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-Fox has been my most wanted player all along. At least most wanted that is realistic. I'd love to nab Giles obviously.

-Totally agree. What has UL done to improve UK's stature? Our program was already established long before we even acknowledged their existence.

-Last years recruiting was a product of being too stocked and having no idea how many were coming and going. Only 2 of the guys were absolutely going early in the year. By the time we figured everything out it not much was left. Except Jamal Murray :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::100points:
In a weird - and joyfully ironic - way, the hands-off "YASSIR BOSS TOMMA" nature of the Louisville media has helped enable all of this to happen. So kudos to them. Their compliant, non-questioning nature has allowed the cancerous rot in that athletic department to become malignant.
-UL has an excellent Tom Leach, Paul Rogers. He's a heckuva a voice for them.

-UK does have Oscar, Jones, Drew, Lemond and a dozen or so fan boys trying to get their voice out there. Just not as many redundant radio shows and not as many worshiping at the feet of Tomma.
Actually Paul Rogers is pretty straight forward. Would love to see him do one of these interviews. Thought Meiners came on pretty strong. Vanetti/Jennings as well. Rutherford/Lindsey/Ramsey are in complete denial.
Something really cool about a play-by-play guy, really at ANY University (or franchise). All the experience, access, games over the years seems to develop all of them into pretty neat people with never-ending stories to share.

Don Fischer of IU is great as well.
UK's homers will at least call a spade a spade. There's no way Jones would be in denial if this shit were happening in Lexington.

Exactly. Maybe it's a function of speaking to a much smaller and insulated fanbase, but there are very few UofL media people who even pretend to be objective. Who's their Jones? Their Tucker? Their Tipton? Hell, even Cawood would criticize UK when it was warranted.
Dunno, but I love me some Tim Sullivan.

I've like him since he started, really. His "intro" article was kinda clumsy, but it didn't take him long to hit his stride. Really enjoy his general style and objectivity of all things...he at least calls things as he sees them WITHOUT an agenda behind it. If he says it, you can pretty much believe it's how he truly feels.

Plus, he will converse with you pretty much 100% of the time on Twitter (and other avenues, I assume), even if he disagrees with you. Responds to criticism well, and rarely gets defensive. He's a pro.
They do now, but let's not forget that the former Kentucky Scout website, BBN, owned and operated by Brian Poe, was in bed with the Mumme regime during that mess which led to UK disassociating with him.
Vanetti is the closest thing to Jones UL has. He's a "homer, but" kind of guy. Loves his school, gives them the benefit of the doubt, but isn't afraid to criticize where appropriate.
- Not that it's any surprise, but last night's win over USC in the Coliseum pretty much shows that Washington got the better of the deal after USC stole their coach. How does that happen? Why didn't SC just hire Peterson?

UW definitely got the better end of the deal, but Peterson wouldn't have been a USC level hire either. He has been just above average so far in Seattle.
I don't listen to Deener very often at all. The last time before all of this was maybe in March? Anyways, ever time I listen, he references that "trip out West in 2012" and how great it was and how close he got with the team, Pitino, etc. It just sound sad/desperate like it's the only fun thing he's ever done in his life.

Deener keeps saying how it may have happened once or twice, but not 22 times. As if that makes it okay? I mean, if it is proven to have happened just once, that's enough to get in trouble right there.

Also, it was funny listening to him brag about all 1100 live streams they had going on of the show. As if that's a lot. I mean, it is for their little show, but it's not a lot for another successful sports radio show in the same city.
Friday Randoms:

- Not that it's any surprise, but last night's win over USC in the Coliseum pretty much shows that Washington got the better of the deal after USC stole their coach. How does that happen? Why didn't SC just hire Peterson?

- With that said, USC still has the best jerseys in CFB...and possibly the best fight song...and definitely the hottest cheerleaders.

He had a history there as an asst and they knew they could get him. He was also a hot name at the time. And Peterson had shown no inclination of wanting to leave Boise.

Yes, Yes and YES!!! Hot white whores like that would have made the
UL coaching staff happy.
-Totally agree. What has UL done to improve UK's stature? Our program was already established long before we even acknowledged their existence.

Yeah if anything its hurt us. Especially in football. I mean before Howard they close to quitting football all together.

