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Shew. Rutherford cleared it up.

It was just girls dancing in bathing suits.... that got kind of naked... that the players threw more than $100 at... but then they just went out like a normal night... but McGee never paid "her" and if this is true WHICH IT IS... this is all much to do about nothing... only happened this one time.

"It wasn't no $10,000, I know that much," he said. "Things don't add up. Andre is staying in the dorm, but he's going to give her $10,000? Like I said, I never seen Andre McGee hand her no money."

Obviously this former player did well in school.
She has a wire transfer and text messages from McGee confirming the transfer. I don't think there's any ambiguity that she was paid with more than just $1 bills.
Deener still playing the scorned lover angle.

" No way this happened 22 times in the dorm and no way the entire book is true. Basically McGee was in a relationship with her and there was a fallout"

and now

"I would be more surprised if there wasn't strippers in the dorm. They are young kids having a good time"
I notice how not ONE Louisville fanboy station has brought up the Cady KSR interview where he 100% says they had Powells actual phone and scanned it through a forensic team, who in turn brought back a rather extensive report with interesting facts, which 100% included verification of McGee's phone number correspondence.
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The bear can probably pronounce gist better than Captain Suntan. I mean if that guy used to be a comedian, he should go back on tour, playing the idiot Louisville homer schtick...been cracking me up all week.
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Hoping some womens rights group catches wind of that SI article and decides they need to make a big deal out of it. The football team could have less transfer options moving forward which would be a great side benefit to this.
Ol' Mike Eaves or whatever on 790 is growing on me. He flat out said today that Pitino needs to resign. Said that if no one knew that was going on, then they weren't doing their jobs. Seems pretty straightforward.
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The girls were wearing rompers and dancing to Taylor Swift- WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT???? ISN'T THIS AMERICA????
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they knew a take like the SI article was cocked and ready to be fired off, that is why Ramsey & Jurich have been setting up Pitino to be the fall guy

Pitino knows this, that is why instead of being in a bunker he has made some form of media appearance every friggin day since last Friday
The fall of Louisville has happened quicker than I expected. It seems the only people who haven't turned on them yet are fanboy bloggers and local sycophants.
Yeah, ol' Tomma has been pretty damn quiet about all this. I kind of feel like Pitino is groping (ha!) around in the dark right now. He really does seem to be out of the loop entirely.
-[jumpingsmile] @ that SI article. We've been saying that exact thing for years.

-So let me get this straight. Not one thing she's alleged has been proven incorrect yet. Not one thing in the book has been show a lie even though they've had it for 7 days and are digging at it like maniacs. Meanwhile, Pitino said that McGee obviously lied to him. So who's the liar in this instance? According to Deiner it's Powell. Other players aren't talking publicly. Reminds me of crazy religious people that refuse to believe in science.
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after yesterday are we done with the angle of IU boosters, limited liability corporation filings, former Lexington chamber of commerce bios or nah
-I just can't listen to him. He's like a super old school slow jam. "What do you think about that Butch?" **doesn't give him time to respond before talking in circles again.** He's alright and I love his insight on basketball but being on either in the morning or mid-afternoon is tough. Feel like I need a quad shot of espresso to listen to him. Let's get him on at 9-10p and take over for Delilah.

-I know some people around here kind of like Rutherford but that dude is in full denial. He doesn't seem like the dumbass jerky that Howie or Ramsey are BUT he's got his whole body 2 feet up Jurich's ass.
someone needs to call in as a UL fan and see if Deener will run with HOFCRP had this planned all along to end UL athletics per source in Oldham County.
lots of shock and awe over this hookers in the dorm angle of the story. ive never had any hookers in my dorm room, but i sure have had plenty of whores in there.

So that lady with the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes was there likely in it's heyday. 2006 was Pitino, Petrino, Herman before they were publicly embarrassed by these events. Funny stuff.
Pitino not knowing the Lyle news until he was LIVE ON AIR certainly indicates a lack of coordination.
Seemingly did not know Ramsey had issued a statement that praised Jurich and omitted his name as well

Just in a complete silo surrounded by sycophants & yes men telling him "your still the greatest, boss! noone is better to clean up this mess than you, coach!!"
It doesn't sound like this like NCVA ladY is/was all that good at her job, according to the SI article. In fact, I now believe this all her fault. If she had only done the job that UL hired her to do in '06 none of this would be happening.
Friday Randoms:

- Not that it's any surprise, but last night's win over USC in the Coliseum pretty much shows that Washington got the better of the deal after USC stole their coach. How does that happen? Why didn't SC just hire Peterson?

- With that said, USC still has the best jerseys in CFB...and possibly the best fight song...and definitely the hottest cheerleaders.

- DeAaron Fox cancels his Arizona visit. Sounds like he'll commit to UK shortly after Madness. You know how good this dude is? 6'4", great ballhandler, great playmaker, athletic, long, good shooter. He's basically a lesser athletic version of John Wall but with a J. Some have him as high as #2 overall in this LOADED class. Not to get all bonery, but I can't even fathom he and Monk on the same team.

- Seems after that brief stoppage in recruiting asskicking this spring, we are back with a vengeance.

- Gotten to the point where I just root for stadiums in the MLB playoffs, so I guess that means I want a Cubs-KC WS...with KC breaking Cubbie hearts in dramatic fashion.

- UK doesn't NEED Louisville to be good. Never has. We're big enough on our own and unlike Duke-UNC, aren't weirdly tied to the hip.

- Andy Dalton is more Tubby than Billy Clyde. I WANT him to succeed. I don't hate him. I hope he makes me eat my words.
not only an off week for UK football, but an off week country wide. gah, not a compelling great matchup all day long.

Tejas too awful to care about their game with Oky, Mich-N'western will be the stereotype uglyball B1g T3n game, Miami hasn't been miami in almost a decade so the FSU game means nothing. Georgia-Tenn only watchable for if Vols continue to circle the toilet bowl.
Tom Leach seems like a good dude. I like Tom Leach. Tom Leach serves a purpose. It's important for a program to have a mouthpiece that will always put things in the most favorable light, with the most favorable spin, no matter what the facts are. That's what PR is.

But UK has only one Tom Leach. The problem is that Louisville -- a much smaller and less significant entity than UK -- is all Tom Leaches. Howie, Deener, Captain Suntan (Richie), Coomes, Rutherford, Ennis, etc. I'm not there, so maybe I don't have the best perspective, but it seems like that whole athletic department could benefits from some checks and balances. It's a banana republic.
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