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I like you but go touch yourself. I live in a beautiful historic neighborhood that is unique to Louisville. I’m in a heavily wooded area next to a world class park yet minutes away from the city.
Yes, and I said it's part of the cultural center of Louisville. I am not sure what you are arguing here. I threw a dig at some of the virtue signaling residents over your way, but that's my only complaint about where you live. It's awesome.
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I feel Richie simmering. Couple more pokes and a meltdown may ensue.

Nah. I’m good, bro. I took the day off. Had an awesome workout and steam this morning. Knocked some stuff outside earlier. About to head to the Beer Depot for some wings and a frosty. Then I’m playing tennis at 4:00 followed by dinner with the family by the pool.
Crushing a dead guy for only being worth $270 million is awesome (and might be peak GYERO).

I actually went out of my way to give him props. RJ was simply amazing and built a hell of a business from nothing that still employees hundreds of people to this day. It's unfortunate he was mixed into to B Rax's wack ass take, but even Mr Corman would tell you Woodford County > Jessamine County.
You’ll never hear a bad word from me about the great city of Louisville or its fine residents. Frankly, I find the Lexington hate toward the Commonwealth’s largest and most prosperous city envious at best and veering toward disgusting.

I’ve just never been one to “hate on” another city or region. Immature and off-putting, imo.
Being the bigger person... a true NKY #value
I personally couldn’t give two F’s about Louisville or Cincinnati, which is why I spend almost no time there.

Enjoy the nasty Ohio river.
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Nah. I’m good, bro. I took the day off. Had an awesome workout and steam this morning. Knocked some stuff outside earlier. About to head to the Beer Depot for some wings and a frosty. Then I’m playing tennis at 4:00 followed by dinner with the family by the pool.

Country club living is also the life for Dad, but I won't turn a lake invitation down.

I'm glad some people are into that stuff though, for sure. Always a nice time. Just no thanks on the upkeep.
I've been reading and/or posting in this thread for the 15 or 20 years of existence yet 3 things still puzzle me. How do you pronounce GYERO, wodie, and Chad's last name? Is the bach part pronounced back, bock, or baw?
I'm convinced 90% of Louisville people would rather live somewhere else had they actually experienced something other than say Lexington for 4 years in college. It's really an odd mindset that seems unique to this area of the country.

I remember in college meeting people from Louisville freshman year and they were like, "Hi, I'm so and so, I'm from Louisville, and I'm going to move back to Louisville when I'm finished here, as my father before me." On one hand, it's good to see civic pride. On the other, expand your horizons a little.
The true value of a person’s worth/life well lived imo is how many friends invite them to make use of their lake houses and boats.
He’s not wrong.

Looking forward to a gorgeous weekend at Cumberland and striper fishing. Plan to have a big fish fry on the blackstone Sunday night at the dock.
Versailles has an overrated bourbon, a laughable midieval concoction, a big Ford dealership, and a slew of residents who lay claim to an overstated sense of self-importance. No one visits "Versailes".....they go to a few exhibits, which could be in any nameless town. Versailles pretty much sucks for the most part.
I'm convinced 90% of Louisville people would rather live somewhere else had they actually experienced something other than say Lexington for 4 years in college. It's really an odd mindset that seems unique to this area of the country.

I remember in college meeting people from Louisville freshman year and they were like, "Hi, I'm so and so, I'm from Louisville, and I'm going to move back to Louisville when I'm finished here, as my father before me." On one hand, it's good to see civic pride. On the other, expand your horizons a little.

Lotta truth in this.

I love Louisville. It’s my home & I’ve now lived here for 20 years, half of my entire life, and 100% of my adult one. Fairly certain I’ll be here (or at least have a home) forever, happily.

But meeting Louisville folk at UK was a trip, as were my early years here. Can’t be many places in America with bigger high school pride.

Ask a Louisville native where they went to school and you’re getting their High School every time, even if they went to Harvard.
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Lotta truth in this.

I love Louisville, it’s my home & I’ve now lived here for 20 years, half of my entire life, and 100% of my adult one. Fairly certain I’ll be here (or at least have a home) forever, happily.

But meeting Louisville folk at UK was a trip, as were my early years here. Can’t be many places in America with bigger high school pride.

Ask a Louisville native where they went to school and you’re getting their High School every time, even if they went to Harvard.
Because the HS in Louisville DEFINES your profiling to a T.

I lived on Boulevard Napoleon for 9 years in the best house in the Highlands. TS. Loved it and miss it dearly. Neighbors a bunch of good-spirited weirdos.

FWIW. Wife went to Collegiate and Sacred Heart.... OOOOOOOOH!
As an outsider to Louisville, I actually like the "I went to St X, Trinity, Atherton, Manual, KCD, etc." stuff. Never bothered me at all. It wasn't about stereotyping people; it was an instant way to find who you may know in common.
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Ask a Louisville native where they went to school and you’re getting their High School every time, even if they went to Harvard.

Go Rocks!
I'm Appalachian by birth, went to UK and lived in Lexington 2 years after school, and have resided in Louisville ever since. Best of all worlds. Louisville is a great place to live, and I've even gotten used to the thinly veiled look of disgust I get from the locals when I tell them I didn't go to high school here.
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Other than the look of terror/disgust I received from my neighbor when I told her my kids went to public school, I can’t say it comes up often in my conversations in Lexington. There seems to be a weird Lexington School/Sayre rivalry, though.
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- Going out on the states greatest lake tomorrow (DHL)

planning on hitting up a couple good trails with the kids once we’re off the water. One leads to a bluff view of the lake and the other to a big opened up cave

- which superstar is Lebron poaching this off season after this lousy season? Dame?

- Can TyTy and wheeler share the court together?

- Heading to Cincy /NKY on the weekend of the 25th to take in some big league baseball. Kids first trip to GABP

The following Monday the Southern Kentucky men’s Softball tournament kicks off and runs through the 4th. Best week of the year. Lots of MASHING. Unlimited HR.
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