The worst of these UL fans are not their white trash linebeards. Its the "educated" middle to upper middle class new blood UL fans. Those guys are the worst.
Don Fischer of IU is great as well.

Don Fischer has been at IU longer than Cawood was at UK, and he's so awesome. Still going strong too, with no signs of slowing down, and he's also had to sit through 40+ years of some of the worst football ever played, plus Mike Davis and Tom Crean. Pretty much the only likable thing about Indiana at the moment.

And you're so right about the play by play guy's importance to a program. I feel like it adds to the prestige of the program if you have a legendary, tenured announcer to bridge the gap between generations of players if there are coaching changes.
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Lassie's best work friend is on her annual vacation (They have 2 kids and 8 dogs, so they only take one week per year out of town)

...and they let some company plan it for them as a surprise. Anyone ever heard of this?

They're adventurous people, but I still can't imagine putting my money in someone else's hands entirely. Essentially, you pick your own price ($3,000 was theirs), and fill out a very detailed survey of things you do/don't like to do, tastes, etc. -- I think they interview you as well.

A week before your trip they send you a "packing list", sample forecast....then a few days before you leave, your Itinerary Package arrives (tickets, hotels, etc) -- which you aren't supposed to open until you get to the airport.

Umm, No thanks.
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Speaking of vet announcers, how about Vin Scully? 87 years old, and still calling games solo. That's remarkable. He is sitting out the NLDS with an illness, and that sucks. And he will retire after next season, his 67th. Started calling games in 1950.

Wow. What a legend.
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The prospect of a female student or female student athlete coming forward with a suit against the school related to sexual assault from a basketball or football player has to be absolutely terrifying for the university. Look at the shit storm down at Baylor. If the right plaintiff came along, they could absolutely crush it.

Posted: Today 12:37 PM

Re: My new take.
(3 votes)

You guys are kidding me, right? Ahhhhh UK? Come on guys. work with me. If you don't see it, so be it. I'll even be more specific in my take. Spell it out for you, if you will. There is a BIG booster(s), a UK booster(s) who is supplying the good$$$$$, in the form of money. Untraceable cash. Could be a coal guy. Could be a horse guy. Not sure we'll know. This is a game to that party, but he knows all too well the power of $$$$. The Katrina Powels the Chris Jones accusers and inner circle of the whole investigation are just pawns in his little game. They are there just for the money. But make no mistake about it, the main focal point is CRP. Bringing him down for whatever psychotic reason is his/her mission. "By **** there is only ONE school in this state.In this country, and if anybody interferes with our mission, they will be taken down by any means." They even went out and hired one of, if not THE most crooked coaches in the land, for crying out loud.If you live in this state or have lived in it for any extended period of time, you would have to be living in a cave to not see the vitriol or hatrid that a large faction of UK supporters have not only for UofL as a university but MAINLY CRP. You see/hear it talking to their fans. You see it in the media. Take a stroll over to Facebook sometime if you want to get a real person to person gauge on what the many UK supporters think of CRP. They have not let it go, his swapping of schools, and they damn sure don't like it that we are winning "their" championships. They would like to see him gone at all costs. You've got their talking head Matt Jones saying as much in the media on any given day. These people are not living in a real world with this crap and know NO boundaries as to where they will go to take out CRP. I really believe that in my heart. Pull em aside one time and talk to them. THIS, my friends is exactly where this latest line of BS originates no question in my mind. Is Katrina Powell a scumbag? A resounding yes, but there is somebody behind this whole ordeal with a HEAVY UK connection. NOW. Any more questions?
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Sense a little Malik Newman scenario playing out w/ Monk, IMO. Given his recent PG/ball in my hands comments, took them to mean he probably will stay home in Arky and will get his. I mean, I guess that's fine or whatever because I think Fox is a lock.

