have meetings.
I own a boat and could buy a house in my moms neighborhood, Mallard Point, with straight cash homie. TS. Just don’t want to live back in KY…yet.

Also, I have one roommate in a 2/2. If any of you live with your significant other guess what, you also have a roommate moron, you just happen to touch yours…on occasion.
* Airport randos....

- I'm a rule breaker of the highest order, but leaving my car unattended with the flashers on at the airport aint happening. And my whip is 15 years old. Those people have balls of steel.
- speaking of bartenders, do the ones at the airport make a killing, or what? The airport bar is the hardest place to find a seat ever, the prices are sky high, and the turnover is quick.
- HMS Host is a baller, too. Whoever that guy is.
- Lass always refers to "boarding time," and pays zero attention to departure time. Drives me insane. As if the airline actually starts boarding your group specifically at that time.
- can't wait to sit on my next flight and play a video game with the sound turned all the way up. Spirit Airline!
Learn Sky/Centurion Lounge, although those have become pretty packed too, tbh. And yeah I would imagine you’d have to make decent money if you’re willing to drive to and from the airport everyday to bartend. You definitely would never have slow days, always consistent.

I scoot .5 mile to work in less than 5 minutes. That’s a big part of when I bought a house in Indian rocks/Tampa I made it two whole months and moved back to KW. Traffic and all that time spent in the car is pure nonsense, cant do it, no sir.

Always cracks me up too to see people rush to get on the plane. Why? I wait til EVERYONE boards and then stroll on with no line. At EYW one time they told me if I didn’t go stand in the hot sun on the tarmac with everyone else that was waiting to board they make my ticket available to the two people on the waitlist. 🙄 Shut up gay ticket scanner guy.

Thanks @pretzel__logic a buddy of mine is on them and swears by them trying to get me on them too, but I was correctly hesitant.
Wodie misheard me. That overnight bag was obviously carry on, which is what I had done on the flight there. However, they made me check it upon boarding on the flight home due to limited cabin space, presumably because assholes with oversized luggage that *should* have been checked took all of the space.

Point is people with actual LUGGAGE should just check the shit.
Another thing I don’t understand is leaving your car at the airport. Isn’t it cheaper to just Uber? Guess it depends on how far away you live. Airport here has free scooter parking 😎.
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Yea, I board Main Cabin 3 because I don't participate in the fictional hierarchy of the F'n airline industry. Shit makes me nauseous.



Main Cabin 1, 2, 3, and anyone else that could pass for a human being we suppose get in line now we're taking off in 5 minutes if your fat asses don't break FAA regulation.

Most absurd shit going in society today. I refuse to participate.
Few things infuriate me more these days than weirdos that post up right next to the conveyer belt to grab their luggage acting like it's going to disappear forever if they don't touch it the moment it hits the belt.
Really looking forward to thanksgiving w my FIL next week. Still no letter but he is telling everyone who will listen that he’s about to hit me with a massive lawsuit. We host thanksgiving for his family because he’s a HOF level bum ass loser w no job but he still texted my wife to see if he was invited. Hopefully i receive the cease and desist beforehand so I can hang it on the fridge
- Will be going home for Thanksgiving for the first time in 20 years. We went home for Thanksgiving the first year we were married but between all the travel, hurting feelings because we had to leave to go to another family members house, etc… we just decided we would host for anyone that wanted to come/couldn’t make it home/had to work etc. It’s been a fantastic run but our parents are now in their 70’s and we both feel the pull of home.

- I still iron 4-5 times per week. Can’t imagine not doing it. People look at me like I’m an alien if I tell them.

- The Reds seem to want to tank pretty hard but I’m not sure they’re gonna be able to dump contracts. Failing at tanking would be a new low.
I haven’t done a carry-on in probably ten years, much rather enjoy waking around without luggage. Me and my wife get to the airport so late that we’ve actually missed 2 flights in the last couple years because we didn’t get there 45 mins before our flight to check our bags. Our solution? We either fly somewhere else for the day or get a room at a badass hotel for one more night because we’re filthy rich and don’t care
My lass packs less than probably any woman, spouse, or significant other on here, but it comes with a price. You wouldn’t believe the DAYS of stress and preparation that go into executing it just perfectly.

Meanwhile I need a solid 10-15 minutes max to get everything I need for a week vacation. Drives her crazy.

And you know damn well I go lay on the couch, watch Netflix, and make it known I’m completely finished and relaxed.
Been a minute...

The quarterly GYERO flight discussion brought me out of hibernation. Haven't flown outside the country since coming home from Morocco/Tunisia in mid-March 2020 and haven't flown commercial since May. That being said, in the last 6 months I have flown myself to Atlanta x2, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Lake Erie, Chicago, St. Louis x2, Nashville and a handful of less desirable locales (hello Morgantown) while time building towards my commercial pilot license.

Couple years ago, I came to the realization that I just didn't want to continue on the same career path I was on for another 20+ years. So I put together a timeline/plan to explore a move into aviation. From a risk aversion perspective, probably wasn't the best move. And that was BEFORE covid. But whatever, nothing ventured nothing gained and all that. So last year I started working on my PPL, followed by my instrument rating and then my single-engine commercial license in August. And a few weeks ago I just earned my CFI (flight instructor). Next up is my multi-engine. I've now started instructing while working towards the 1500 hours necessary to get an ATP license, which is what most people think of when they hear commercial pilot.

Absolutely no clue where this eventually leads. And I'm sure switching careers is not gonna be nearly as lucrative as it was for @bradyjames. But I've had a blast.
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My wife absolutely refuses to ever check a bag so much so that we did our 2 wk honeymoon on carry-ons only. It’s probably the one thing we completely agree upon.
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