Speaking of Fox, may be a little less athletic than Wall at this stage, but not by much. And the fact that he's a much better perimeter shooter is a scary thought for CBB. Would love to see a Monk/Fox backcourt but don't see it coming to fruition. Other than Josh Jackson and this Dragan Bender Serb (apparently is wowing *airone* right now) have a hard time seeing anyone else other than this kid being taken #1 overall in a few. He's the total package.
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I think we get Monk. Newman is a good stats/bad team kind of guy. Anyone who watched him play could see that. If NOT, though, we definitely need to add a combo or pure 2- although Matthews/Mulder/Hawkins alleviate any desperation.
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Posted: Today 12:37 PM

Re: My new take.
(3 votes)

You guys are kidding me, right? Ahhhhh UK? Come on guys. work with me. If you don't see it, so be it. I'll even be more specific in my take. Spell it out for you, if you will. There is a BIG booster(s), a UK booster(s) who is supplying the good$$$$$, in the form of money. Untraceable cash. Could be a coal guy. Could be a horse guy. Not sure we'll know. This is a game to that party, but he knows all too well the power of $$$$. The Katrina Powels the Chris Jones accusers and inner circle of the whole investigation are just pawns in his little game. They are there just for the money. But make no mistake about it, the main focal point is CRP. Bringing him down for whatever psychotic reason is his/her mission. "By **** there is only ONE school in this state.In this country, and if anybody interferes with our mission, they will be taken down by any means." They even went out and hired one of, if not THE most crooked coaches in the land, for crying out loud.If you live in this state or have lived in it for any extended period of time, you would have to be living in a cave to not see the vitriol or hatrid that a large faction of UK supporters have not only for UofL as a university but MAINLY CRP. You see/hear it talking to their fans. You see it in the media. Take a stroll over to Facebook sometime if you want to get a real person to person gauge on what the many UK supporters think of CRP. They have not let it go, his swapping of schools, and they damn sure don't like it that we are winning "their" championships. They would like to see him gone at all costs. You've got their talking head Matt Jones saying as much in the media on any given day. These people are not living in a real world with this crap and know NO boundaries as to where they will go to take out CRP. I really believe that in my heart. Pull em aside one time and talk to them. THIS, my friends is exactly where this latest line of BS originates no question in my mind. Is Katrina Powell a scumbag? A resounding yes, but there is somebody behind this whole ordeal with a HEAVY UK connection. NOW. Any more questions?

The SI article being criticized because it doesnt actually have any insight from women at UL's campus... I agree, I would love for some women over there to chime in on how they feel they are being portrayed.
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I'd love to have Monk, obviously, but I'm just as big a fan of Rawle Alkins. Hope his move to NC doesn't make him go bonehead and commit to NCSU, because if Cal thinks Monk's staying home, I'd love to see him pull the trigger on Rawle.

Also, would much rather have Rawle than Kobi Simmons, who seems to be kind of a knucklehead, AND had a meh summer. I've seen people say that if Monk goes to Arkansas, Kobi would be the other guard in the class. But I'd rather have a pure 2.
My brother-in-law is a UL fan. I just found out he renounced his fandom yesterday and tore up a pair of tickets he bought. Probably a lot more fans like that than is represented from the radio call-in shows.
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Lassie's best work friend is on her annual vacation (They have 2 kids and 8 dogs, so they only take one week per year out of town)

...and they let some company plan it for them as a surprise. Anyone ever heard of this?

They're adventurous people, but I still can't imagine putting my money in someone else's hands entirely. Essentially, you pick your own price ($3,000 was theirs), and fill out a very detailed survey of things you do/don't like to do, tastes, etc. -- I think they interview you as well.

A week before your trip they send you a "packing list", sample forecast....then a few days before you leave, your Itinerary Package arrives (tickets, hotels, etc) -- which you aren't supposed to open until you get to the airport.

Umm, No thanks.

this is the stupidest shut I've ever heard, and validates my belief that women should be banned from watching oprah or reading redbook.
So I think that Meiners was on the right track about McGee wanting "street cred" . If he was living in the dorms then it would not surprise me that is one of the reasons behind doing it. The funny thing is that I don't think HOFCRP even knew what "street cred" is.
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Yeah, they ended up in Breckenridge, Colorado -- which by all accounts, is an awesome place -- and fit their desire for an "outdoorsy" domestic vacation

Still tho --------> SURPRISE!!! [eyeroll] Hopefully she didn't wet her pants in excitement in the TSA line. doubt their hotel is marginal, and they'll be herded around like cattle on various "tours", group events, and be given chain restaurant meal vouchers. [sick]

'Magical Mystery Tours' - Link:
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